Poll : GTP Music Cool Wall - Guns n' RosesMusic 

United States
Houston, TX
The GTP Music Cool Wall presents:

Guns n' Roses



Nominated by Owen.C93​

Origins: Los Angeles, California, USA
Genre(s): Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
Years Active: 1985-present
Label(s): Geffen, UZI Suicide
I also would like to vote my Appetite for Destruction t-shirt into the hall of fame. It's my favorite shirt, and I happened to be wearing it when I saw the thread. :D

Seriously though, Sweet Child of Mine alone was a great accomplishment IMO. One of the best songs from the decade. 👍
I like a couple of their songs, but not a lot.
That guitar on Sweet Child of Mine is just awesome! That's what I listen to when driving in the leagues. Makes me go faster. :)
Never liked them... and that will probably never change. Honestly, the best part of the 80's metal scene was in the first couple years. A high majority of the rest of it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. GNR, Aerosmith, Poison, Motley Crue, Cinderella.. etc.. etc.. Not my cup of tea, and imo highly overrated.
Ok, I'll have to admit. I do not like Guns n' Roses. I've listened to a good bit of their stuff, but never really liked most of what I've heard. I suppose I like a few of their songs; Sweet Child comes to mind. I guess they're good, I'll admit that Slash is a very good guitarist. But I've never been a fan of their music.

For what it's worth, I do like Velvet Revolver. But that may be because I like Scott Weiland and Stone Temple Pilots.
Instant HoF for me. It was a sad day in music when Axel was left holding the mic alone (even though it was his own fault, but thats for another discussion).
Athough I'm a big fan and voted for HoF, I must confess they actually are a bit overrated. They're more than just Good, and less than instant Hall of Famers.

However, some great successes and a hefty dose of attitude catapults them to the HoF.
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I don't really listen to them much and to be honest I only enjoyed Appetite for Destruction when it came out and until around 1990, but what they did for hard rock/metal is priceless and that alone merits HoF status. I also enjoy listening a bit of Rocket Queen every now and then.
Hall of Fame.

I have learned to play the opening guitar verse to Sweet Child O' Mine. It's a bit tough to keep switching fingerings for the continuous eight notes.
Hall of Fame.

I have learned to play the opening guitar verse to Sweet Child O' Mine. It's a bit tough to keep switching fingerings for the continuous eight notes.

Haha, n00b! As for G'n'R one song alone is HoF for me. Estranged.
The electric opening for Sweet Child is like the finger-plucked acoustic intro to Stairway... every metalhead has to learn it at some point or another. :lol:

Remember that "Wayne's World" skit where they had a sign stating: "No Stairway" in the guitar store? They should have one stating "No Sweet Child O' Mine", too. :D


Over-rated? Maybe. But they were rock n' roll for a good portion of that decade. Perfect vocals, perfect instrumentals. Melodic with a tinge of grunge. Instant HoF.
Tevery metalhead has to learn it at some point or another. :lol:

I know a lot of metalheads that would say GNR is a disgrace to the genre. I'm not one of them but I don't think anything GNR has done is metal. But that's just me being a picky metalhead.
I know a lot of metalheads that would say GNR is a disgrace to the genre. I'm not one of them but I don't think anything GNR has done is metal. But that's just me being a picky metalhead.

That's why I emphasized hard rock as well. Maybe GnR isn't metal nowadays, but mainly because metal has hardened (no pun intended) through time. Listen to early Iron Maiden or Black Sabbath.. that music was the hardest form of metal when it came out, nowadays even Creed plays harder stuff.

When Appetite for Destruction came out, it was intense shredding metal. But it also had some nice melodies, thus made it appealing to a lot of people who previously wouldn't have listened to it, and that's GnR's greatest contribution: making metal available, popular and appealing to the masses. They didn't do it alone, but they were a stepping stone to it.
I always thought of them as sleeze rock, kinda like the dirty, don't bring home to mom kinda rock.

Basically rocks dirty little tramp that out drinks you at the bar and takes you to the bathroom for a quickie before leaving you.
That's why I emphasized hard rock as well. Maybe GnR isn't metal nowadays, but mainly because metal has hardened (no pun intended) through time. Listen to early Iron Maiden or Black Sabbath.. that music was the hardest form of metal when it came out, nowadays even Creed plays harder stuff.

When Appetite for Destruction came out, it was intense shredding metal. But it also had some nice melodies, thus made it appealing to a lot of people who previously wouldn't have listened to it, and that's GnR's greatest contribution: making metal available, popular and appealing to the masses. They didn't do it alone, but they were a stepping stone to it.

The difference is that Sabbath and Maiden for the most part sung about stuff that makes up metal. Its more then just how they play but what they play about. The problem with GNR being 'metal' is that they sing about love. That just isn't metal. I've talked to plenty of people that were metal heads at the time and didn't like it.

GNR are a good maybe great band, I just simply don't like them. :)
Its more then just how they play but what they play about. The problem with GNR being 'metal' is that they sing about love. That just isn't metal. I've talked to plenty of people that were metal heads at the time and didn't like it.

Even when they played Wasting Love, Iron Maiden still played metal....

GNR isn't metal, it's Hard Rock.
I'm too much of a fan of Guns to be speaking about them.

It's the band that made me like music in a whole different way (when I was 12) and it's the band that made me buy a guitar (at 14).

Even when I was older and was even more into music (I then "moved on" to more extreme stuff and actually played in a band), I never stopped listening to Guns. I loved learning/playing the guitar over their songs.

For me, and even today, it's the greatest band in the world. And yes, Slash is the greatest/coolest guitar player ever.

Oh, and I'm talking about the mid-80's to early 90's era. Forget the modern Guns. I never actually listened to Chinese Democracy. In fact, anybody knows if it's out yet? :P

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Haha, n00b! As for G'n'R one song alone is HoF for me. Estranged.

YES!!!! So I don't have to ask why Estranged hasn't been mentioned, it's a spectacular song, Estranged, November Rain and Coma put GNR hall of fame
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Metal, Schmetal... in my days, young 'un, we called it Rock N' Roll.

Maybe the more hardcore nowadays don't consider it heavy... but that's probably because like Metallica, they added a pop sensibility to it.

Like most of the great bands, GnR lent their songs a melodic turn that went beyond their genre... which is what makes their classics timeless pieces.

Whatever you consider them... they've left their mark on music history... that much is undeniable.
The only thing that could make GNR not HOF is the fact Axl is a bit nuts, but he's also a musical genius, so GNR gets it