[POLL] United States Presidential Elections 2016

The party nominees are named. Now who do you support?

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If Hillary can escape punishment for White water especially what happened with Vince Foster then she will escape Jail for this easily.


Having obvious Sociopaths like the Clintons anywhere near the White House makes me sick.

The Pardons Bill supplied to incredibly dangerous people of power from the coincidentally suspicious area of New York where Hillary ran for Senator right after is all the evidence I need.
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There's an interesting Trump doc on Channel 4 (UK) right now, I guess it'll be on 4+1 and All4 too. He only becomes a more terrifying proposition.
There's an interesting Trump doc on Channel 4 (UK) right now, I guess it'll be on 4+1 and All4 too. He only becomes a more terrifying proposition.
He's only terrifying to corporate globalists. To populist nationalist individuals, he is the second coming of Jesus.:bowdown:
People are looking for any excuse to not vote for Trump at this point. Who cares if he doesn't back the GOP nominee if he's not the nominee?
Personally I don't want to see the man in office, I don't think it has to do with what you say. I would rather see Hillary, I can't stand her, I will vote for Johnson and let the rest sort itself out.

But Trump? no.

oh edit @GTPorsche
State rights are something very serious in my book. I will get a quote if you wish.

And here you shall have it.

[support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against antirepublican tendencies/quote]

sorry if I could not keep it cleaner, but I'm sure you see the point.
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My guess is she will try her hardest to get Elizabeth Warren but I doubt Warren will want to do it.

That would be her best bet at getting some Sanders supporters on her side against Trump.

If she gets a Moderate as a Running mate she will be destroyed by Trump, the Bernie supporters will avoid her like the plague.

I feel to keep in line with her "moderate" claims every other day she is not a "progressive" she'll get a moderate. And shoot herself in the foot as much as the stupidity of McCain picking a random woman politician with a big mouth.
I don't think it is a state law. It is a party rule in that state.

The party doesn't want him, so why should he play by their rules when his number is called? He wont, they'll bitch and he'll probably get even more love for it. The GOP is doing anything and everything (as usual) to drive people away from them, by micromanaging and being general control freaks over every presidential nominee situation.

If they actually had a better working platform, perhaps they wouldn't have to work so hard at breaking their legs
I feel to keep in line with her "moderate" claims every other day she is not a "progressive" she'll get a moderate. And shoot herself in the foot as much as the stupidity of McCain picking a random woman politician with a big mouth.

I'm not sure what this means? At the minute Clinton seems more concerned about proving her "progressive" credentials to counter the threat from Sanders. If she becomes the nominee she will swing back to being "moderate". How will she "shoot herself in the foot"? Clinton is nothing if not a very canny political operative - her choice for running mate will not be "stupid", you can be sure of that. Julian Castro is the name that seems to be bandied about the most.

I feel that McCain's choice of Sarah Palin was a misguided attempt to shore up a GOP base that was unenthusiastic about him as the nominee. I strongly suspect that he went for this choice against his own better instincts - probably guided by others in the GOP establishment. For a couple of weeks it seemed like an inspired choice ... until it all started falling apart.
I'm not sure what this means? At the minute Clinton seems more concerned about proving her "progressive" credentials to counter the threat from Sanders. If she becomes the nominee she will swing back to being "moderate". How will she "shoot herself in the foot"? Clinton is nothing if not a very canny political operative - her choice for running mate will not be "stupid", you can be sure of that. Julian Castro is the name that seems to be bandied about the most.

Simple, Clinton has claimed to be both, because she's been questioned on being one or the other during both campaign cycles where she was a potential nominee. Obama stuck to one, simply Progressive, Bernie sticks to one as well Socialist for simplicity. Clinton tries to pander to whatever is put in front of her, she also says Progressive more these days to mesh with the soon to be former President Barack Obama. Which would get her some good fanfare if believed. Her choice(in VP) will be a choice of pandering like her political flavor of the day or week, thus potentially stupid and causing her to falter more. Especially if Trump is the enemy she faces over Cruz.

I feel that McCain's choice of Sarah Palin was a misguided attempt to shore up a GOP base that was unenthusiastic about him as the nominee. I strongly suspect that he went for this choice against his own better instincts - probably guided by others in the GOP establishment. For a couple of weeks it seemed like an inspired choice ... until it all started falling apart.

I feel it was a little of both, what you've claimed, and also trying to be "historic" in the ever growing truth that a black guy had a real chance at being the first African-American president (though mixed). And I agree, I doubt very much it was his choice as well, and once she opened her big mouth, he was in as much dismay as the rest of us that wanted to see her go away.
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I would expect more scandals like whitewater, flight gate and pardon gate if she gets the role, the Clintons can't help themselves.

The amount of scandals she has been involved in baffles the mind, and it keeps happening whether a clinton is president or not.

Like I Said before she is a Sociopath.
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