[Poll] Rotation cycle of 70+ days of the Legend Cars Dealership

  • Thread starter sejtur

What do you think about the 70+ days rotation cycle of the Legend Cars Dealership?

  • Not good. Make more legendary cars available at the same time.

    Votes: 40 27.6%
  • Not good. Give us access to buy all legendary cars whenever we want.

    Votes: 52 35.9%
  • Not good. Please solve this another way.

    Votes: 12 8.3%
  • It's good.

    Votes: 18 12.4%
  • Indifferent

    Votes: 23 15.9%

  • Total voters
The Legend Cars dealership has 5 cars at a time in the showroom. When a car is shown as "sold out", it switches out for a new one at Midnight GMT. It is said there are around 70 legendary cars in the dealership in total.

I'm after a certain car that hasn't showed up yet, and it could take 2 months or more to show up, so I can finally buy it. I get that this might be realistic, but it's not fun at all.
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Depends on how they cycle through those cars. Wouldn't be a fan of the concept at all if some cars appear more often than others. Considering that new cars will be added, I hope that they won't cause too much of an issue or that at some point, the slots within the Legend Car Dealership will be upped.
I don't care about that too much. I'll be playing this game for years to come and don't mind the completion process taking time. Same reason why I don't feel inclined to purchase ingame credits.
Buying credits is no issue for me either, the grinding is doable. And I will be playing the game for a very long time. It's just taking way too long for me, personally.

I also want to buy the Carrera GT and invitation only Ferrari's, but I have invites for Aston and Pagani. :(
It's clear that PD do not have the attitude that everyone who racks up 40+ hours playtime or whatever should be able to access all the cars in the game. Or everyone who racks up even 100 or 200 hours, for example. They are treating this game more like real life. They want us to focus on the cars that we want most and to save up for those cars specifically, and if we want to be able to get every car then I suppose we must either grind for literal hundreds of hours, or get our wallets out. I'm not sure I necessarily mind their approach, to be honest. I only wish that Sport Mode and other parts of the game gave more credits so that I didn't feel obliged to grind laps of Fisherman's Ranch so that I'll be able to afford the car that I want when it does eventually become available.
I’ve been against the return of these second hand dealerships since they were announced, but the fact is they have come to stay. The refresh cycle doesn’t bother me, as I wouldn’t save up anywhere near all the credits needed in order to benefit from a faster cycle.
Buying credits is no issue for me either, the grinding is doable. And I will be playing the game for a very long time. It's just taking way too long for me, personally.

I also want to buy the Carrera GT and invitation only Ferrari's, but I have invites for Aston and Pagani. :(
Doable? Doing the same exact race over and over again for 15 hours to get a 20m car is doable? Which universe do you live in? If you are a no lifer who lives in moms basement with no other thing to do beside gaming then maybe its doable to you. Im working on a full time job and Im playing gt7 whenever I can still Im still nowhere close to it. There is an obvious reason why MT that allows you to buy credits directly exist.

If you cant see that it means you are blind or pretent the problem dont exist.
Doable? Doing the same exact race over and over again for 15 hours to get a 20m car is doable? Which universe do you live in? If you are a no lifer who lives in moms basement with no other thing to do beside gaming then maybe its doable to you. Im working on a full time job and Im playing gt7 whenever I can still Im still nowhere close to it. There is an obvious reason why MT that allows you to buy credits directly exist.

If you cant see that it means you are blind or pretent the problem dont exist.
The car I want is 8m, and who knows when that car shows up in the dealership. Maybe after two months? I'd have to grind 6 hours total in two months. Is that doable to you?
Alright, small sample size but here's the poll result as of now, which is pretty conclusive:

63% are unhappy with the 70+ days rotation cycle and want it to change.
16% are happy with the 70+ days rotation cycle.
21% are indifferent about the 70+ days rotation cycle.
To be clear, as of this post over 1/3 of people (38%) are fine with it as it is. Most people want it changed, however nearly another 1/3 of people (26%) don't dislike the scarcity system as a concept, but merely want more cars available within the same system.

Put those together and we find that nearly 2/3 of people (64%) are actually fine with the scarcity system as a concept. Less than 1/3 of people (31%) want all legendary cars to be available at once.

You chose to off three negative choices which appears to skew the results toward the system being bad, but one of those negative selections doesn't actually change the system, it just changes the numbers. Even if the number of available cars is doubled but only one car rotates at a time that means it still takes 70 days for a full rotation. If two cars rotated at a time it would still take over a month to see everything. I don't think these results are as conclusive as you suggest.

The good news wit this slow system is that it gives us plenty of time to rack up credits by completing the career and racing online so we actually have the credits available when a good car does show up.
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The Legend Cars dealership has 5 cars at a time in the showroom. When a car is shown as "sold out", it switches out for a new one at Midnight GMT. It is said there are around 70 legendary cars in the dealership in total.

I'm after a certain car that hasn't showed up yet, and it could take 2 months or more to show up, so I can finally buy it. I get that this might be realistic, but it's not fun at all.
What’s worse is that you have to login every day to not miss anything. Tough for me, and many others I’m sure, who likes to travel.
To be clear, as of this post over 1/3 of people (38%) are fine with it as it is. Most people want it changed, however nearly another 1/3 of people (26%) don't dislike the scarcity system as a concept, but merely want more cars available within the same system.

Put those together and we find that nearly 2/3 of people (64%) are actually fine with the scarcity system as a concept. Less than 1/3 of people (31%) want all legendary cars to be available at once.

You chose to off three negative choices which appears to skew the results toward the system being bad, but one of those negative selections doesn't actually change the system, it just changes the numbers. Even if the number of available cars is doubled but only one car rotates at a time that means it still takes 70 days for a full rotation. If two cars rotated at a time it would still take over a month to see everything. I don't think these results are as conclusive as you suggest.

The good news wit this slow system is that it gives us plenty of time to rack up credits by completing the career and racing online so we actually have the credits available when a good car does show up.
True, but still slightly under 2/3 of the people want it to change in some way.
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I'm curious to see how they will implement Legendary and older cars when they are inevitably added as DLC.

It would defeat the purpose to have to wait for the new cars to show up but then it wouldn't make sense for say a Porsche 935 to be in the Car central section neither.

I voted for the option to make more legendary cars available at one time, I feel like if it was upped to say 8-10 that would make a large difference.
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I don't mind farming but yeah would be better if 787b C9 and co could be bought faster so I'm up for a faster rotation.
I have a lot of play time so maybe guys who don't would prefer to just buy whatever they want directly.
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I'm curious to see how they will implement Legendary and older cars when they are inevitably added as DLC.

It would defeat the purpose to have to wait for the new cars to show up but then it wouldn't make sense for say a Porsche 935 to be in the Car central section neither.

I voted for the option to make more legendary cars available at one time, I feel like if it was upped to say 8-10 that would make a large difference.
I suspect they will maybe just add 1 car to the legendary dealership at a time and it will replace the car that’s just went out of stock? Guess time will tell
They should change the mechanics of the Legendary Car Dealership where it's just like Brand Central where all available cars are there, but with elements of the Used Car Dealership (when you browse, some cars might be out of stock, and will have to be reserved, in the color/livery of your choice until it's available again). Kind of like how the classic dealerships in the first Test Drive Unlimited worked.
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They should change the mechanics of the Legendary Car Dealership where it's just like Brand Central where all available cars are there, but with elements of the Used Car Dealership (when you browse, some cars might be out of stock, and will have to be reserved, in the color/livery of your choice until it's available again). Kind of like how the classic dealerships in the first Test Drive Unlimited worked.
The only reason they have put LCD with a slow rotation:
They want more sales from MTX.

Its a tactic stolen from other successful F2P games. Having expensive, high sort after cars available for a limited time and no guarantee to when they will be back, creates a demand and a want for players to have it now. If they cant afford it now, they are forced to wait an undetermined amount of time for it to return or to purchase credits with real money. It also means that when it does return, they're going to spend their credits immediately on this car and have less credits available to them for other cars that they will also want.

In previous GT's, you could always sell old cars that you didn't use, or duplicate cars that you won multiple of for a quick instant cash boost but PD decided to keep this out of the game for the first time in any GT game...

The same goes with the car invites. They are all for expensive, highly sort after cars that are only available for a short amount of time.

The only reason that PD made updates to the economy, that helped the userbase actually get somewhere in this game was due to a mass bombing of the games metacritic scores after a even more blatant attempt slow down players credit earning potential was released in the form of an "update"

I believe that PD will continue there current practices, designing the game in a way to push its userbase towards purchasing credits, unless a massive outrage is heard again. This was in no way a planed moved by PD and was only done because the players forced their hand. Sadly - a majority of people still playing this game just accept this as the status quo of gaming and seem to be jumping to PD's defence and somehow even praising them for making some of the economy changes that they have...
(Making 1 off payments that only account for 10% of the total cost of cars is barely fixing anything imo)

We were incredibly lucky that the amount of cars available was doubled. Unless the players get loud and angry again, any further changes of this horribly slow and annoying system are incredibly unlikely.
The only reason they have put LCD with a slow rotation:
They want more sales from MTX.

Its a tactic stolen from other successful F2P games. Having expensive, high sort after cars available for a limited time and no guarantee to when they will be back, creates a demand and a want for players to have it now. If they cant afford it now, they are forced to wait an undetermined amount of time for it to return or to purchase credits with real money. It also means that when it does return, they're going to spend their credits immediately on this car and have less credits available to them for other cars that they will also want.

In previous GT's, you could always sell old cars that you didn't use, or duplicate cars that you won multiple of for a quick instant cash boost but PD decided to keep this out of the game for the first time in any GT game...

The same goes with the car invites. They are all for expensive, highly sort after cars that are only available for a short amount of time.

The only reason that PD made updates to the economy, that helped the userbase actually get somewhere in this game was due to a mass bombing of the games metacritic scores after a even more blatant attempt slow down players credit earning potential was released in the form of an "update"

I believe that PD will continue there current practices, designing the game in a way to push its userbase towards purchasing credits, unless a massive outrage is heard again. This was in no way a planed moved by PD and was only done because the players forced their hand. Sadly - a majority of people still playing this game just accept this as the status quo of gaming and seem to be jumping to PD's defence and somehow even praising them for making some of the economy changes that they have...
(Making 1 off payments that only account for 10% of the total cost of cars is barely fixing anything imo)

We were incredibly lucky that the amount of cars available was doubled. Unless the players get loud and angry again, any further changes of this horribly slow and annoying system are incredibly unlikely.

I'm indifferent to the rotation as my understanding is all cars will be available every couple/few months away. May annoy short term players that want to devour career mode then move onto the next game, regardless.

The economy at launch was incredible really, hard to imagine thatPD felt that would go down well amongst large % of customers? Maybe they felt it would keep long term, but reality is going by historical data, majority of people only play for short period. Coupled with GT7 being a full price game, the economy state was mind boggling really. At the end of the menus, people would only have a few mill credits... drop in the ocean when you look at volume and cost of many cars. If credits cost 10% of what they charge, they may have had volume of mtx purchases, but the price of them was astronomical really. Unless this was calculated, in that they know small % would pay the extreme prices. I'm aware of some I know irl who dished out more for credits, despite me telling them about the afk script.
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Legendary cars cost too much to begin with, so to me they might as well not even be in the game at all, it would be all the same to me.

That means I couldn't care less about the rotation.

If the prices were affordable maybe I'd give a damn. Then I'd say the used car dealership should refresh multiple times a day, and the legendary car dealership every day. With all cars being available at least once every week.
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