Staff Emeritus
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live4speedIsn't the national lottery discriminating against the unlucky?
Yes and no....
It depends what kind of "unlucky" you are. If you're a poor non-English immigrant living in an inner-city area, type of unlucky, then you don't even need to buy a lottery ticket! They'll give you money by the wheelbarrow-full!
If you're "unlucky" in the sense that you live in a rural area mainly populated by English middle-class folks, and where there are none of the above type of "unlucky" people around, then you're screwed, the lottery doesn't see you as "disadvantaged" enough!
kylehnatIsn't the police force discriminating against criminals?
Now you're being silly!
Actually, the police force's powers of being able to discriminate against the criminals are being severely undermined because of the stupidity of political correctness!