Poll : GTP Music Cool Wall - RadioheadMusic 

Poll : GTP Music Cool Wall - Radiohead

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The first time I heard Radiohead I wondered what all the fuss was about. Now they're one of my favourite bands (second only to Cardiacs) and I consider Kid A to be the second best album I've ever heard (second only to On Land and in The Sea). A lot of people hate Radiohead. Just about everyone apart from me and my best friend hate Cardiacs. I know exactly why. People just don't give it a chance, to put off by an underwhelming / unpleasant first listen.

I still don't see why people love Paranoid Android so much though, or Creep.:confused:
Every Radiohead album I have heard I hated the first time I heard it, and the second time I l hated less, 3rd time I liked it, and after that every song seemed beautiful and cleverly written. Now Radiohead has been my favorite band for 12 years, and I saw them live a couple years ago which was the greatest show I have seen. Their new album? I dont like it! But I think its a good sign. :)
Radioheads weakest song IMO is Creep. With that being said I do think they deserve the HoF. There stuff is so different while still being reachable to the masses. The main reason they arent better known for what they are is because Creep set them up to be another alt rock band, which isnt what they are. They are different in an era were everything has to be radio ready.
I agree, "creep"while not a bad song was almost their one hit wonder until "high and dry" saved them from that desparity! Creep is definately not in my radiohead mix.
They are different in an era were everything has to be radio ready.


The demand for radio friendly tunes has been going on since the radio was first used for music. Its no different now then it was then. You rarely hear anything over 5-6 minutes on the radio... Unless its customized internet radio. In fact these ideals have been pushed more now then ever before in the past.

The demand for radio friendly tunes has been going on since the radio was first used for music. Its no different now then it was then. You rarely hear anything over 5-6 minutes on the radio... Unless its customized internet radio. In fact these ideals have been pushed more now then ever before in the past.

All the stations who play Metalica and Tool would disagree. I'm talking about all the pop, rap, and light rock that you hear all the time. It all sounds about the same.
All the stations who play Metalica and Tool would disagree. I'm talking about all the pop, rap, and light rock that you hear all the time. It all sounds about the same.

Well there are exceptions to every rule, and you pointed out some of the most successful bands in the last 30 years. Back to my point is that there are more not-radio friendly bands now then in the 50's... 60's... 70's... where everything was mainstreamed. I can name plenty of bands from that time that never get any recognition and they flamed out because they played longer songs that lacked a catchy chorus. Metallica's popular stuff posses incredibly catchy riffs and have cleaned up both the production and the singing thus broadening there audience. Tool has found success in a quirky way, and they are kind of innovative in the way they have done it... The lyrics are a major reason why they are so incredibly popular which is rare.

My point is that, I can name hundreds bands now that have found plenty of success and have never gotten a single second of air play on any mainstream radio. That NEVER happened before song sharing started.

Most of Radiohead's success can be attributed to the every growing Indy community... Which I just call Art Rock.. because lets be honest.. These 'Indy Label's' are exactly the same thing has all the major record labels of the world... Is that really, truly 'Indy?' But that's a whole different subject...
You do make a good point. I had only heard a couple Radiohead songs (liked them, but wasn't really big on them) until I got interweb radio. I'm not a big fan of most Indy music, a lot of it sounds like they are trying to sound Indy. The good bands don't have to try to fit in to a genre, they either fit in to a pre established one, and do it well, or they forge their own path. Radiohead did the later of the two and I feel like there are a ton of "Indy bands" just trying to cash in and ride the coat tails.
Most of Radiohead's success can be attributed to the every growing Indy community... Which I just call Art Rock.. because lets be honest.. These 'Indy Label's' are exactly the same thing has all the major record labels of the world... Is that really, truly 'Indy?' But that's a whole different subject...

I think most of Radiohead's success can be attributed to DJ Yoav Kutner being introduced to Creep by a PR person from EMI, taking a liking to the song, and turning it into an Israeli national hit; and the San Francisco radio station KITS adding it to their regular playlist, an action which many other US radio stations followed suit with. Radio 1 playing Paranoid Android 12 times a day in 1997 helped as well.
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