POLL: Bring Back Shuffle Racing In GT6! (it's possible again in GT5, see post 330)

  • Thread starter VBR

Do you want online Shuffle racing back in GT6?

  • Total voters
If it doesn't then PD or Kaz need shooting.

They've already shot themselves in the foot by removing Shuffle in the first place, maybe they'll save us the trouble of shooting them by shooting themselves in the foot again by not putting it back in! I sincerely hope not, I needs me Shuffle init!


This is awful!!!!!
I'm not even sure I want to go get my copy now. :( :( :(
At least 75% of my GT5 usage was in Shuffle racing.
Yup, dropped $60 and feel as if I was robbed.

Point is, there are those of us who think this should be an update priority.

Judging by the popularity of an online lobby using ONLY cars in shuffle set at 380pp or less - and usually at 300-340pp... (ie: my Clean Lo PP Shuffle lobbies)... Never mind the higher PP shuffle rooms' popularity... Seems unlikely that the shuffle option is something to be considered an under used option.
I've raced shuffle in your room before-shuffle was the best racing EVER. :mad:

Couldn't have put it better myself. 👍

Me too. The vast majority of my time was spent Shuffling, then I'd go for a cruise on the Ring 24 hour to wind down. That's mostly all I did in GT5, & wanted to carry on doing the same in GT6. I tell a lie, I saved most of my Shuffle race replays & would watch them after an evenings racing as well, it was the best thing on TV! ;)
I did the same thing-loved watching that close racing.
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I voted yes for you @Billsippi I know how much you hated your cars 2-wheeling and flipping over.

And I know there are soooo many people that really love shuffle racing.

Personally, I never liked shuffle racing. I like to tune my cars. I really like the Idea of buying and tuning a car to be competitive.

It really isn't that hard to stop a car from flipping/2 wheeling.

If the car is balanced, just increase, incrementally, by the same %, the front and rear springs.
I'm a rubbish tuner so SHUFFLE was all I did. On GT5, once I joined a room, I would stay all night. On GT6 it could take up to 20 mins between selecting online and getting on the track what with finding a good room, realising there is no tyre restriction, finding another room, watching them smash into each other, finding another room, waiting for them to finish, or not finding a room at all. Scroll down the list. See SHUFFLE. Good amount of players. Join. Race. Simple. Maybe it wasn't so popular as I got used to seeing the same names. But then you get to know drivers and vice versa. When you're racing people you've met before, it's so much better. More respect. This is, in my opinion, what SHUFFLE is all about.


Yes! I want Shuffle to get back to GT6... I used to race the Online Shuffle races in GT5... It was so fun... Now, without shuffle, it isn't the same...

That's a shame that Shuffle Racing isn't in GT6... One request: PD, please bring back the Shuffle Racing!

except i'm not :(
Why introduce "Quick Match" when all they had to do was reintroduce "Shuffle"

Seriously it's like watching the designers of the Austin Allegro at work - designer spends many hours staring at steering wheel - "No we can't have that - it's too round - we need something new - a square steering wheel - and we'll get the Marketing Department to come up with a catchy name for it - behold the Quartic Wheel"


Above - the Austin Allegro, considered by many to be the worst car ever made. Below the infamous Austin Allegro "Quartic" steering wheel - definitely not BL's finest hour just as the abolition of Shuffle and introduction of Quick Match is not PD's finest hour. Come on Kaz - wake up!

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No Ferrari F1 cars. No UCD. No day/night viewing of cars in their different paint schemes in the dealership car selection. And now no shuffle racing. For someone who hasn't bought the game yet the evergrowing list of things gone missing from GT5 is pretty deflating. What else did GT5 have that GT6 hasn't?

The game is dead to me and all fellow shuffleheads until they fix this.
You and me both

no shuffle racing?

cancel pre order

...did not know it was gone actually, i liked it. even though i would always get a crap car like some 70's american ammo box that revved out at 150 kmh, or some other crap american thing that over-steered every corner :D
Had i known, i damn sure would not have wasted my money on this crap

I voted yes for you @Billsippi I know how much you hated your cars 2-wheeling and flipping over.

And I know there are soooo many people that really love shuffle racing.

Personally, I never liked shuffle racing. I like to tune my cars. I really like the Idea of buying and tuning a car to be competitive.

It really isn't that hard to stop a car from flipping/2 wheeling.

If the car is balanced, just increase, incrementally, by the same %, the front and rear springs.
Thanks friend, just took my wheel down, and put the table in the garage. I might be back one day in the future, but for now I'm just too disgusted with the whole state of the game. A real shame too, been playing only gt since 1999, and now they have pushed me away cause they know best, I guess.
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@Billsippi , I still got your phone number ending in 9971. I will text you if they ever bring back shuffle. Godspeed my friend!
Yup, same number. Probably be back at some point when the boredom gets unbearable, lol. Take care old friend. By the way, you were the firs to be on my friends list, sure do miss those days.
You plan on getting a Club together again. I just hope this is a high number limit on this new feature as far as members go.
I am chiming in again just to say...still no shuffle? Guess I'll chime in again in another year or so unless somebody can txt me lol

Seriously. Man I miss shuffling every day.
There are so many other things that need to be addressed and/or added that Shuffle Racing is pretty far down the list. There is nothing wrong with it, but if it takes the place of other things that need to be added first, then I'd rather not see it.

...but I'd rather have this than B-spec. That 🤬 was the most useless part of GT5. I got more use out of Horns and Museum Cards.
This thread is one year old today, & still not so much as even one word from PD regarding Shuffle. With well over 80% of people wanting it back, I think PD's level of sheer ignorance towards their customer base is utterly appalling & totally inexcusable. Even if there was no plan of having Shuffle in GT6, it wouldn't have hurt them to simply let us know.

Don't know if discussed before, but would it take a lot of programing; or whatever they do at PD; to add shuffle back in the game ? .... If they do add it in the next update or whatever update, then I hope it would have an even wider range of cars than GT5.
Does anyone really hold out any hope that shuffle will return to GT6? I think it was dropped because online wasn't flooded with Shuffle lobbies. 8 or 10 or 15 a night wasn't enough to justify updating a whole slice of programming for the game, nor apparently hitting the copy/paste buttons. A classic case of missing the forest for the trees on PD's part.
There are so many other things that need to be addressed and/or added that Shuffle Racing is pretty far down the list.

It's not pretty far down according to this list: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/board/kazunori-yamauchi-qa/?order=first_post_likes
It's been in the top 10 of questions to PD ever since I posted it there.

Still no word from PD... I know us shuffleheads are a very small percentage of the total number of daily users, but I still feel it's a shame PD doesn't seem to care... :( Not holding my breath anymore for it to get fixed in GT6. Hope it comes back in GT7, but I'm not getting a PS4 untill I'm absolutely sure shuffle is back in.
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