Political Correctness Gone Mad

  • Thread starter Casio
Isn't the national lottery discriminating against the unlucky?

Yes and no....

It depends what kind of "unlucky" you are. If you're a poor non-English immigrant living in an inner-city area, type of unlucky, then you don't even need to buy a lottery ticket! They'll give you money by the wheelbarrow-full! :ouch:

If you're "unlucky" in the sense that you live in a rural area mainly populated by English middle-class folks, and where there are none of the above type of "unlucky" people around, then you're screwed, the lottery doesn't see you as "disadvantaged" enough! :mad:

Isn't the police force discriminating against criminals?

Now you're being silly! :dunce:

Actually, the police force's powers of being able to discriminate against the criminals are being severely undermined because of the stupidity of political correctness! :dopey:
The problem with political correctness is, where the hell do you draw the line? Once you pander to one group, everyone will want to have something changed. A line eventually has to be drawn once PC begins, but who dictates where it is laid down? That's why I would like political correctness gone. If I am not intending to offend someone, I would like to say what i want, when I want, where I want. No matter what you say, someone, somewhere, will be offended, no matter what. So why bother at all?
And the crap about the sheep and penguins is just retarded (I'm sorry, "differently abled"):
Fairies also are mythological creatues known for magic and their SMALL SIZE. Black is a color. Why can't these people take a minute to think about the actual reason behind words, instead of automatically assuming everything is racially/sexually derrogatory?

All the king's men? Hundreds of years ago, it was. Feminists, please shut up. And make me a sandwich.
Why do smokers get allowed fag breaks and non-smokers don't?(fag means cigarette in Great Britain -moderator)

"Because the non-smokers don't smoke" I hear you cry. Why, aren't you a sharp one. My point is, smokers can get given several paid short breaks a day just to go (outside now) and have a smoke. Why shouldn't non-smokers be allowed to have the same number of paid short breaks?

I actually know a guy that start smoking just so he COULD get a few extra breaks. Talk about stupidity.
Isn't the police force discriminating against criminals?

Nah, the only one being stupid enough to get caught. :D

About Swift's post, Santa as we know him now has nothing to do with Christianity, as a matter of fact it goes pretty much against any intentions behind christmas (greed). It does however originate from a Christian concept / historic figure.
Can anyone think of an example where political correctness has lead to a timesaving, or been useful?
As far as I can see it, with political correctness in place everything will take twice as long!

Old Term ____________________PC Term

Disabled ___________________Physically Challenged

Midget ____________________Vertically Challenged

Deaf ______________________Hearing Impaired (why change a 4 letter word for 2 longer ones?!!) :dunce:

Linesman __________________Assistant Referee

Stewardess ________________Flight Attendant

etc, etc.
Oh, now I get it, Political meaning: takes forever to do anything! :D
As the "End of the World" video says, if natural disasters don't kill us, we will.

It seems you can't say or do anything these days without pissin someone off. I say screw 'em. A chunk of it comes from people trying to change natural ways to suit their tastes, which is dumb.

People these days get offended if you call them a redneck b/c they live in a trailer trash home, and fit the "description" of redneck. This goes for other types as well.

If any of you have heard of the town name change here a few weeks back, I think that is a perfect example of PC.
Basically, people wanted the town of White Settlement to change its name b/c it offended a lot of black folks, even though the actualy black residents had no problem.

I think a lot of PC comes from folks who want to change crap they have nothing to do with just so it'll sound right when the actual people that DO deal with it are fine with it.
It's stupid I must say, I'm not really offended by none politcal correctness. I'm pretty much an athesist, but I had several people wish me a "Happy Easter" and I actually thought it was nice because they were extending a nice gesture to me, whether I believe in Jesus or not didn't matter.

I tell people Happy Christmas as well and I get it in return. It doesn't bother me the slightest bit. Also "in god we trust" on the back of my money doesn't bother me, nor does God in the pledge of alligence. I know our country was founded on God.

But one thing I hate is how white's are well called whites, but blacks are African-Americans, Mexicans are Hispanic-Americans, etc. I don't care, if you are an American citizen, you are an American, simple as that.

I don't even try to be PC, because knowing me, I'll offend someone soon enough with something I say :lol:.
And what are they going to do about blackboards, just the thought of that one get's me.

Excuse me! That's chalkboard to you!
And they're not "bullets" they're "refrence points".
I knew it was out of control in 6th Grade (about nine years ago) when I got in trouble for calling a snowman what it is, a damn snowman. No, not in FHC. There, it is a Snowperson. RUBBISH!

I think the problem is that so many people are so focused on the rights of others and not their own that they cannot see that they are removing their own rights to call things as they are. I mean, there are a few examples that are worth changing (esp. those with purpose-built racial backgrounds ex. Enie, meanie, miney, moe, catch a N-word by his toe...).

I blame it on the secular liberals myself, esp. with the attacks on Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc. along with the problems with the use of the word God in the constitution, on our money, and in so many other American pieces of culture.

All we can do is fight it with every last fiber of ourselves... But thakfully for us, we will be the ones in power soon, and hopefully we will all see the stupidity that is PC in all of it's shapes and forms.
They just said on tonight's episode (It needed a follow up) that whiteboards are now called 'penboards' and black boards are 'chalkboards'. Also, Teachers arn't allowed to say good boy or good girl anymore, it's 'good child'.

Also, a kid has been banned from wearing a Superman outfit to pre-school, because it may make him feel powerful or superior. I'm lost for words.

But on a positive. They are now called Fairy Penguins again, after leaders of the gay community, protested the changing of the name. Turns out they don't care. What a surprise....
its positive discrimination. changing the name from fairy penguins to something else is probably more insulting to the fairies (sorry, i mean gays)...

not calling a black person black is positive discrimination...calling a black person black is discrimination...you cant win and to be honest i dont think 99% of blacks give a ferk.

i can black people black and i dont mind if they call me white....this is all too complicated for me...

But on a positive. They are now called Fairy Penguins again, after leaders of the gay community, protested the changing of the name. Turns out they don't care. What a surprise....
Excuse me! That's chalkboard to you!
And they're not "bullets" they're "refrence points".
I still call them blackboards.

PC is stupid and a waste of time, money and energy. I asked two balck people I work with today if Baa baa black sheep offended them, it didn't.

Surely it is more of an insult to suggest that all black people are that insecure and sensitive that they are offended by such things.
They just said on tonight's episode (It needed a follow up) that whiteboards are now called 'penboards' and black boards are 'chalkboards'.

In the UK state primary schools have been forced to refer to whiteboards as wipeboards based on their characteristics of wipeableness (or is it wipeability).

Also some people are campaigning to remove the Ensigns for boats (i.e. a Red Ensign signifies a private boat owned by a citizen of the United Kingdom, a Blue Ensign is a sign of a private boat skippered by a senior (second lieutenant) member or ex-member of the RN, a White Ensign denotes a ship carrying big frickin' guns) and replace them with a simple Union Jack due to the racist connotations of having Blue Ensign saluting a White Ensign and Red Ensigns clearing out of shipping lanes with White Ensigns in them. The main purpose of Ensigns is to clarify priority on waterways and to show recognition of the Navy, as a result abolishing the Ensign would be a huge step backwards.
But one thing I hate is how white's are well called whites, but blacks are African-Americans, Mexicans are Hispanic-Americans, etc. I don't care, if you are an American citizen, you are an American, simple as that.

I don't even try to be PC, because knowing me, I'll offend someone soon enough with something I say :lol:.

You would like this thread then. ;) I am NOT African American

SMELLYSOCKS, no reply to my post about Santa?
If youre into non-PC racial discussion, etc. I highly recomend watching the show The Boondocks on the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim.


The Martin Luther King Jr. Episode that was shown on Sunday and Thursday is a great example of not being PC in any way shape or form, and unfortunately speaks the truth about what is going on here in America. What a great show, and it is too bad it pisses off so many people.
Why oh why is it that I never see a political response like this: "Oh SHUT UP, we're not gonna change the black sheep word" .

PERIOD!!!!:crazy: Would save me alot of frustration, cause this is retarded IMO.
I mean why do all politicians take this so seriously? They can say "I'm too lazy to change it" right? No they can't, but they have the choice to ignore it, not like everyone would be offended, it wouldn't be world news. Maybe it would, but in a positive way.

Honestly I'm really waiting to see a political leader that just DOESNT CARE!

Plus I would trust my country much more, I would know that they're human too, and that they can draw lines if it gets out of control with no real reason. It would assure me that everything will stay normal in my country and that everything will never get out of control like this.
A guy at work got in trouble last year because he said "Merry Christmas" to a person who made a fuss because they were of another religious group and didn't beleive in Christmas. It was bad enough as he was made to have sensitivity training on the issue of diversity. He also had to say he was sorry to the person. He swears that he meant nothing wrong by it (really, as if he could)... It was a peacful sentament... Sad, I know, but hey, what are you gonna do... It's incidents like that make people hate one and other...

The worse thing is that most people who are affected by the so called bad words/terms, don't give a damn about them. I know it's been said before, but it deserves being said again. People just have to learn to mind their own business. I blame Oprah...:lol:
I don't think we should do politically incorrect stuff in hopes of wearing out its effect, like South Park with the "****" episode (dammit), but we should just tell people who complain to shut up. Like those people that are offended by saying Merry Christmas. Who gives a crap!? I don't understand how that could really piss someone off. If somebody came up to me and said "Happy Chanukah" or "Merry Kwanza" I'd be like "Sure, Happy Chanukah!" I'd be intrigued by it, not offended. I wish everyone was like that
Canadian Speed
A guy at work got in trouble last year because he said "Merry Christmas" to a person who made a fuss because they were of another religious group and didn't beleive in Christmas. It was bad enough as he was made to have sensitivity training on the issue of diversity. He also had to say he was sorry to the person. He swears that he meant nothing wrong by it (really, as if he could)... It was a peacful sentament... Sad, I know, but hey, what are you gonna do... It's incidents like that make people hate one and other...

I think the person who was offended should have been forced to have sensitivity training on the issue of diversity -- obviously, this guy you work with was of a different religious faith. :rolleyes:
I don't think we should do politically incorrect stuff in hopes of wearing out its effect, like South Park with the "****" episode (dammit), but we should just tell people who complain to shut up. Like those people that are offended by saying Merry Christmas. Who gives a crap!? I don't understand how that could really piss someone off. If somebody came up to me and said "Happy Chanukah" or "Merry Kwanza" I'd be like "Sure, Happy Chanukah!" I'd be intrigued by it, not offended. I wish everyone was like that


It's true though. Heck, I even think it's arrogant to begin a fight because someone said merry christmas to you. In that example, the guy at your work was just being nice to him.

People are constantly whining about freedom of speech, rights, and racism, I'm getting sick of it:yuck: Some people just have too much rights, and if I could say something against the guy in Cadian Speed's story; you got the right to believe in anything you want, but dont think you got the right to make trouble everywhere with your religion. You are attacking other people with your religion and you wont get much more respect for doing so, trust me your better off if you just shut up, or say "thanks, you too" next time someone wishes you merry christmas.

At this point it seems, where political correctness shows up, social correctness leaves, and I'm getting sick of the people that are causing this:tdown:

I blame Oprah...:lol:
Trust me, it's a funny comment, but comments on TV like:
People need to know their rights, they should defend what they believe in blablabla...
...are just out of place. At the moment it seems like everyone just make up their own rights, they can defend completely everything with their HUGE number of "rights".

I think a lot of PC comes from folks who want to change crap they have nothing to do with just so it'll sound right when the actual people that DO deal with it are fine with it.

I totally agree with that 'they' (the PC people) always assume someone is offended by it when no is - fair enough reference to a word my remind them of bad experience or whatever but they just accept it im sure. If you do say you cant say black or whatever kids just go round saying it because they suddenly realise how 'horrible' a word it is.

In my school the teachers laugh at notices about what words they can and can't use

kids get called blacks and fags all the time but no one cares because its never meant in a harsh way just more a stab at the idea of PC itself :sly:
It also makes me want to say to people (around Christmas time) Merry Christmas almost in spite...

You can respect peoples beliefs/morals/social characters and not have to agree with them!

Agree to disagree...then move on with life and do something more useful than arguing with someone over something so petty and menial...
There are a lot of things you can do that are a lot better than arguing over PC with someone...

Simple as that perhaps...?
I think that those who get PC should be forced to walk around naked . but not around me ....because they may be fat and / or ugly and or stupid or even fat stupid ugly smelly midgits ..or gay lesbians . So forget about it .
The nazi's were about as PC as you get ..they killed everybody .Are nazi's PC ? my PC has alot of RAM .
yeah the real question is what is "political corectness" in the first place ?

sounds really 1984'ish or Orwellian if you ask me...

turn your TV off !!!
I think that those who get PC should be forced to walk around naked . but not around me ....because they may be fat and / or ugly and or stupid or even fat stupid ugly smelly midgits ..or gay lesbians . So forget about it .
The nazi's were about as PC as you get ..they killed everybody .Are nazi's PC ? my PC has alot of RAM .

LOL not sure what you meant but it sounds funny... :dopey:
Oh for the love of (word snipped due to political correctness).


This really is getting stupid though. I don't get offended by people shouting out 'gay' or other stupid words, and I kinda struggle to see how others can. :indiff: