Polyphony Digital Takes Action Against "Misbehaving" Gran Turismo Sport Players

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I'm surprised they didn't just have their game reset and money, trophies etc taken off them instead of an outright ban. Although this could have been due to hacking more than glitching?

Is anyone outside of Japan banned? Might be legal in Japan, but 'questionable' in USA. Japanese seem to care more about honor than 'other' countries so maybe it's just a warning and no one has actually been banned yet?
Seems draconian but I agree with it. If you don't cheat then you have nothing to worry about.

I would say there is reason to be worried even if you don’t intentionally cheat as it seems completely innocent players always get banned with little to no recourse when developers start doing stuff like this.

So while this could be very good news, it could also be bad depending on what PD’s standards are.
Well I'm hoping that the guy I ran into that would wait until the final lap to come out of pits during the race, only to deliberately brake check and crash into race leaders on the final turn faces some kind of music. Deliberately ruining other people's game for your own enjoyment is against the whole "sportsmanship" they're trying to promote.
Seems draconian but I agree with it. If you don't cheat then you have nothing to worry about.
I wouldn't be so sure. Innocent players could easily be mistaken for cheating and get caught in the banhammer crossfire. I like the intentions of this but in practice I think it won't work well.

One time online there was a Corvette acting screwy but I don't know if that was hacker or bad connection. And one time I lost a race because of a glitch when I was just about to win legitimately.
Mr. Pit Glitch is Japanese so they might have targeted him. When he shows up, other players try to glitch to beat him or wait for him to knock him off the circuit. I stopped playing for a while because of him. Here’s an example of his blatant cheating in a A/S S/S lobby.

No it’s not a problem only in Japan but they usually are in lower ranked lobbies but this one has been doing it systematically in top lobbies on the Asia/Pacific server.

Thats one more reason why i stop playing GTS long ago.
I'm surprised they didn't just have their game reset and money, trophies etc taken off them instead of an outright ban. Although this could have been due to hacking more than glitching?

Taking trophies would have to include Sony. I guess they are limited to ingame action only.

Lets hope they dont include those who lowered their dr and sr on purpose to get pole and wins in this possible ban hammer :)
I did the pit glitch offline one day. I only did it a couple of times, just to get a little extra money for Gr4 Vipers. I needed to buy six at the time for livery purposes :lol: All the other cars I own are legit, and I stopped doing it as soon as i had just enough money for my vipers.

I haven't done it since and I certainly HAVE NEVER used the pit glitch online in any form. That's a horrendous thing to do.

If someone does it offline, I see no problem with it. It certainly does not warrant a permanent ban from online racing. They'd probably be banning a lot of people anyway, as so many have done it (based off YouTube video views)

Now someone that does it online to take away wins from people and completely screw up the FiA races? That's totally different in my eyes. Get those guys out of here.
You're ****ed bruh
I haven't been able to connect to the servers for 3 days now. My GT days are about over because I can't even contact anyone about it.
Discipline should be progressive, like week suspension followed by month suspension followed by banned from online if you don’t learn the lesson. Also, the criteria for discipline needs to be crystal clear, rather than “misbehaving” or “taking advantage of malfunctions in the game.” Would that have included the “transmission flip?” If there are malfunctions in the game, isn’t it up to PD to remove them?

Also, no mention of driving manners at all. ???
Not sure how I feel about this, If people are using the pitlane glitch in single player I see no harm, However definitely people who cheat against other players should be banned permanently.

Now I worry that PD might focus on liveries also be it alcohol/cigarettes etc since they seem to be going full on ban hammer as opposed to giving people a talking to for minor things if that's the case.

If PD's main complaint is people abusing bugs in the game maybe PD should have finished the making the game 💡 Its hardly an open world game where bugs are abound.
One of the things that I hate most are cheaters!!! I'm glad PD is taking action against these players by banning them. For the ones they say these people paid for a game that they can't fully play now, then they should credit the cost of the game back to them thru their PlayStation account and say "Adios" from GTS forever. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You knew the rules when you pulled such a stunt. Good riddance!! The game will be that much better for the rest of us!!
Great. Only thung negative I can says about this is why so late. ^^
They (cheaters) know exactly what they do, and they are aware of exploiting the rules set...

So I have zero problem with taking them out of the game...

Exploit the system in RL and if they find out, you have a problem(unless you have a good and expensive lawyer), so why not to be fair in game too?
Discipline should be progressive, like week suspension followed by month suspension followed by banned from online if you don’t learn the lesson. Also, the criteria for discipline needs to be crystal clear, rather than “misbehaving” or “taking advantage of malfunctions in the game.” Would that have included the “transmission flip?” If there are malfunctions in the game, isn’t it up to PD to remove them?

Also, no mention of driving manners at all. ???
According to the translation it says suspensions. I doubt they’re permabanned
Had once only. But still won the race. Got him on the last lap. :cool:

#cuttingcorners :lol:

-Sometimes we have to choose, cut the corner or bump into car in front of us. In this case I always choose cutting the corner, afterwards let the racer pass by.
-Never seen any pit-glitcher online.
-Having read an article on this site, I did a few pit glitches (4 or 5 times, not more) on Nürburgring, offline mode, a couple of weeks ago to find out whether it works or not. Worked, but I finished with it. I want to reach lvl 50, but using only Blue Moon Bay-F40 combo to gain xp.
Many people are missing the point ha ha... IF you ARE cheating why should you get to play with 99.9% of gamers who aren't? You shouldn't that wouldn't be fair and particularly on the anti-social behaviour (crash-driving) side of things its racing not dodgems.. People always want their cake eat it it too and more besides these days it's ridiculous ...:cheers: It's obviously become an issue
Great action PD ! Now we only need a report system. Furthermore a warning system is easy to implement.

First cheat: banned for 1 week.
Cheat again: banned for 1 month.
Cheat again: banned 4 ever.
All of this because of the pit glitch? That's bs. Why not do something about the people messing up the races for everyone?
The pit glitch in sport mode as the guy doing here above is far away from any respect playing a game. Doing it against AI is bad enough. Doing it against a group of serious racers is a complete lack of any sportmanship.

Messing around should of course also be punished, but it is more difficult because the outcome is not always very clear. So there need to be multiple reports on different days and occassions.

One can just have its bad day for example...
All of this because of the pit glitch? That's bs. Why not do something about the people messing up the races for everyone?

Well people did use this glitch online too and messed up the races for everyone. Not that I don't think certain drivers, who I see driving dirty all the time, need a time out too.
So you CAN do it against other players? I'd lol of I ever saw that... But yeah I'd say that's bannable
In my opinion this should be done. Not just cheaters, but also there is a words saying "causing inconvenience to other players" means it is also pointed to rammers. However, what makes me confused here is why it is just listed in Japanese sites? This is very important source of information if they listed this globally, would likely make us think twice to behave more responsibly while racing.

Also, thank you @Famine to featured this as article. Much appreciated! :cheers: :gtpflag:
Mr. Pit Glitch is Japanese so they might have targeted him. When he shows up, other players try to glitch to beat him or wait for him to knock him off the circuit. I stopped playing for a while because of him. Here’s an example of his blatant cheating in a A/S S/S lobby.

No it’s not a problem only in Japan but they usually are in lower ranked lobbies but this one has been doing it systematically in top lobbies on the Asia/Pacific server.

Last time I saw this guy in a race he had made it up to SS. I'm glad they've decided to do something about those cheating in the game. It's frustrating to be in 2nd place and not even getting to finish a race you should have won.
I haven't cheated or even played the game much yet I haven't been unable to connect to the servers for days now. Can't save the game. So stupid. That $25 trade in value is probably the answer I'm looking for as I can't get an answer to my problems anywhere else. Every other game connects fine so it's something on GTs side. pissed is an understatement.
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