Politically Correct

  • Thread starter rjensen11

View of being politically correct?

  • It's annoying!(Bad)

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • We should all do it because it's proper!(Good)

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
No,.. thats not what I mean. A citizen of this counrty is an american. A citizen of this country who originated (them personally) from Asia is asian-american.

And yes,.. I know the "indians" came over across the bearing land bridge. But does that mean that there indian? Last I knew, India was quite a hike from Siberia......

"India" is a name imposed by the British during it's Imperialistic days. So they're not "Indians" either. Again, they were a collection of groups that Europeans arbitrarily drew a border around.

Look at a Pakistani. Look at an Indian. Listen to them talk. You can hardly tell the difference if you aren't from there. The border is merely a line drawn by Imperial Europe. The same can be said for Africa.
f-it,... at this rate, why dont we all just call ourselves African since thats where we came from?

Unfortunately, this is a very opinion driven scenereo. You call one guy Indian and he gets pissed, you call his brother Native-American and he gets pissed.

Is like a form of racial/geological-descrimination from my stand point.

The dilema wont be solved until all the countries of the world are united as one, and we 'F' eachother enough times to make everyone the same color.

After that,.. we can decide whether or not to call homosexuals gay or homo's.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
f-it,... at this rate, why dont we all just call ourselves African since thats where we came from?

Hmmm... good question.

I am an African Irish Italian American Earthling. Hey, that's got a nice ring to it.

"Ooga booga! I'm a drunk, greasy, garlic breath Devil."

How's that for politically correct? :mischievous:
Originally posted by milefile

I am an African Irish Italian American Earthling. Hey, that's got a nice ring to it.

You're clearly a mongrel!!!

This thread has totally missed the point. Everyone who is trying to segregate themselves by race/creed/colour/heritage is discriminating, because it's treating the person as a subset of the group into which you have placed them, rather than treating them as a discrete individual with their own talents, strengths, weaknesses and opinions.

Simply trying to find alternative terminology for it further denigrates that set of people, because it's like you've segregated them in your mind, but don't want to admit it.

And with gender-based political correctness, this is just cretinous. If it's a female waiting on a table, it's a waitress, if it's male, it's a waiter. Same with Steward and Stewardess. These are gender-incorporated words, and there shouldn't be any discrimination. It's just like the male and female nouns in French "le beurre" (the butter, male) and "la fenetre" (the window, female).

Ultimately, since good manners is about never making someone feel bad about themselves, the whole political correctness thing is nothing more than self-righteous self-flagellation, and I can't be bothered with it.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
You're clearly a mongrel!!!

This thread has totally missed the point. Everyone who is trying to segregate themselves by race/creed/colour/heritage is discriminating, because it's treating the person as a subset of the group into which you have placed them, rather than treating them as a discrete individual with their own talents, strengths, weaknesses and opinions.

Duh,... we just determined that,....

How the heck can you justify making relative comparissons of "race/creed/colour/heritage" to "talents, strengths, weaknesses and opinions"? This makes no sence. Your only trying to complicate things. :rolleyes:

Simply trying to find alternative terminology for it further denigrates that set of people, because it's like you've segregated them in your mind, but don't want to admit it.

"alternative terminology" to what? To political correctness? Meaning you think when "you've segregated them in your mind", your still compairing oranges to oranges? How can I degrate an apple because I segregated it in my mind from the orange? Again, you've tried to further complicate the issue. :rolleyes:

And with gender-based political correctness, this is just cretinous. If it's a female waiting on a table, it's a waitress, if it's male, it's a waiter. Same with Steward and Stewardess. These are gender-incorporated words, and there shouldn't be any discrimination. It's just like the male and female nouns in French "le beurre" (the butter, male) and "la fenetre" (the window, female).

Ultimately, since good manners is about never making someone feel bad about themselves, the whole political correctness thing is nothing more than self-righteous self-flagellation, and I can't be bothered with it.

Everything you say above, oppitimizes political correctness. So what's the issue here?
Know what Red Eye Racer? I think you are way too confrontational and just like to argue for sheer enjoyment of conflict.

You might be right,.... but at least I leave stuff like "your a moron" and "complete idiot" out of my posts.

There's a difference between confrontational and plain ol' asshole. I think you'll find that most of the time, my opinion is note worthy.

No disrespect intended 👍
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer

IMO,.. a black man is an AMERICAN,... he's afican-american if HE originated for Africa. Same for Asian-Americans, ect, ect......

Now we come to NATIVE-Americans. IMO, the closest representation to the WORD american for any of us,... because they were here first.

Do you realise you just contradicted yourself? First you say a man should be called American unless he comes from elsewhere rendering him an actual Asian- or African-American. Then you say all Indians should be called Native American, regardless of their heritage. Then shouldn't anyone born in America - you, for example, or milefile - be called a Native American?
Originally posted by pupik
The only real "PC" term I use is Native American, because it's confusing when talking about someone who's really from India/Indian-descent....two different cultures.
From now on, I'm going to ask which tribe they are, you'll usually get an proud, honest answer. That solves the Indian-issue

Now I have to be GTP-correct.
Originally posted by M5Power
Do you realise you just contradicted yourself? First you say a man should be called American unless he comes from elsewhere rendering him an actual Asian- or African-American. Then you say all Indians should be called Native American, regardless of their heritage. Then shouldn't anyone born in America - you, for example, or milefile - be called a Native American?

I'm trying to give examples of how we descriminate HOW to be politically correct by interpreting each "race/creed/colour/heritage" issue individually.

Some of you overcomplicate the things I say, and I wish you'd give a little more thought to whether or not your comment is a contribution or a flagrent mis-representation.

OBVIOUSLY, we dont know what "heritage" mile is, but we know that he was born in America. Mile and I had already determined that what your suggesting is anal, because we ALL came from the SAME place initially. NAVITE, the way we use it, is a term used to represent the first arrival, not the beginning.

I appreciate your comment, but I think it deserved a little more thought considering what has already been discussed in the early posts of the topic.. 👍
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
I'm trying to give examples of how we descriminate HOW to be politically correct by interpreting each "race/creed/colour/heritage" issue individually.

Some of you overcomplicate the things I say, and I wish you'd give a little more thought to whether or not your comment is a contribution or a flagrent mis-representation.

OBVIOUSLY, we dont know what "heritage" mile is, but we know that he was born in America. Mile and I had already determined that what your suggesting is anal, because we ALL came from the SAME place initially. NAVITE, the way we use it, is a term used to represent the first arrival, not the beginning.

I appreciate your comment, but I think it deserved a little more thought considering what has already been discussed in the early posts of the topic.. 👍

:rolleyes: I like how you didn't reply to what I actually said.

You said that we should call a black fellow American unless he himself is from Africa, in which case he deserves to be called African-American.

Then you said all Indians should be called Native Americans because they are Native Americans, regardless of all else. Uh, do you know how many Americans are born each day? Whoa! NATIVES!

I'm not taking a heritage standpoint, I'm taking a if-they-are-why-aren't-they standpoint. It's a simple issue.

Oh, and by the way... no-one tries to 'over-complicate the things you say.' Don't flatter yourself. ;)
Originally posted by M5Power
Do you realise you just contradicted yourself? First you say a man should be called American unless he comes from elsewhere rendering him an actual Asian- or African-American. Then you say all Indians should be called Native American, regardless of their heritage. Then shouldn't anyone born in America - you, for example, or milefile - be called a Native American?
I think this topic is clearly discussed when in the Simpsons the mayor tries to export all illegal immigrants, then they try to classify Apu and Homer...
Being politicaly correct is a cop out. By subscribing to it ,you are allowing your intellect to stagnate. you have a mind speak it.