A couple things to keep in mind that might help is that first and foremost, with millions of people using Home, like any large group, there are nice folks and not so nice folks. Like internet forums where identities are hidden behind avatars, many people use that as an opportunity to be a jerk (especially to someone they might consider to be a "newbie") as there is little or no consequences for their behavior. In addition, while Home has an age limit of 13 or close to it, I suspect many kids visit Home, and worst of all, many adults seem to like acting like kids.
I've also found that many people in Home , like in real life, have their group of friends and are not interested in expanding that, so I would not expect them to initiate a conversation with a stranger or even respond to one.
In addition, many people who use Home are there just to play the games in Home and are not really into socializing, not that there is anything wrong with that. In fact, many times I log into Home just to play a game, where as my wife is the opposite, and when she is in Home she like to socialize and participate in group events.
However, I have met many very pleasant and intelligent people in Home who enjoy the social aspect of Home and are happy to meet new people. In fact I'd say 25% of the people on my friends list I initially met in Home, and another 25% I knew before, but also enjoy using Home from time to time.
There are several large Home user groups on the net, as well as Sony's official Home forums where people organize their own events in Home. If you search this thread you'll likely find many links to them. You might want to consider looking into those as a convenient way of meeting like minded people who you can join up with in Home to socialize and play games.