Political Correctness Gone Mad

  • Thread starter Casio


Born From Jets
This was on the news today. I can't believe it, it's getting completely insane.


To summarize:

- Baa baa black sheep is no longer black, it is to be referred to as rainbow, to avoid offending people.

- Sea World on the Gold Coast has decided the name fairy penguins could cause offence to the gay community so now it is now calling them little penguins.

- Feminists have objected that it is all the king's men trying to put humpty together again.

- Santa Claus got the sack from some child care centres worried about causing offence to non-Christians?

What is it going to come to?! Soon we're not going to able to speak, because speaking offends some people (probably). It was even suggested on the show that the name of the state of Queensland be changed
Opinions on this? Where should it stop? Any other examples of this out there?
It's irritating when people take the political correctness thing too far, and you can never second guess what is going to offend someone or not. The fact is, if you are easily offended, then someone somewhere will end up offending you somehow.

I can understand why certain changes have been urged and/or adopted, like the common usage of words like spokesperson, or chairperson etc., because they do not lose any actual meaning and still convey what they're supposed to convey.

But the examples quoted above are pretty stupid. For a kick off, black sheep do actually exist, and have long been used as a metaphor for a familial outcast, based on an actual phenomenon observed on farms the world over for centuries. But people who assume that using the word 'black' insinuates some sort of predisposed racial prejudice are, in my view, a little over sensitive. Infact, I tend to find the term 'rainbow' more offensive. Are there any rainbow coloured people? No. Humans exist in a variety of colours as a species, but each individual human is only one colour, just as a black sheep is actually black.

The problem is (in this specific example) that the term 'blacks', when applied to human beings, has some heavy negative connotations linked to it, hence why people rarely use the term nowadays - not least because it is inaccurate and usually used as a derogatory generalisation to describe any non-white race. But equating this negative usage of the term 'black(s)' to other things is unwise and/or unnecessary. A sensible person would respect the fact that using the term 'blacks' in specific reference to a person or group of people is considered offensive, whereas using the term black elsewhere as a descriptive term is still acceptable...

As for the Humpty Dumpty thing, using the term 'men' was probably a fair and accurate reflection of the composition of the King's army in that day... if it were written now, maybe it should be different, but it wasn't written recently, so I don't see the point in changing it now. There must be a balance between respecting and reflecting the views of today's society and not trying to rewrite history to make it sound like it didn't once used to be different. (Granted, it's just a nursery rhyme, but the same logic could be applied to just about anything...)

And Santa, good grief... In predominantely Christian countries, I hardly see the problem. The connection to Santa and the Christian faith is a fairly tenuous one these days anyway. Perhaps if they had a mock Jesus handing out crucifixes to Muslim schoolchildren, then the care centre might want to look into that... but instead of kicking Santa and his sack out of there, why not go the other way and have a symbolic religious figure to represent the communities of those who are offended by the Clausinator? 💡

Santa Claus got the sack
If it's one thing Santa probably doesn't need it's another sack... :P
The way I see it. If you don't like it, live with it. Especially stupid things like 'black' sheep.

I mean, we still have whitebread, white-out, The White Sox, etc...And the white population isn't offended, or if they are, they don't care.

On the flip-side, there are blackboards, blackbirds, black pudding etc. And no one has complained about these? What's the difference between this and a black sheep?!

Now, onto the King's men topic. I think I'm going to report the song "It's raining men", because it doesn't actually rain men, and that's offencive to me, and all other men. I might get abused for this, but I'm going to say it anyway. I hate feminists.

And Santa. If you know there is going to be a Santa, and you're a non-Santa kind of guy, my guess is no one is forcing you to participate.
Here's some PC for ya: officials in St. Paul banned the Easter Bunny and anything else related to Easter within the City Hall, and were bent on banning it throughout the city. It's a freakng rabbit! And fake grass and colored eggs!Who the hell does that offend? If it offends someone, that person(s) should be in solitary confinement during the Easter season.
Here's a short article about Minnesota, but this crap happened all over the world.
I have this little saying I like that goes like this: "I screwed political correctness in the ass." The bottom line is that people are just whining pussies, especially feminists. I mean, if those women didn't complain like they do in the first place we wouldn't get mad at them and treat them like crap/ I'm never mean to any girls, but I guess feminists think that all guys are beastly pigs. And they wonder why they haven't been laid in years.
I am not offended by Hannuka, Rammadan, Diwali, Yuan Tan, or the Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh.

Who the hell is offended by Christmas?
What does Santa Claus have to do with Christianity?

CHRISTmas. But you're quite right. Santa is not a christian concept, he just happens to be associated with the holiday. Like the Easter Bunny.

Of course, they now want to call it the Spring Bunny. Man, these people are a trip. We have the holiday specifically because of God, and then try to take him out of it. NOw that's just plain stupid
Here's some PC for ya: officials in St. Paul banned the Easter Bunny and anything else related to Easter within the City Hall, and were bent on banning it throughout the city. It's a freakng rabbit! And fake grass and colored eggs!Who the hell does that offend? If it offends someone, that person(s) should be in solitary confinement during the Easter season.
Here's a short article about Minnesota, but this crap happened all over the world.
I have this little saying I like that goes like this: "I screwed political correctness in the ass." The bottom line is that people are just whining pussies, especially feminists. I mean, if those women didn't complain like they do in the first place we wouldn't get mad at them and treat them like crap/ I'm never mean to any girls, but I guess feminists think that all guys are beastly pigs. And they wonder why they haven't been laid in years.

St. Pauls is in Russia right? well I don't know but assuming its a catholic or chritian place chances are they will want easter celebrated for its true meaning not the chocolate and other commercially associated goods.

Meh thats my idea of what ehy are trying
No, St. Paul - presumably the one that's state capital of Minnesota, given later bits of keef's post.

Anyway I'd like to protest at the use of the phrase "manual dexterity", as it implies that only right-handers have any skill with their hands. As a left-hander I feel oppressed and would like a million pounds in compensation.
As a right-hander, I'm offended that you feel that southpaws deserve money for something that is clearly a genetic flaw. If God wanted people to write with their left hand, He wouldn't have given us right hands to begin with.
Who's talking about writing?

(and a Southpaw leads with the left, but punches with the right)
I picked up a measuring cylinder today and noticed that all the writing (the "measuring" part of the name) was facing away from me.

I have been oppressed, and demand that 10% of all cashier windows have the pen-onna-string on the left-hand side, a change to be funded by millions of pounds of taxpayer's money.
Oh yeah? Well I am sick and tired of always having to reach across to flush the toilet!

Shouldn't MANUAL be changed to personua then, which would mean manual transmission car's have their name changed to personual transmission cars.

Some people just take it too far, oh and while were at it I think anyone with the title of Sir should forced to have their title taken away from them, it imply's that their above you.

Also to have the title of Mr imply's that your a man, hence it's sexist, you'll need a neutral title from now on.

And what are they going to do about blackboards, just the thought of that one get's me.
Also to have the title of Mr imply's that your a man, hence it's sexist, you'll need a neutral title from now on.
Good point. The whole Mr./Mrs. thing discriminates against the transgendered population, as well as the sexually-ambiguous (Michael Jackson).
Here's another couple of articles on political correctness gone mad in England, a historically mainly white, mainly Christian country.....

(The top paragraphs of the 1st article and the last paragraphs of the second.)

Sporting villagers restrained by political madness.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Guess which village I grew up in?!!!! :P

- Baa baa black sheep is no longer black, it is to be referred to as rainbow, to avoid offending people.

My Mum runs a Preschool (formerly a Playschool, but you can't use that term anymore as it implies the 2 - 4 years olds attending aren't learning anything :rolleyes: ) and has done for the last 20-odd years. Up until a few years ago, it was fine to sit with her guitar and sing this song with the kids. Now, they have to sing Baa Baa Baa sheep!
So what is a parent to do now when a child passing a field of sheep asks "what is that?" referencing a black sheep?
Are they supposed to reply that it is a Baa sheep?
In which case, how does a child then approach a white & Baa coloured Zebra? :boggled:
Or a Baa cow with white patches? :confused:
Does the sky go Baa at night? :lol:
Poor little sods'll be so confused it's a wonder they'll learn anything! ;)

Baa is a noise a sheep makes. Black is a colour a sheep may be. Why confuse the issue? :dunce:
CHRISTmas. But you're quite right. Santa is not a christian concept, he just happens to be associated with the holiday. Like the Easter Bunny.


Santa Claus is an American commercialized version of Saint Claus / Saint Nicholas, or as referred to in the Netherlands as Sinter Klaas / Sint Nicolaas, whose image is like this.


Saint Nicholas was a Christian bishop who was said to originate from Turkey, but now the story goes that he originates from Spain.
Now, they have to sing Baa Baa Baa sheep!

The amusing thing is that, by highlighting this use of the word "black" in a non-racial context, they turn it into a race issue - which, of course, is the exact opposite of what they're trying to do.

The origin of the rhyme comes about from a time when black wool wasn't taxed - or at least wasn't taxed quite as highly as white wool. It's nothing to do with the slave trade or human skin colour.

Mind you, I can't wait until one of these lentil-chewing, sandal-wearing lesbians gets hold of the complete works of Agatha Christie...
Saint Nicholas was a Christian bishop who was said to originate from Turkey, but now the story goes that he originates from Spain.

Indeed, and he's pictured with 2 of the "six to eight" black (or should that be Baa? :P ) men that he always travels with!

David Sedaris' book "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim" has a rather funny chapter about the origins of St. Nick and his 6 - 8 person entourage!
I care very little about PC . if you are offended then bend over ...because you aint seen nothing yet ... too much real crazy crap happens to be worried about PC crap..to me its a way to invent crap to be bothered by...people like that used to be put in jackets with the sleeves in the back . If you get all PC on me you can expect nothing but a fit of maniacal laughter along with a long rambling un PC string of invective...if I choose to let you live ...Bwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ....

I worship the black sheep ...


santa is gay .

Mrs. Clause is a bearded transvestite .

the easter bunny is skined and meat for stew ..

Humpty is a freak ......he cant rap either worth a crap..and all the kings men aint gonna get me to spend a minute making anything but an omlette .

Santa Claus is an American commercialized version of Saint Claus / Saint Nicholas, or as referred to in the Netherlands as Sinter Klaas / Sint Nicolaas, whose image is like this.


Saint Nicholas was a Christian bishop who was said to originate from Turkey, but now the story goes that he originates from Spain.

No I wasn't wrong. Man, Santa Claus as he is known today is this magical guy that goes around delivering gifts on Christmas eve. Now you tell me how that could happen if we didn't have the holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ? That's right, you couldn't do it.

I know the history of St Nicholas. But what was being discussed is the fact that some child care centers took Santa Claus out because they didn't want to offend non-christians. As I said before, Santa has zero to do with christianity.

So anyway smelly, you can relax now. But I'm still wondering where I was wrong? Especially considering that we were talking about American child care centers and as you put Santa is a commercialized "American" concept. So, how was I wrong?
The amusing thing is that, by highlighting this use of the word "black" in a non-racial context, they turn it into a race issue - which, of course, is the exact opposite of what they're trying to do.

I also hate the fact that due to their blinkered logic, hence by their implication, since I was one of those oh-so-psychologically-damaged children who grew up with the original "Noddy" and "Rupert" books, and ate a fair amount of Robinson's Marmalade, that I must obviously now believe that all black people are michievous criminals who're only good at advertising marmalade!

- Which of course I don't! (Just in case any of you failed to spot the sarcasm....:P)
What we need is another black plague. But it couldn't be called that. It would have the be the neutral coloured plague or something.

Kinda on the same topic. I'm offended that woman tennis players get paid the same as men to do half the work (In general). I think I'll go up to my boss today and ask for the exact same wage as her even though I do a tenth of the work.
Why do smokers get allowed fag breaks and non-smokers don't?(fag means cigarette in Great Britain -moderator)

"Because the non-smokers don't smoke" I hear you cry. Why, aren't you a sharp one. My point is, smokers can get given several paid short breaks a day just to go (outside now) and have a smoke. Why shouldn't non-smokers be allowed to have the same number of paid short breaks?

Anyway, I agree that the world is going crazy, the kind of PC bull manure (see, I can be PC too) at the moment is so crazy it would be hilarious were it not so serious.

I re-read this post and it's not very well typed but I'm tired.
Kinda on the same topic. I'm offended that woman tennis players get paid the same as men to do half the work (In general). I think I'll go up to my boss today and ask for the exact same wage as her even though I do a tenth of the work.

Er, no. You've lost me on that one! :confused:

Why do smokers get allowed fag breaks and non-smokers don't?

Careful! You might offend PC homosexuals with a sentence like that! ;) :lol:
Isn't the national lottery discriminating against the unlucky?