United States
Dear PD,

Why have you not provided the community with a companion app via mobile? The ability to spend money, tune cars, buy cars, buy liveries, create liveries, reach out to other members of the community, follow live races. This should be an absolute NO BRAINER. Alas, here we are, in April, and I can't even login to the website and change a livery. Oh, I can view my stats and look at other peoples rating and driver gear, but that doesn't quite do enough.

The community is asking for more. GIVE US MORE!
Your mobile browser is more than capable unless you have a ****** phone. I shudder at how many app's are inferior to the chrome browser .. Sigh.
Yup. Firefox is an even better browser (for android at least) it must have been at least 6 years now since I saw an ad online or on youtube.
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Seeing how they designed* the whole community aspect of the game, I'm sure they won't bother.

If they were smart and in sync with this decade, the whole thing would be designed with a more open approach and maybe fans could build apps/software themselves with some features, as we had in GTS. But Polyphony gonna Polyphony.

Botched. The thing barely works as it is. The community/showcase thing is awful and a case study in bad web design.
Sometime well after GT Sport’s launch - as well as its respective companion app - I know I saw a job posting on PD’s website for a mobile developer. So stay tuned.
A companion app was my most hoped for new feature of GT7.

It would be great if you could create and join leagues via it. Showing all of the details of all of the races for anyone who joined. The host needs full control of every aspect of every race including grid starting positions. The host should be able to apply penalties post race that will affect the auto updated series point system. Players that have joined these leagues should also be able to to see past championship results and any future event details + have a mini forum for each league.

The ability to buy, tune and customise cars via the app would be a great help with multiplayer lobbies also. Currently you have to leave an event to do any of the above but having the ability to do this from an app instead would be a great QOL improvement.

I don't see any of this happening but after using the destiny companion app a while ago, its all clearly possible and would be a game changer for any GT game
Yeah honestly even with all the issues in the game right now, I think the very top of my wishlist would be opening up API access so we can have kudosprime and gtblade back