PlayStation VR Video Demonstrates 'Vista'-Style Mode For GT Sport

Just don't use VR.. or is Kaz forcing you to use PSVR? Is GT Sport a PSVR only title?
Kaz is not a racer?:lol:
View attachment 628656

Like it or not:cheers:

No he does not, but bring out the game, the people that wants to race in VR can wait for updated disc , like dirt rally and drive club
has done. I've raced on the rift VR few months back, that blur screen effect does not compere with my big screen tv ,
i haven't even got 4K tv but , i will rather invest in a 4K tv ,play games watch movies and so on.
Believe me VR is not that great as they want you to believe , just exiting first few day, then you will go back to your tv .
Everyone's own choice i agree.

What are you talking about? Do you mean the guy in the video? He's just casually driving and messing about. If you're taking issue with the entire concept of racing in VR, you're missing out. Because in VR you're a lot more focused on the racing and you'll be faster as well. Either way, your post is confusing.

I can guarantee you that you will not be faster,dont be fooled.
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Quadruple post! That has to be a record!

No he does not, but bring out the game, the people that wants to race in VR can wait for updated disc , like dirt rally and drive club
has done. I've raced on the rift VR few months back, that blur screen effect does not compere with my big screen tv ,
i haven't even got 4K tv but , i will rather invest in a 4K tv ,play games watch movies and so on.
Believe me VR is not that great as they want you to believe , just exiting first few day, then you will go back to your tv .
Everyone's own choice i agree.

Absolutely brilliant. You tell people how they should feel about VR after trying it for 5 mins but then claim everyone has their own choice.

To everyone else, don't listen to people like this. Try it yourself. VR is the future, particularly for sim racing. It may be the 2nd or 3rd generation before it's acceptable to all but for me it's a total game changer.
I have the PSVR, but I'm still struggling to find the time to get into it.

I can accept what @ZeeMax72 is saying, in that I don't expect it to trump my 4k TV so far as graphic representation is concerned.
But I don't think that's the point.
The ability to turn your head to see the apex, or to look left or right to spot opposition cars, is where it's at for me.
Will that produce better lap times? Questionable, but not without a chance with practise.
Would it help race results because it allows for better, more 2nd nature style race-craft? Quite possibly.
I have the PSVR, but I'm still struggling to find the time to get into it.

I can accept what @ZeeMax72 is saying, in that I don't expect it to trump my 4k TV so far as graphic representation is concerned.
But I don't think that's the point.
The ability to turn your head to see the apex, or to look left or right to spot opposition cars, is where it's at for me.
Will that produce better lap times? Questionable, but not without a chance with practise.
Would it help race results because it allows for better, more 2nd nature style race-craft? Quite possibly.

Very much this. The computing power will eventually catch up to give us the resolution and visual fidelity that we enjoy now on flat screens, that's why I said it may be 2nd or 3rd gen before it is acceptable to all. It's the immersion that is the killer feature. And I fully believe that I will be faster in VR than flat screen but it's not just about speed. The ability to turn your head and see cars around you when racing in MP means your are going to be in a much better position to race cleanly and closely.

I've got a 55" 4K OLED TV and a 40" 1080p triple screen set up but it's VR where I choose to do my racing.
I can guarantee you that you will not be faster,dont be fooled.
I've been playing Dirt Rally in VR extensively since its release on PS4 on Friday and I've become significantly faster than I was before that. Exact same game, exact same settings, exact same car even, as I was slap bang in the middle of a championship. The VR gives me visual cues and context that I sorely missed on a simple screen and allows me to judge my speed and cornering much more accurately.

So how about that guarantee then?
What if the interior frames etc from the video (while a part of the VR Tour mode) are assets a part of GT Sport's damage modelling from crash damage?
I have the PSVR, but I'm still struggling to find the time to get into it.

I can accept what @ZeeMax72 is saying, in that I don't expect it to trump my 4k TV so far as graphic representation is concerned.
But I don't think that's the point.
The ability to turn your head to see the apex, or to look left or right to spot opposition cars, is where it's at for me.
Will that produce better lap times? Questionable, but not without a chance with practise.
Would it help race results because it allows for better, more 2nd nature style race-craft? Quite possibly.

Agree.. I've PSVR here and I wasn't a fan of it using it for Driveclub VR.. It wasn't a great feature, because the physics where dull and toooo much rubber banding. The support for VR was meaningless.. even if you'd a good laptime or overtake.. people will chase you back when you're on the lead.. Sold the game the week after we bought psvr and DriveClub. This week PSVR support came available for Dirt Rally and we bought it..

Now that's a game changer.. Finally a game with full support and lots of work to do to win the champiuonship. Look into corners, look to your opponents (or boring co-driver) and it's all that immersive as you expect! Talking about GT sport, hopefully it' s a sign they are working on that.. a partial psvr game for a game like GT.. is pushing dev. money to an endless pit and won't see it ever again.
Quadruple post! That has to be a record!

Absolutely brilliant. You tell people how they should feel about VR after trying it for 5 mins but then claim everyone has their own choice.

To everyone else, don't listen to people like this. Try it yourself. VR is the future, particularly for sim racing. It may be the 2nd or 3rd generation before it's acceptable to all but for me it's a total game changer.
Tried it at a VR place. Complete mind **** when they put the headset on since I was looking down at the controllers when they did, the controllers change, your hands disappear and jeez.

The Google Earth demo when it was above Earth almost gave me a heart attack.

The only reason I didn't buy a Vive the next day was I didn't have the $2k for a PC capable of using it and another $750 for the Vive itself.

I'm saving up for the hopefully existent Scorpio/Vive combo in fall.
whats the reason behind the delay, vr could just be implemented in an update. come on KY and PD, release this game already. If its got backing by the FIA, and its supposed to be an E-Sport that actually rewards its players, and its to be taken seriously, what's with the the delay? this is lack of accountability at this point.
whats the reason behind the delay, vr could just be implemented in an update. come on KY and PD, release this game already. If its got backing by the FIA, and its supposed to be an E-Sport that actually rewards its players, and its to be taken seriously, what's with the the delay? this is lack of accountability at this point.
Since they only show 5 tracks of various levels of completion and at the Chinese presser before the delay they dropped a track, the common theory is that they haven't finished the tracks/content yet.
Knowing PD's recent history this will be the extent of VR's implementation in GTS. :lol:
I completely agree, I was looking through the comments to see if anybody realized this. A lot of people still haven't figured out how these features are presented and roll out with GT. But I hope we are wrong, we shall see. The most important aspect of having VR was to use it while racing and drifting so you can look through the corners and have peripheral vision/sensing. Looking around at a parked car is the furthest thing from a drivers mind.
I completely agree, I was looking through the comments to see if anybody realized this. A lot of people still haven't figured out how these features are presented and roll out with GT. But I hope we are wrong, we shall see. The most important aspect of having VR was to use it while racing and drifting so you can look through the corners and have peripheral vision/sensing. Looking around at a parked car is the furthest thing from a drivers mind.
Fairly certain we have seen race footage using VR, along with events offering the public the chance to drive using VR and the Pro.

So I find it difficult to believe that looking around at a parked car will be the extent of VR's implementation in GTS.
Fairly certain we have seen race footage using VR, along with events offering the public the chance to drive using VR and the Pro.

So I find it difficult to believe that looking around at a parked car will be the extent of VR's implementation in GTS.
Still I wouldn't be too surprised if that were the case, but as I said I surely hope we're wrong.
Still I wouldn't be too surprised if that were the case, but as I said I surely hope we're wrong.
Fair enough.
We all have our own thoughts on it I guess.

The closest I could lean towards that would be possibly Day 1 release.
But I feel, even though VR won't be across the whole game, there will be more to it than that even at that early stage.
And hopefully expanded upon as the game grows.

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