Polyphony Digital Takes Action Against "Misbehaving" Gran Turismo Sport Players

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I'd say vague is best. Keep people on their toes. Maybe they would act properly like they would in real life if they didn't fully understand what was meant.

If you explicitly outline what Causing inconvenience to other players people will again play the system and try to abuse it.

*edit. I'd managed to double quote.

I don’t have a formed opinion, but vague is not clearly better.
The information would be vague, but penalties would still have to be consistent. As they would still be objectively applied, people would figure out what they can or can not do. You would have less exploiters, maybe, but they would have a bigger advantage over the conservatives.
I guess no one else noticed this but, when I logged on last night, I check the NEWS feed at the bottom of the home page and there is actually an English notification about suspended accounts (from Friday) which confirms that accounts have been "suspended" (so no permabans) for "Illicit activities such as cheating through unauthorised modification of game data, exploiting a bug in the game, or showing improper behaviour towards other users"

Suspended Accounts Notice
We have confirmed the existence of a number of players who were engaging in illicit activities while using the online services of 'Gran Turismo Sport'.

As a consequence, those accounts have been suspended and will no longer be able to connect to Gran Turismo Sport's online features.

Illicit activities such as cheating through unauthorised modification of game data, exploiting a bug in the game, or showing improper behaviour towards other users, are strictly prohibited.

Please be aware that any account found to be involved in this kind of activities will be subject to this disciplinary action.

Thank you for your understanding and collaboration in creating a safe and fair environment for everyone."

Blame the dev all you want
But that's my point, it's a video game people use to escape RL and do what they want but this game is trying not to be a game and be something more serious. It's an FIA endorsed product but serious players can be matched against teenagers would want to muck about (as an example!).
Have any suspected grip bug players been up in the top ten times as much or at all since the update?
I dont pay enough attention to who allegedly had it or the top times enough to know, but i havent seen the one or two i did remember.

I hear a lot of complaints about how little payout sport mode has compared to gt league. Also about how grindy that makes getting the historic cars. And ive got to agree, i havent even completed gt league yet and i cant seem to pull myself away from sport mode for the little time i have to play per day.
I think they should increase the payout in sport mode so that all of us players would grind in sport instead. And then while they're at it exponentially increase the payout for clean driving and vice versa for dirty driving, to the point where you start losing money at a certain point.

Clean driving in sport mode needs to be REWARDED
I think they should increase the payout in sport mode so that all of us players would grind in sport instead. And then while they're at it exponentially increase the payout for clean driving and vice versa for dirty driving, to the point where you start losing money at a certain point.

Clean driving in sport mode needs to be REWARDED

I like the idea of getting more bonus for clean races and even a minus for unclean races :cheers:
Have any suspected grip bug players been up in the top ten times as much or at all since the update?
I dont pay enough attention to who allegedly had it or the top times enough to know, but i havent seen the one or two i did remember.

I hear a lot of complaints about how little payout sport mode has compared to gt league. Also about how grindy that makes getting the historic cars. And ive got to agree, i havent even completed gt league yet and i cant seem to pull myself away from sport mode for the little time i have to play per day.
I think they should increase the payout in sport mode so that all of us players would grind in sport instead. And then while they're at it exponentially increase the payout for clean driving and vice versa for dirty driving, to the point where you start losing money at a certain point.

Clean driving in sport mode needs to be REWARDED
That does seem a bizarre oversight. You throw in a game mode you don't even want in the game at release, that seems hastily thrown together, and then reward players financially to a far greater extent in that same game mode, which is surely going to move players away from the core of the game. Then you introduce sensational new cars to the game and make them nearly impossible to purchase if you mainly hang out in the core game mode.
Have any suspected grip bug players been up in the top ten times as much or at all since the update?
I dont pay enough attention to who allegedly had it or the top times enough to know, but i havent seen the one or two i did remember.

I hear a lot of complaints about how little payout sport mode has compared to gt league. Also about how grindy that makes getting the historic cars. And ive got to agree, i havent even completed gt league yet and i cant seem to pull myself away from sport mode for the little time i have to play per day.
I think they should increase the payout in sport mode so that all of us players would grind in sport instead. And then while they're at it exponentially increase the payout for clean driving and vice versa for dirty driving, to the point where you start losing money at a certain point.

Clean driving in sport mode needs to be REWARDED
If you do a completely clean race you get +50% credits and XP but unless you qualify 1st and are substantially faster it's pretty hard to have zero contact. I get 250k for those kinds of races I think.
If you do a completely clean race you get +50% credits and XP but unless you qualify 1st and are substantially faster it's pretty hard to have zero contact. I get 250k for those kinds of races I think.

Yeah, it should definitely be scaled instead of acting as an on/off switch. Light grazes that cause neither racer to lose pace, should not have the same penalties that hard impacts do (for SR or the clean race bonus).

Consistency of cleanliness should also scale according to how often it happens during the race (penalizing harder each time), and should transfer from race to race. So if one gets in a bad wreck in the previous 3 races, they will be more heavily penalized and possibly even take the full brunt of the penalty each time it occurs until their penalty consistency reduces through clean position changes. It should take multiple clean races just to get back into a positive "clean racer" standing.

And as stated earlier, the rewards should scale substantially to make it worthwhile to pursue/avoid the benefits and repercussions.
Hi everyone. Im new to the GT Sport game ( less than a month )and recently took out an annual subscription to play online. I now find my account suspended with no idea what for. I have not committed any cheats knowingly and try to drive fairly. Is there no way of finding out the details why this has happened to me personally or have I just wasted my money? Is it a case of opening a new account?
Hi everyone. Im new to the GT Sport game ( less than a month )and recently took out an annual subscription to play online. I now find my account suspended with no idea what for. I have not committed any cheats knowingly and try to drive fairly. Is there no way of finding out the details why this has happened to me personally or have I just wasted my money? Is it a case of opening a new account?

No idea, it could be anything looking at the notice. Did you have inappropriate images uploaded for liveries? Did you have an online lobby with bad language in the title?
Thanks for your reply Robben. All seems ok now. I had none of the above you mentioned but was requested to sign in again and to my surprise it was all hooked up as normal. Very odd. Thanks again.
Thanks for your reply Robben. All seems ok now. I had none of the above you mentioned but was requested to sign in again and to my surprise it was all hooked up as normal. Very odd. Thanks again.

Had the same issue today. It finally allowed me to sign in again and it's back to normal!
This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Andrew Evans (@Famine) on January 27th, 2018 in the Gran Turismo Sport category.
I am sorry but if I pay 80 to 120 dollars for a game and someone thinks I am cheating or misbehaving there's no ******* way they should be allowed to permanently ban you I've been playing this game since it dropped I have won one race I haven't hit a pole and made a fastest lap I've had three clean races all because people run into me and bang me up and run me off the road and everything else and I get stupid penalties for absolutely no reason at all and I'm angry about it but Banning somebody permanently...!! you better have some really really good proof and the only people that should be permanently banned are people that hack and cheat I see people run off the road and pass me seconds later oh you have lag is the reply I have no lag not now or have I ever ..or how about the people that seem to whip around the track 25 30 secs faster then everyone else ?? Is that lag ?? Gt sport is not a sim nore should it be eligible for esports there are far too many issues penalties rules they can't get any of them straight and their biggest issue is the penalties yes im beating a dead horse but until they get that straight there shouldnt be any consideration for an Esports slot.. I'm glad the GT Sports not my only racing game you know at best it's an arcade game.. in any Sim racer I've ever played when you have controls you have the ability to calibrate your controller or wheel you will adjust them accordingly that's a Sim.. an arcade game is your get in you play and that's it.. oh yes they have button mapping wow that makes it a sim ?? No I dont think so... so here's my thing if you're going to ban somebody then go after the people that are hacking the system and the people that are cheating out right.. if you want to be an esport get it right fix the penalty system fix the rulings and stop saying that every time you see somebody jump ahead of you or magically appear out of nowhere that it's lag it's not always lag that's a clever way to cheat and hide it ..and these guys that are running 30 seconds faster than everybody else that's a little weird I don't care who you are... well I said my two pennies have a great day
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I am sorry but if I pay 80 to 120 dollars for a game and someone thinks I am cheating or misbehaving there's no ******* way they should be allowed to permanently ban you I've been playing this game since it dropped I have won one race I haven't hit a pole and made a fastest lap I've had three clean races all because people run into me and bang me up and run me off the road and everything else and I get stupid penalties for absolutely no reason at all and I'm angry about it but Banning somebody permanently...!! you better have some really really good proof and the only people I should be permanently banned are people that hack and cheat I see people run off the road and pass me seconds later oh you have lag is the reply I have no lag or how about the people that seem to whip around the track 25 30 secs faster then everyone else ?? Is that lag ?? Gt sport is not a sim more should it be eligible for esports there are far too many issues penalties rules they can't get any of them straight and their biggest issue is the penalties yes beating a dead horse but until I get that straight there should not be any consideration for an Esports slot I'm glad the GT Sports not my only racing game you know I best it's a mediocre arcade game in any Sim racer I've ever played when you have controls you have the ability to calibrate your controller or year you will or any of these things adjust them accordingly that's a Sim an arcade game is your get in you play and that's it oh yes they have button mapping wow so here's my thing if you're going to ban somebody then people that are hacking the system band the people that are cheating out right if you want to be an esport get it right fix the penalty system fix the rulings and stop saying that every time you see somebody jump ahead of you or magically appear out of nowhere that it's lag it's not always like those are cheating as well and these guys that are running 30 seconds faster than everybody else that's a little weird I don't care who you are I don't have to worry about being banned cuz I don't cheat why don't hack I don't have those skills but I know that if something like that were to happen to me I would go through the roof and I would be getting my money back or they'd be putting me back in my game cuz it's my property I paid for it I get if I cheated or I hacked those are the only people that should be banned anyway I said my two pennies
Okay... Have you ever heard of punctuation?
Skipping over all the other nonsense.

I know that if something like that were to happen to me I would go through the roof and I would be getting my money back or they'd be putting me back in my game cuz it's my property I paid for it I get if I cheated or I hacked those are the only people that should be banned anyway I said my two pennies

:lol: No that's not how anything works. You can't get a refund after being banned, especially after a certain ToS you agreed to.

Or is this some flame bait that I may have fallen a bit for?
I am sorry but if I pay 80 to 120 dollars for a game and someone thinks I am cheating or misbehaving there's no ******* way they should be allowed to permanently ban you I've been playing this game since it dropped I have won one race I haven't hit a pole and made a fastest lap I've had three clean races all because people run into me and bang me up and run me off the road and everything else and I get stupid penalties for absolutely no reason at all and I'm angry about it but Banning somebody permanently...!! you better have some really really good proof and the only people that should be permanently banned are people that hack and cheat I see people run off the road and pass me seconds later oh you have lag is the reply I have no lag not now or have I ever ..or how about the people that seem to whip around the track 25 30 secs faster then everyone else ?? Is that lag ?? Gt sport is not a sim nore should it be eligible for esports there are far too many issues penalties rules they can't get any of them straight and their biggest issue is the penalties yes im beating a dead horse but until they get that straight there shouldnt be any consideration for an Esports slot.. I'm glad the GT Sports not my only racing game you know at best it's an arcade game.. in any Sim racer I've ever played when you have controls you have the ability to calibrate your controller or wheel you will adjust them accordingly that's a Sim.. an arcade game is your get in you play and that's it.. oh yes they have button mapping wow that makes it a sim ?? No I dont think so... so here's my thing if you're going to ban somebody then go after the people that are hacking the system and the people that are cheating out right.. if you want to be an esport get it right fix the penalty system fix the rulings and stop saying that every time you see somebody jump ahead of you or magically appear out of nowhere that it's lag it's not always lag that's a clever way to cheat and hide it ..and these guys that are running 30 seconds faster than everybody else that's a little weird I don't care who you are... well I said my two pennies have a great day

You get reported, it is ignored, you get reported a lot more, they look into it. They confirm you are doing something wrong, you get a warning or a ban for a limited time.

You mess up again they ban you.

Or in other words, if you get a ban you should really be embarrassed about yourself.

Offline you can drive whatever way you want online you are racing real people, behave nicely.
I am sorry but if I pay 80 to 120 dollars for a game and someone thinks I am cheating or misbehaving there's no ******* way they should be allowed to permanently ban you I've been playing this game since it dropped I have won one race I haven't hit a pole and made a fastest lap I've had three clean races all because people run into me and bang me up and run me off the road and everything else and I get stupid penalties for absolutely no reason at all and I'm angry about it but Banning somebody permanently...!! you better have some really really good proof and the only people that should be permanently banned are people that hack and cheat I see people run off the road and pass me seconds later oh you have lag is the reply I have no lag not now or have I ever ..or how about the people that seem to whip around the track 25 30 secs faster then everyone else ?? Is that lag ?? Gt sport is not a sim nore should it be eligible for esports there are far too many issues penalties rules they can't get any of them straight and their biggest issue is the penalties yes im beating a dead horse but until they get that straight there shouldnt be any consideration for an Esports slot.. I'm glad the GT Sports not my only racing game you know at best it's an arcade game.. in any Sim racer I've ever played when you have controls you have the ability to calibrate your controller or wheel you will adjust them accordingly that's a Sim.. an arcade game is your get in you play and that's it.. oh yes they have button mapping wow that makes it a sim ?? No I dont think so... so here's my thing if you're going to ban somebody then go after the people that are hacking the system and the people that are cheating out right.. if you want to be an esport get it right fix the penalty system fix the rulings and stop saying that every time you see somebody jump ahead of you or magically appear out of nowhere that it's lag it's not always lag that's a clever way to cheat and hide it ..and these guys that are running 30 seconds faster than everybody else that's a little weird I don't care who you are... well I said my two pennies have a great day

I am sorry but if I pay 80 to 120 dollars for a game and someone thinks I am cheating or misbehaving there's no ******* way they should be allowed to permanently ban you I've been playing this game since it dropped I have won one race I haven't hit a pole and made a fastest lap I've had three clean races all because people run into me and bang me up and run me off the road and everything else and I get stupid penalties for absolutely no reason at all and I'm angry about it but Banning somebody permanently...!! you better have some really really good proof and the only people that should be permanently banned are people that hack and cheat I see people run off the road and pass me seconds later oh you have lag is the reply I have no lag not now or have I ever ..or how about the people that seem to whip around the track 25 30 secs faster then everyone else ?? Is that lag ?? Gt sport is not a sim nore should it be eligible for esports there are far too many issues penalties rules they can't get any of them straight and their biggest issue is the penalties yes im beating a dead horse but until they get that straight there shouldnt be any consideration for an Esports slot.. I'm glad the GT Sports not my only racing game you know at best it's an arcade game.. in any Sim racer I've ever played when you have controls you have the ability to calibrate your controller or wheel you will adjust them accordingly that's a Sim.. an arcade game is your get in you play and that's it.. oh yes they have button mapping wow that makes it a sim ?? No I dont think so... so here's my thing if you're going to ban somebody then go after the people that are hacking the system and the people that are cheating out right.. if you want to be an esport get it right fix the penalty system fix the rulings and stop saying that every time you see somebody jump ahead of you or magically appear out of nowhere that it's lag it's not always lag that's a clever way to cheat and hide it ..and these guys that are running 30 seconds faster than everybody else that's a little weird I don't care who you are... well I said my two pennies have a great day

You show zero self- reflection, just anger.

Well, this fits to somebody who gets banned.
I am sorry but if I pay 80 to 120 dollars for a game and someone thinks I am cheating or misbehaving there's no ******* way they should be allowed to permanently ban you

Firstly yes they can.. secondly your game copy is not banned and you can make a new psn account and start over, so they have not.
I am sorry but if I pay 80 to 120 dollars for a game and someone thinks I am cheating or misbehaving there's no ******* way they should be allowed to permanently ban you I've been playing this game since it dropped I have won one race I haven't hit a pole and made a fastest lap I've had three clean races all because people run into me and bang me up and run me off the road and everything else and I get stupid penalties for absolutely no reason at all and I'm angry about it but Banning somebody permanently...!! you better have some really really good proof and the only people that should be permanently banned are people that hack and cheat I see people run off the road and pass me seconds later oh you have lag is the reply I have no lag not now or have I ever ..or how about the people that seem to whip around the track 25 30 secs faster then everyone else ?? Is that lag ?? Gt sport is not a sim nore should it be eligible for esports there are far too many issues penalties rules they can't get any of them straight and their biggest issue is the penalties yes im beating a dead horse but until they get that straight there shouldnt be any consideration for an Esports slot.. I'm glad the GT Sports not my only racing game you know at best it's an arcade game.. in any Sim racer I've ever played when you have controls you have the ability to calibrate your controller or wheel you will adjust them accordingly that's a Sim.. an arcade game is your get in you play and that's it.. oh yes they have button mapping wow that makes it a sim ?? No I dont think so... so here's my thing if you're going to ban somebody then go after the people that are hacking the system and the people that are cheating out right.. if you want to be an esport get it right fix the penalty system fix the rulings and stop saying that every time you see somebody jump ahead of you or magically appear out of nowhere that it's lag it's not always lag that's a clever way to cheat and hide it ..and these guys that are running 30 seconds faster than everybody else that's a little weird I don't care who you are... well I said my two pennies have a great day

1. Why do you care? If you're not exploiting the game, you're not at risk? Why are you upset by something that won't happen to you?

2. This post is so old, why are you suddenly angry now?

3. Bruh, use a period every once in a while.
You get reported, it is ignored, you get reported a lot more, they look into it. They confirm you are doing something wrong, you get a warning or a ban for a limited time.

You mess up again they ban you.

Or in other words, if you get a ban you should really be embarrassed about yourself.

Offline you can drive whatever way you want online you are racing real people, behave nicely.
Not sure that's quite how it works.
Firstly yes they can.. secondly your game copy is not banned and you can make a new psn account and start over, so they have not.
Shhh don't give them any ideas
Why no just lock their SR to E... No need for bans. Reporting does nothing anyway.
This doesn't take into account any form of cheating or hacking. Yeah sure it's ultra-rare and no one (as far as I know) in GTP has encountered one yet, but just to be safe :)
I am sorry but if I pay 80 to 120 dollars for a game and someone thinks I am cheating or misbehaving there's no ******* way they should be allowed to permanently ban you I've been playing this game since it dropped I have won one race I haven't hit a pole and made a fastest lap I've had three clean races all because people run into me and bang me up and run me off the road and everything else and I get stupid penalties for absolutely no reason at all and I'm angry about it but Banning somebody permanently...!! you better have some really really good proof and the only people that should be permanently banned are people that hack and cheat I see people run off the road and pass me seconds later oh you have lag is the reply I have no lag not now or have I ever ..or how about the people that seem to whip around the track 25 30 secs faster then everyone else ?? Is that lag ?? Gt sport is not a sim nore should it be eligible for esports there are far too many issues penalties rules they can't get any of them straight and their biggest issue is the penalties yes im beating a dead horse but until they get that straight there shouldnt be any consideration for an Esports slot.. I'm glad the GT Sports not my only racing game you know at best it's an arcade game.. in any Sim racer I've ever played when you have controls you have the ability to calibrate your controller or wheel you will adjust them accordingly that's a Sim.. an arcade game is your get in you play and that's it.. oh yes they have button mapping wow that makes it a sim ?? No I dont think so... so here's my thing if you're going to ban somebody then go after the people that are hacking the system and the people that are cheating out right.. if you want to be an esport get it right fix the penalty system fix the rulings and stop saying that every time you see somebody jump ahead of you or magically appear out of nowhere that it's lag it's not always lag that's a clever way to cheat and hide it ..and these guys that are running 30 seconds faster than everybody else that's a little weird I don't care who you are... well I said my two pennies have a great day
It's a pain to read this without punctuation. I stopped after 2 lines...
You get reported, it is ignored, you get reported a lot more, they look into it. They confirm you are doing something wrong, you get a warning or a ban for a limited time.

You mess up again they ban you.

Or in other words, if you get a ban you should really be embarrassed about yourself.

Offline you can drive whatever way you want online you are racing real people, behave nicely.

There really is no excuse in Sports mode.
If you want to ram or mess around there are open lobbies or create your own room
Maybe he does not know he is behaving badly. Got a replay from a race where you have been reported ? I hope you were so smart to save one. Usually when reported there is discussion after the race.
I am sorry but if I pay 80 to 120 dollars for a game and someone thinks I am cheating or misbehaving there's no ******* way they should be allowed to permanently ban you I've been playing this game since it dropped I have won one race I haven't hit a pole and made a fastest lap I've had three clean races all because people run into me and bang me up and run me off the road and everything else and I get stupid penalties for absolutely no reason at all and I'm angry about it but Banning somebody permanently...!! you better have some really really good proof and the only people that should be permanently banned are people that hack and cheat I see people run off the road and pass me seconds later oh you have lag is the reply I have no lag not now or have I ever ..or how about the people that seem to whip around the track 25 30 secs faster then everyone else ?? Is that lag ?? Gt sport is not a sim nore should it be eligible for esports there are far too many issues penalties rules they can't get any of them straight and their biggest issue is the penalties yes im beating a dead horse but until they get that straight there shouldnt be any consideration for an Esports slot.. I'm glad the GT Sports not my only racing game you know at best it's an arcade game.. in any Sim racer I've ever played when you have controls you have the ability to calibrate your controller or wheel you will adjust them accordingly that's a Sim.. an arcade game is your get in you play and that's it.. oh yes they have button mapping wow that makes it a sim ?? No I dont think so... so here's my thing if you're going to ban somebody then go after the people that are hacking the system and the people that are cheating out right.. if you want to be an esport get it right fix the penalty system fix the rulings and stop saying that every time you see somebody jump ahead of you or magically appear out of nowhere that it's lag it's not always lag that's a clever way to cheat and hide it ..and these guys that are running 30 seconds faster than everybody else that's a little weird I don't care who you are... well I said my two pennies have a great day
So hang on, let me get this straight... You've revived a 4 month thread just for this?
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