polyphony is sandbagging, waiting for Forza to come out

  • Thread starter Brainhulk
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doesn't seem smart at first, but with their looooong development times...i think they are letting the enemy stick their heads out first.
-> That could be a possibility. Since T10 & EA is blairing everything out; PD will do a surprise attack. Almost no one knows what PD is up to its cunning sleeve. :)
It can be the case, T10 are big mouths and PD is showing just tiny bit more every game show. But nevertheless, postponing release date with no demo and even no update for Prologue is HUGELY disappointing.
-> We'll just think of it as a very top secret jet fighter that the US is currently developing with just more news/press con. ;)
No way! PD is not this smart. PD have always delayed their games, it's their... thing.

EDIT: We wont se GT5 before the summer of 2010...
Pure speculation, and totally absurd. You are suggesting that Sony and PD are purposefully missing out on the Q4 2009 market (i.e. Christmas) in a fiercely competitive market, during a global recession. Rrrrrright. And for what? So they can alter GT5 (which they have been working on since 2005) at the last minute, to gain a competitive advantage over a game that will have been on the market for 6 months already!?

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