Well, I've now bought the game...
First thoughts - graphics on Series S are a bit like FM7 versus FM23 - higher quality but at the expense of a lot more blurring due to all the anti aliasing. Personally, I'd MUCH rather have lower quality graphics running smoothly.
Having said that, the game looks amazing!
Not a fan of all the in air giant balloons (not a fan of them in FH5 either)
Completed the first Playlist (decided to get Donut out of the way as was expecting that to be the worst...), then saw the long list of Challenges and Custom Mode unlock... And that's multiplied by 20+ playlists... There goes my social life
God that Raptor cone event was awful...!
Did all that without importing my garage, then decided I was being stupid trying to start from scratch and was then impressed by the instant transfer of 100+ vehicles. They really implemented that well 👍
However, I realised I'm at a MASSIVE disadvantage in the Summits because of my limited progress in TC2. For example, you need the RB14 this week, but I've only acquired the RB13 in TC2 so far.
And weirdly that means buying TCM just means me having to play TC2 more and therefore I will have less time for TCM bizarrely.
As every time the TCM and TC2 summits roll over on Wednesdays, I'm going to have acquire cars for both the TC2 AND TCM in TC2, so that I have the cars in both games.
Some tips please. It seems like the order of priority for TCM is:
1. 3 playlists completed to unlock Main Stage
2. 10 playlists to unlock fast travel.
3. Then start working through Custom Mode to get tickets as the shop items are time limited, albeit not as short term as summits?
4. Work through Challenges on those 10 Playlists
5. At some point finish the remining playlists.
Or is there a good reason to do all the Playlists first before Custom Mode and Challenges?
I'm a bit irritated that there is no 100% map/road unlock like there was in FH5 and TDUSC. And in The Crew ONE!
I spent hours enjoying doing that in The Crew ONE R.I.P.

trying to unlock every bit i could of the Chicago lake
Also, I did a quick check and Kamehameha 's statue is missing from Waikiki sea front (and the McDonald's just across the road from it

). The rest looked very familiar though...