As long as DLC is there, I don't care about the date.
Of course, the better it's to release around 1st of May, anniversary of Senna's death but I will not stress myself about it or insult Kaz.
The DLC comes out mid-May, late May or June, I don't care. It will not change my life.
Where did I insult Kaz? He and representatives of his company made a startling number of statements prior to the release of GT6 that have proven to be false, along with complete radio silence on the remaining statements which are still in limbo.
Pointing out that someone who does this is a terrible person to have as the spokesman for a company isn't insulting, it's the truth. A spade is a spade, and you cannot have a company spokesman whose statements cannot even be taken at face value.
As long as we get the DLC eventually, it makes up for a lot. But if they miss the window for the anniversary of Senna's death, there's less commercial incentive for them to actually complete it.
Say they release it in June. They lose some customers because they're no longer riding the likely worldwide celebration of Senna's life that will happen in early May. They lose some more because they feel betrayed, justifiably or not. They're not making as much money as they could have on May 1.
The longer they leave it, the less people are still actively playing the game and will consider buying DLC at all. Eventually, it's not a profitable exercise any more. A delay of a few weeks isn't really a massive problem, particularly if they communicate that. A delay of a month or more
is a problem, especially if they
don't communicate that.
And what if they don't even manage to release in June? They've still got some big projects for GT6 that they need to finish as well, and there's pretty strong rumours that GT7 is in the works as well. The later they leave everything, the more they need to have before December this year. In the next 7 or so months they need to put out Senna, Course Maker, major Community update, Matchmaking, B Spec, and 27 VGTs.
Something has to give. What if the Senna content is one of the things they drop? We haven't seen any paid DLC yet, track DLC is one of the obvious things that flopped. So far the evidence that Senna content is being developed is less than we had for Zahara. At least we saw that in a trailer, we know it exists. We haven't seen a thing for Senna, and we have no idea even what it might include.