PmC - WeeK 165 - Closed

Welcome to Week 165 of the GT4 Photo Mode Competition

Week 163 winner: Swiss Legend



Theme: Race @ Fuji Speedway

Capture three or more cars racing at Fuji.

Cars: JGTC Cars

Tracks: Fuji Speedway 2005

Photo Travel: No

Poll Size: --



Please ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow the rules may result in disqualification.
If you have any questions about how this competition is run, please, send me a private message.

Entry requirements
  • You may submit one entry. It must be your own work not previously entered in a competition.
  • You may only change your entry once. When changing it, indicate clearly (please, when doing this, edit your post with your new entry, do not submit a new post with a new entry);
  • Please mark your Final Entry clearly.
  • You must post your entry either as a thumbnail, or as a preview linked to the full image - see here for instructions.
  • Previews should be no larger than 400 pixels along the longest side, be it vertical or horizontal.
  • We recommend you use a free image hosting service such as or
  • Photos must be taken from a normal version of GT4, do not use any cheats or Game Shark codes to modify the game content.
  • Please do not ask other members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills and go with your favourite shot(s).

Image enhancement rules
(what you can and can't do in Photoshop etc.)

  • You may adjust brightness, contrast and gamma values.
  • You may rotate, crop and resize the image.
  • You may add a border and signature to your entry.
  • You may NOT adjust levels, hue, saturation, curves or sharpen the image.
  • You may NOT use filters, blurs or layers on your entry.
  • You may NOT add any elements to the original photo.


16th, April 2009
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Wow, what a coincidence! Both this and the Drift Competition require JGTC cars :D I will give both a go, since they are united competitions too :D
That's a pretty nice entry, Nuno 👍 I like how the cars have different colours and the contrast/ brightness is also well done!
Final Entry
Coming Soon to a GTP PmC near you!
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The front GT-R isn't JGTC, thus the entry is ineligible.

are you kidding?
if that isn't eligible, I'm flat out speechless.

I think this is sort of a...gray area. I mean, it was obviously done with the intent on realism, a pace car leading the pack under caution. But since it's not a JGTC car it in a way violates the rules. However it does fulfill the requirement of 3 or more JGTC cars in the photograph. It's a tricky judgement. Maybe let Swiss Legend decide. It is his chosen theme.
I think this is sort of a...gray area. I mean, it was obviously done with the intent on realism, a pace car leading the pack under caution. But since it's not a JGTC car it in a way violates the rules. However it does fulfill the requirement of 3 or more JGTC cars in the photograph. It's a tricky judgement. Maybe let Swiss Legend decide. It is his chosen theme.

+1 👍

It is entirely a theme conflict, so I'll let the judge decide if or not will be DQ'd.
While I respect your opinions on this, I've always been of the opinion that the rules should be tightened up.

However, I don't think this is a gray area at all. The theme says that you can use JGTC cars and it isn't a JGTC car. Why not save the entry for a theme that will allow it and submit something else.

If Swiss wants to allow it, then have him change part of the theme to say that it's allowed.
I think this is sort of a...gray area. I mean, it was obviously done with the intent on realism, a pace car leading the pack under caution. But since it's not a JGTC car it in a way violates the rules. However it does fulfill the requirement of 3 or more JGTC cars in the photograph. It's a tricky judgement. Maybe let Swiss Legend decide. It is his chosen theme.
grey indeed... I like that you have done the research for me :P:tup:
hmm. It's a shame the pace car isn't JGTC.
there are more than three JGTC cars racing(or being led:lol: ). Which is what I wanted, however, pace car isn't JGTC. I think the pace car is actually a nice addition & quite creative.
However, it was supposed to be "JGTC" cars... I am afraid I have to DQ the absolutely brillaint shot.
(take it again senamic w/out the pace!)
The front GT-R isn't JGTC, thus the entry is ineligible.

are you kidding?
if that isn't eligible, I'm flat out speechless.

I think this is sort of a...gray area. I mean, it was obviously done with the intent on realism, a pace car leading the pack under caution. But since it's not a JGTC car it in a way violates the rules. However it does fulfill the requirement of 3 or more JGTC cars in the photograph. It's a tricky judgement. Maybe let Swiss Legend decide. It is his chosen theme.

+1 👍

It is entirely a theme conflict, so I'll let the judge decide if or not will be DQ'd.

Surely it cant be disqualified...

While I respect your opinions on this, I've always been of the opinion that the rules should be tightened up.

However, I don't think this is a gray area at all. The theme says that you can use JGTC cars and it isn't a JGTC car. Why not save the entry for a theme that will allow it and submit something else.

If Swiss wants to allow it, then have him change part of the theme to say that it's allowed.

grey indeed... I like that you have done the research for me :P:tup:
hmm. It's a shame the pace car isn't JGTC.
there are more than three JGTC cars racing(or being led:lol: ). Which is what I wanted, however, pace car isn't JGTC. I think the pace car is actually a nice addition & quite creative.
However, it was supposed to be "JGTC" cars... I am afraid I have to DQ the absolutely brillaint shot.
(take it again senamic w/out the pace!)

Alright, I will remove it. I'm suprised it lasted as long as it did up here. It isn't that great a picture. But I will shoot another pic and, sigh, drop out of contention for the shiny prize!
it's a fantastic picture.

and being that the pace car was leading and entire field of JGTC cars, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I really don't agree with it. the theme did not say that you couldn't include other cars once you got 3 JGTC cars. and I'm reading the rules with a dictionary here, not a thesaurus.

Capture three or more cars racing at Fuji.
so, we have 3 or more JGTC cars? Check. theme fulfilled.
it's a fantastic picture.

and being that the pace car was leading and entire field of JGTC cars, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I really don't agree with it. the theme did not say that you couldn't include other cars once you got 3 JGTC cars. and I'm reading the rules with a dictionary here, not a thesaurus.

so, we have 3 or more JGTC cars? Check. theme fulfilled.

That's how I read them, and even put a fourth JGTC in as credit! Thanks for the support, but I think that this battle was fought and lost while I was away. Just enter something that woops evveryone else for me, hey Tupac?
are you kidding? I hate JGTC cars....I can't even bring myself to waste part of my 9 million creds on one that actually might look good.

I might force myself to enter this, I dunno yet.
Good to see you entering this, tupacrulez 👍 Your entry is great, as every other entry from you.. I like the contrast on this: The front car (You?) is shining, while the other cars in the background and a little bit darker :dopey:

are you kidding? I hate JGTC cars....I can't even bring myself to waste part of my 9 million creds on one that actually might look good.

I might force myself to enter this, I dunno yet.

Well, this was my first thought, too.. But you know what really is mysterious? - I've got over 9 million credits, too and also bought that car :lol: And: We both have 622 posts for now :D Well, now 623 for me, but still interesting fact :P
I couldn't decide in this one either, but I think I made the right choice. I have a few others that I will probably put into my gallery sometime (after I add the Starion/Lancia and the Bentley Speed 8 Drift).

NOT my Entry


Final Entry

This is my new thing, showing my second favourite too. XD
You made the right choice, I prefer the second one, too 👍 It looks great and I like the brightness/ contrast on this and the cars are very clean :)
it's a fantastic picture.

and being that the pace car was leading and entire field of JGTC cars, I'm gonna go ahead and say that I really don't agree with it. the theme did not say that you couldn't include other cars once you got 3 JGTC cars. and I'm reading the rules with a dictionary here, not a thesaurus.

so, we have 3 or more JGTC cars? Check. theme fulfilled.

I know it's closed, but the issue is that the rules only allow JGTC cars.

If you had an NHL team and 20 of your players make up your entire salary cap (let's say $65 million), then you can't hire any more free agents and say "oh, well those 20 players are within the salary cap, though."

I'll have to go and win another theme somewhere so I can make "following the pace car" now, won't I?