Polyphony sucking money?

  • Thread starter dazzi
I was thinking about GT5 and I had this thought, Could GT5 be near completion as in BETA stage and not getting a release date for sometime yet so that polyphony can suck more money out of prologue?, because we all know nearly everyone who buys prologue will buy the full thing including me im a huge fan, personally its a great way to make money but if this is true it would annoy me a little what do you guys think possible?
I know that ill get hate from the fanboys, but the truth is the truth.
Personally I think PD is holding out to gain more money to help fund al qaeda, like come on truth is the truth.
Why must i get fanboy answers, I love PD I love the games and I got Prologue on launch and own all the other games it is my faveourite game series.
I have no problem with them holding out to earn some spare cash and IMO i would do it too seeing prologue is selling so well but Im just asking is there anyone else who might agree?
^ All the jokings aside...

-> It is good for the GT5P sales going well (in a way). Especially funding more of their extra staff, developing GT5 in which it takes almost forever. :indiff:
It is a possibility as Sony and Polyphony Digital both exist to make money - that is their main purpose in life. Giving us a great game to play is just a side effect of that!

My suspicion is that GT5P won't have any further major updates, despite previous suggestions by PD to that effect. My theory is that Sony have basically said that GT5 has been in development for a long time and it is about time that PD got it finished and out there making money. Updating GT5P would be a distraction, as it requires some effort even if much of the code and data is common between GT5P and GT5. It also does not bring in more money.
do you know what Kaz is like?!

He's like the most passionate bloke I've ever seen (maybe apart from Horacio Pagani).

To put the level of detail in all those cars would take such a mamoth effort and I'm suprised we are even considering a release date soon.

Think about it. The detail can be no different from the Jag s type R to the Honda Jazz to the Pagani to the Rally and race cars.

That would be so much effort...but thanks for bringing it up because I just thought of the cabin for a group C racer:scared:💡:yuck::dopey:
Why must i get fanboy answers

Making jokes is being a fanboy?

I doubt PD's sale rate of GT5P is that high anymore, waste to hang on for pennies. I am sure PD have their strategy.

I have no problem with them holding out to earn some spare cash and IMO

You said in your first post "but if this is true it would annoy me a little"?
I was thinking about GT5 and I had this thought, Could GT5 be near completion as in BETA stage and not getting a release date for sometime yet so that polyphony can suck more money out of prologue?, because we all know nearly everyone who buys prologue will buy the full thing including me im a huge fan, personally its a great way to make money but if this is true it would annoy me a little what do you guys think possible?
I know that ill get hate from the fanboys, but the truth is the truth.
Not likely, given KY's reputation as a notorious perfectionist. We've been told it'll be later this year, as in Christmas - I think - and that generally means the game will be developed right up until the veryend, when Kaz says it's ready. They've never done something like this before, and if anything, PD seem to listen to their fans. We're reasonably certain they check the boars as anonymous, unregistered users from time to time, so they're not like some game companies that don't value their customers - much less their fans - at all.
uh-oh...I think we got a "serious business" member.

some of us have to wait quite a while before we can afford to update a system. by the time GT5 comes out full the new PS will probably be out, and it may end up a Launch title.

I've mentioned this before. there seems to be a sliding scale of release for Gran turismos. one year in development for every version of the game. I expect it'll be out in 10...and possibly STILL rushed and glitchy.
I've mentioned this before. there seems to be a sliding scale of release for Gran turismos. one year in development for every version of the game. I expect it'll be out in 10...and possibly STILL rushed and glitchy.

but PD will be able to update the game with improvements and patches if there are glitches. the game might not damage or real time day/night or weather when it comes out, but PD could add it in later. so there wouldn't be an actual 'final' game until the were no more updates.
but PD will be able to update the game with improvements and patches if there are glitches. the game might not damage or real time day/night or weather when it comes out, but PD could add it in later. so there wouldn't be an actual 'final' game until the were no more updates.

That is a very good point there. While I am sure PD won't release the game with major bugs in it, there will no doubt be patches to include little things that may have been missed out accidently or that where just not ready when the game was released. This is the first time PD have been able to do this with a full version of GT and I have a feeling they will take advantage of the opportunity to patch the game, to get it as accurate and as realistic as possible. The only way I can see them " sucking money " as the OP says, would be through downloadable content. This surely means it would make a lot more sence to release GT5 as soon as they are able to do so. The money they will make from GT5 will a lot more, than if they sold a few more copies of prologue because of delaying GT5 on perpose.

Agree with you, all the developers are using DLC too make more money of there
game, that's why i love too have collectors edition for more money and 2 year DLC included with it....