POLL: Project CARS in Hindsight?

  • Thread starter VBR

If you knew back then what you know now, would you still have bought Project CARS?

  • I have the PC & XB1 versions & vote NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have the PS4 & XB1 versions & vote NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have all versions & vote YES

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm on PS4 and would definitely buy it again. It's without a doubt the finest console racer that I have owned since starting out on PS1 back in 1997.
It has its issues, several of which I have experienced, but none of them make me want to stop playing and none of them have been game breaking.
I never claimed I spoke for the silent majority. Those that are no longer interested in the game probably don't come here anymore or would be bothered in replying to the poll even if they did drop by.

BTW I am quite used to "Fan Boys" on forums ridiculing nay sayers ;-)

The only reason why I am still here is waiting for information on patch 3.0. If the next patch doesn't fix the glaring issues you won't see me here anymore either as I will return to GT6 and wait for Asetto Corse and GT7.

Im not a fan boy theres things i like about the game ,but theres quite a few things i dont like ,but i respect youre opinion and see no reason to argue with you about it
You and UKMikey are welcome to enjoy your broken, buggy game and have the opinion that second best is near enough. I choose to disagree and have reported that all of my friends (that have this game) regret purchasing it.

If Project CARS is so unplayable, how have I (and others) managed to play it for so many hours? Offline I've done 4 seasons in career mode and online, countless races. If you look in the CRAP racing/SNL threads you will find youtubes of people's races with no unplayable bugs or unplayable brokens.
I'm not denying there are bugs, but it's definitely not unplayable.
You and your friends sound like a right laugh, keeping the tissue factory in business!

I never claimed I spoke for the silent majority. Those that are no longer interested in the game probably don't come here anymore or would be bothered in replying to the poll even if they did drop by.

BTW I am quite used to "Fan Boys" on forums ridiculing nay sayers ;-)

The only reason why I am still here is waiting for information on patch 3.0. If the next patch doesn't fix the glaring issues you won't see me here anymore either as I will return to GT6 and wait for Asetto Corse and GT7.

So you are only here for information? How about more reading and less trolling?
Im not a fan boy theres things i like about the game ,but theres quite a few things i dont like ,but i respect youre opinion and see no reason to argue with you about it
"ignorance"... "casual players"..."Fan Boys"... it's difficult to respect an opinion which doesn't respect you.
Offline I've done 4 seasons in career mode

I have done 42 seasons, 260 odd hours and have done the whole career bar the last 5 bugged races. Like I said to you, as a casual player, you haven't probably seen all the issues I have. It appears the earlier stages of career, that all the casual users play, seem to have the bugs ironed out. Once you progress through the game further you will see what I mean.
:P ;) :lol:

"ignorance"... "casual players"..."Fan Boys"... it's difficult to respect an opinion which doesn't respect you.

I hardly think he doesnt respect you if he didnt he probably would have said something like "your momma is so fat she uses cheat codes for the Wii fit"

But he does make some valid points ,Project Cars may be a great driving simulation but as a game its broken in so many ways not as unplayable or as unenjoyable as he tries to make out
I hardly think he doesnt respect you if he didnt he probably would have said something like "your momma is so fat she uses cheat codes for the Wii fit"

But he does make some valid points ,Project Cars may be a great driving simulation but as a game its broken in so many ways not as unplayable or as unenjoyable as he tries to make out
In this forum in particular, "fanboy" is one of the ultimate insults and in fact, GTP rules prohibit you from directly calling someone a fanboy, you can only use it in the general sense. Being a fanboy means you've lost all ability to use reason and logic and will defend a game to the death and deny obvious and blatant flaws in the game. I have never seen anyone on GTP come even remotely close to that.
Despite voting "yes - I have the PC version.

My leading concern is if there are so many fundamental bugs, then it makes me wonder how much stuff is wacky at the lower levels... It sort of undermines the entire product and makes me think any little oddity while playing is to be expected, as if playing an alpha or early access game.

But again, yes I would still buy it, but its a troubled relationship for sure... I hope my patience holds out, there are better games for online, time trials, and hot lapping.
My leading concern is if there are so many fundamental bugs, then it makes me wonder how much stuff is wacky at the lower levels... It sort of undermines the entire product and makes me think any little oddity while playing is to be expected, as if playing an alpha or early access game.

This is exactly my worry. This appears to be a non-deterministic simulator!
260 hours and calls the game unplayable. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

How did you manage to get through that many hours? Surely if it was unplayable it would be 10 max.

Obvious troll is obvious, no more replies from me.
You have to love those trophy chasers that play the game at 1% difficulty and 1% race lenght
I changed the game at my local store some weeks ago for a FFX/X2 HD PS4 LE, and I'm very happy with the deal.

Also when the bugs was appearing in my races, and SMS put new DLC before repairing the game, etc... I decided to move to iRacing, the best decision I ever took. iR is what a racing internet game was to be. Works perfectly, with 3 months leagues, with semanal races, and two licenses: one for results ans other for incidents on track.
The very best experience I ever had. IMO is the logical next step for every sim racer. After try it some months, who cares about PCARS, GT delays or AC online system?

I really recommend to try it to everyone who wants to race and not to play! ^^
I changed the game at my local store some weeks ago for a FFX/X2 HD PS4 LE, and I'm very happy with the deal.

Also when the bugs was appearing in my races, and SMS put new DLC before repairing the game, etc... I decided to move to iRacing, the best decision I ever took. iR is what a racing internet game was to be. Works perfectly, with 3 months leagues, with semanal races, and two licenses: one for results ans other for incidents on track.
The very best experience I ever had. IMO is the logical next step for every sim racer. After try it some months, who cares about PCARS, GT delays or AC online system?

I really recommend to try it to everyone who wants to race and not to play! ^^
It's amazing what you can achieve when people are locked into paying you a fixed fee every month.
It's amazing what you can achieve when people are locked into paying you a fixed fee every month.

Well I was paying some years ago, at the beginning of the game, a fee every month for playing WoW, and my experience with others users, the servers and the developers response was better than the others MMORPG, except MUD in my opinion.

iRacing is expensive, yes. But the monthly fee is acceptable IMO for a impeccable service and pure racing online competition, regulated, with normative, leagues, and official races almoust every hour. The cost of cars/tracks is a big plus to the total cost, but you never buy it all at the same time.
The basic content allows to race one or two complete season (3 Months each season) without paying anything more, and later you can move in to other competitions for the price of any PS4 game (around 50€), until you have all the road content.

It's really easy, for 9$ anyone can try 3 Months of basic content, and evaluate later.

I recommend it because is by far the best online experience. I wish I had discovered it earlier.
Well I was paying some years ago, at the beginning of the game, a fee every month for playing WoW, and my experience with others users, the servers and the developers response was better than the others MMORPG, except MUD in my opinion.

iRacing is expensive, yes. But the monthly fee is acceptable IMO for a impeccable service and pure racing online competition, regulated, with normative, leagues, and official races almoust every hour. The cost of cars/tracks is a big plus to the total cost, but you never buy it all at the same time.
The basic content allows to race one or two complete season (3 Months each season) without paying anything more, and later you can move in to other competitions for the price of any PS4 game (around 50€), until you have all the road content.

It's really easy, for 9$ anyone can try 3 Months of basic content, and evaluate later.

I recommend it because is by far the best online experience. I wish I had discovered it earlier.
Alternatively and while we're massively off topic, if console peasants are starving and can't afford to eat PC+iRacing cake maybe Forza's regulated leagues are for them:

If you don't want to own all the cars & tracks it is.
[off topic mode ON]

Sure ? As I understand it: there's always a monthly fee.
You get 7 "cars" (one almost identical too) and 10, (for me) pretty obscure tracks.


That's it.
Want another car ? Fork out 12$
Want another track ? Pay between 12 and 15$
Host a race: costs extra.

I did try it in a full motion simulator (Spa/BMW Z4) and I found out why it is nicknamed I(ce) RACING. [off topic mode OFF]

When (and if) this starving console peasant steps to PC, it will surely NOT be for the above sim, but for projectsCARS, which I (buggy as it is) still like a lot.
[off topic mode ON]

Sure ? As I understand it: there's always a monthly fee.
You get 7 "cars" (one almost identical too) and 10, (for me) pretty obscure tracks.


That's it.
Want another car ? Fork out 12$
Want another track ? Pay between 12 and 15$
Host a race: costs extra.

I did try it in a full motion simulator (Spa/BMW Z4) and I found out why it is nicknamed I(ce) RACING. [off topic mode OFF]

When (and if) this starving console peasant steps to PC, it will surely NOT be for the above sim, but for projectsCARS, which I (buggy as it is) still like a lot.

It's the same reaction I had when someone told me about iRacing.

For me iRacing is enough sim, iceracing is an opinion, as same for me ProjectBUGS is a good definition, but instead of adding topics I prefer to understand how different are one or another.
The experience of iRacing is not anything similar to the PCARS or AC are looking for. Is completly diferent. A few laps testing iRacing is not enough to make a solid opinion of it, more laps, more warm tyres and better grip, on MP4-12C GT3 with a correct set-up, 12 laps become a very sticky sensation... the simulation is enough good for me, but the key is on how the leagues and races works.
You don't gonna change your car every day, and probably not gonna change it almost for a few months. It's a pleasure to dedicate the first days of a week running alone on the track, next days with orther people in free practices and later, the last days running some races to score enough champ points and increase your irating and safety rating level.

Is another game with another vision of the what online racing is. It's cheap? no, It's expensive? yes, It's a worth investment? IMO yes, really. And believeme, three months on "Production Car Challenge" league, with MX-5 Cup, all included on basic content, is a lot of fun and with enough work to do to not play any other racing game.

I'm not trying to convince anyone, I'm only trying to recomend the best racing game I ever played. Everyone looks for different features, I'm looking for online racing.

Beyond trying to return to the cave to explain what they are some shadows, I leave the recommendation for those interested, and I stop here to talking about bugs, dlc and the price of gold. At the end I sold the game! ^^
Only played for about 5 hours now, but I've yet to run into any major bugs.

Only a few minor bugs... car getting stuck in the pits during free practice, lap getting invalidated in Dubai despite me having 4 tires well within the track, etc. And of course there are some small polish issues that could probably use some fixing too.

So naturally, I voted yes. With the PS4 version.

But your mileage may vary... I haven't played with the online stuff, so that might be utterly broken for all I know.
In hindsight, I would have waited for a sale and for it to be more stable. I mean a month after I paid full price it was already half off on Steam! So I basically feel I paid full price to beta test it.
you did, cost me £25 for the limted edition, happy days and that was once 2.0 came came out, so stoked over 3.0! NEVER...PRE...ORDER...for full whack...silly people thats why the developers do what they do!!
I have done 42 seasons, 260 odd hours and have done the whole career bar the last 5 bugged races. Like I said to you, as a casual player, you haven't probably seen all the issues I have. It appears the earlier stages of career, that all the casual users play, seem to have the bugs ironed out. Once you progress through the game further you will see what I mean.

Well said 👍 Most people including me judge the game by playing few hours. Sadly most of the reviews are not useful and forums are full of biased people taking sides