Playstation Home Thread

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I'm sorry... I just can't get into PlayStation Home that much. I've seldom met anybody, and some of the ones who have communicated with me mostly just hate on me just because I have a generic-looking avatar. I have basically tried to re-create myself as my PS:Home avatar. But again, I've had better luck meeting and communicating with people in "Test Drive Unlimited 2" than I have in Home. Home is just not working for me, and it's supposed to be about having fun and meeting others. It's sad. I still like using Home.
I'm sorry... I just can't get into PlayStation Home that much. I've seldom met anybody, and some of the ones who have communicated with me mostly just hate on me just because I have a generic-looking avatar. I have basically tried to re-create myself as my PS:Home avatar. But again, I've had better luck meeting and communicating with people in "Test Drive Unlimited 2" than I have in Home. Home is just not working for me, and it's supposed to be about having fun and meeting others. It's sad. I still like using Home.

A couple things to keep in mind that might help is that first and foremost, with millions of people using Home, like any large group, there are nice folks and not so nice folks. Like internet forums where identities are hidden behind avatars, many people use that as an opportunity to be a jerk (especially to someone they might consider to be a "newbie") as there is little or no consequences for their behavior. In addition, while Home has an age limit of 13 or close to it, I suspect many kids visit Home, and worst of all, many adults seem to like acting like kids.

I've also found that many people in Home , like in real life, have their group of friends and are not interested in expanding that, so I would not expect them to initiate a conversation with a stranger or even respond to one.

In addition, many people who use Home are there just to play the games in Home and are not really into socializing, not that there is anything wrong with that. In fact, many times I log into Home just to play a game, where as my wife is the opposite, and when she is in Home she like to socialize and participate in group events.

However, I have met many very pleasant and intelligent people in Home who enjoy the social aspect of Home and are happy to meet new people. In fact I'd say 25% of the people on my friends list I initially met in Home, and another 25% I knew before, but also enjoy using Home from time to time.

There are several large Home user groups on the net, as well as Sony's official Home forums where people organize their own events in Home. If you search this thread you'll likely find many links to them. You might want to consider looking into those as a convenient way of meeting like minded people who you can join up with in Home to socialize and play games.
A couple things to keep in mind that might help is that first and foremost, with millions of people using Home, like any large group, there are nice folks and not so nice folks. Like internet forums where identities are hidden behind avatars, many people use that as an opportunity to be a jerk (especially to someone they might consider to be a "newbie") as there is little or no consequences for their behavior. In addition, while Home has an age limit of 13 or close to it, I suspect many kids visit Home, and worst of all, many adults seem to like acting like kids.

I've also found that many people in Home , like in real life, have their group of friends and are not interested in expanding that, so I would not expect them to initiate a conversation with a stranger or even respond to one.

In addition, many people who use Home are there just to play the games in Home and are not really into socializing, not that there is anything wrong with that. In fact, many times I log into Home just to play a game, where as my wife is the opposite, and when she is in Home she like to socialize and participate in group events.

However, I have met many very pleasant and intelligent people in Home who enjoy the social aspect of Home and are happy to meet new people. In fact I'd say 25% of the people on my friends list I initially met in Home, and another 25% I knew before, but also enjoy using Home from time to time.

There are several large Home user groups on the net, as well as Sony's official Home forums where people organize their own events in Home. If you search this thread you'll likely find many links to them. You might want to consider looking into those as a convenient way of meeting like minded people who you can join up with in Home to socialize and play games.

My thoughts exactly on PS Home. 👍
Does anyone here know how to do the ghost glitch?

I've seen a couple of people do it & can't find a tutorial anywhere.

If you do not wish to tell everyone please PM me how.

Many Thanks
There are several different types of ghost glitch tricks among other glitch tricks, many have been patched over the years, but you can find several tutorials on YouTube.
Here is a preview of the upcoming "Hub" spaces in Home:


I just competed all 10 of the challenges for the Uncharted Fortune Hunter game in Home and besides all the Home rewards I also got a pop-up message with a code for the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Kickback Endurance Booster.

If you haven't played or finished all of the challenges for this game, you might want to do it soon as the game came out three weeks ago, and previous Game Integration events in Home like this one have lasted only a few weeks.

Nice to know the home update is almost done.. and for the guy a few posts above about being new to home.. it was the same way for me when I started a year ago.. (omg I've had my ps3 for a year now!) It took like 5 weeks before I finally met some people.. most don't talk to people with the default clothes and they pick on them.

I've met a great deal of friends I love it.
It took like 5 weeks before I finally met some people.. most don't talk to people with the default clothes and they pick on them.

True, but to be fair it goes both ways. I suspect the reason some people using default avatars and or default clothes get treated poorly is that there are always the trouble makers who log into Home having rarely used it, thus also often are using the default avatars and clothes and just go around trying to grief on people and start arguments.

It's a much better experience the longer you use it, and the more like-minded people you meet, and with millions of users it shouldn't take that long to meet them especially if you make an effort, beyond just saying "Hi" to strangers.

Also, there are thousands of free avatar clothes and items that have been released in various events, promos, and even more from the 100+ games as rewards. So you should never feel you have to purchase anything in order to customize your avatar in order to make you stand out from the troublemakers and freshman class.
I just went back to the Uncharted Fortune Hunter space to check out the leaderboards, and I got a pop up message that I received another reward "Drake's Deception Treasure #4". Apparently when the Home community collected a total of 5 million treasures from the game this reward was unlocked.

Here are the current Community Scores for the Fortune Hunter game:

27m Enemies Killed
15m Headshots
5m Treasures Collected
Here is a preview of the upcoming "Hub" spaces in Home:


The new Hub just came out for general release - bunch of new spaces, games, and rewards, and they even brought back the previous Game Integrations for Dead Island and Killzone 3.
Bump for PS home.

Yesterday I realized there are 2 free games I'm interested to play.
Sodium 2 and Sodium One Salt Shooter. Any other Sodium user out there?
I have a couple of questions.

Can someone tell me if the Playstation Home game data on the PS3's HDD (3GB) is shared across different users or is it separate installs per user (like 3GB+3GB+3GB)?

Also if I delete the game data will I loose anything in Home? (I thought it was all cloud) as long as I keep the small save data file it should be OK right? Because I'm running out of space and want to temporarily delete Home.


Can someone tell me if the Playstation Home game data on the PS3's HDD (3GB) is shared across different users or is it separate installs per user (like 3GB+3GB+3GB)?

Also if I delete the game data will I loose anything in Home? (I thought it was all cloud) as long as I keep the small save data file it should be OK right? Because I'm running out of space and want to temporarily delete Home.



- As long as you don't delete the savedata, you should be okay. - I don't know if the gamedata's shared over more than one account though.
Thanks Dean J 👍

I've done it now and it seems to have been just one 3GB file across all accounts. I have kept the save data file so I should be OK when I re-download.

So either active Playstation Home users have hit an all time low or maybe they are gearing up to bring it to PS4 but Sony have just updated it and finally added trophies (only 6 years too late!). :lol:

Home was never the run away success Sony hoped it would be and only a small percentage of PS3 owners are actively on it but it has a very loyal small user base and it actually makes a fair amount of money from selling virtual items although I don't know who would pay for them!

The trophy rooms for PS3 games never materialised, the online game launching rooms never happened, basically everything it had going for it to get gamers in never happened!

They then ruined Home further when they moved away from it being a realistic virtual world to a fantasy hub (like when they took away the Home Square and replaced it with silly themed areas). Also when they started offering silly non realistic clothing. I would have kept Home to how it was originally concepted... as real as possible.

Adding trophies I guess is to tempt people to actually bother going in, I have dabbled in Home over the years because there's sometimes fun stuff to do but its gotten worse and worse and now best resembles a bad 3D app store with tons of advertising and everything has in game purchases! :yuck:

There are 13 trophies available, it's not clear if more will be added over time.


Will our purchases be reimbursed? After all the left over money I spent there's got to be about $100 worth of money there
Wow just wow, I didn't think Sony would have the guts to can it. There was even a point where it was looking like it would be coming to PS4. They only added trophies a few months ago!

There is going to be an outcry from those who have dumped ton's of money into it and you can bet they won't get it back. It makes even less sense to close it down because it was turning out to be quite a nice money earner for Sony.

Although much of it's failure ultimate lies with Sony and also the fact they were late to the 'Second Life fad' some of the blame has to go to the community which after the first 2 years or so became unfriendly, there were no sensible conversations or atmosphere in the place and it all got weird.

Sony's biggest get out of jail free card, which I have mentioned before, is that by keeping it permanently in BETA status it gave them free reign to remove / change stuff as they pleased and no obligation to keep it going. It also means people can't sue for another removed feature promised at purchase (remember the Other OS fiasco).

Some say it was actually ahead of it's time, Facebook bought Oculus and you could see something like this happening again in the future. It was like how the Sims should be, it has better graphics than the Sims 4!

I quite regularly went in Home and it will be sad to see it go because it really had so much potential. I'm intrigued as to what the closing rewards are going to be, they better not be Home items :lol:
Really dont understand why they are closing it down instead of improving it and moving to the PS4. For what it was, it was fun. You could play bowling with others or even poker, for free. I thought it was fun to go in every couple of months and play 21 with others or some other game.

Also it looked like it had a very loyal fanbase every time I went there.

Wish I knew the real reasoning behind the closure.

Its possible they are working on something similar on the PS4
PlayStation Home Was a Commercial Success

NDreams CEO Patrick O’Luanaigh calls Sony’s PlayStation Home a commercial success in a goodbye letter to the virtual world.

In a post on, O’Luanaigh says that UK developer nDream and other studios generated up to seven-figure revenues for years on Home, refuting claims that Home is a “commercial failure”.

O'Luanaigh lobbied Sony to let nDreams create unique virtual content for PlayStation Home before it went live in December 2008. NDreams launched Xi, an alternate reality game that combined “Home spaces, games, websites and live events around the world”. The studio was a driving force behind the project's success.

Despite Sony's attempt to make PlayStation Home a PS3 "advertising platform form" or a gaming platform within the PS3, Home would become a unique platform where users could socialize and share experiences, O'Luanaigh argued.

O’Luanaigh says the departure of former president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios Phil Harrison in 2008 hampered its success at the highest levels. The loss of Home’s “founding father” meant the loss of its biggest champion and promoter.

“I still believe that had Harrison stayed at Sony, things may have been very different,” O’Luanaigh says. “But regardless of how you feel about PlayStation Home, no one can deny that it has been an incredible experiment.”

At one point, 19 million users populated PlayStation Home. The service came back "bigger and stronger" after the infamous hack that crippled the PlayStation Network for a few weeks in April 2011.

Last week Sony announced it will be shutting down the virtual world social networking service on March 31, 2015.

“My feeling is one of sadness,” O’Luanaigh says. “Not because Home is closing, but because Sony doesn’t appear to appreciate what an incredible experiment PlayStation home was.”

Pretty much sums it up, without Phil Harrison it went South pretty quick with the wider user base yet made quite a lot of money from a loyal fanbase.
The only thing I hated about home was lack of private games, some times I just wanted to play bowling with some mates rather than having a random jump in.
PlayStation Home is back! Check out a Discord server called Destination Home for more details...

If anyone has PS Home data still on their PS3, please consider donating it to this project.
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