Porsche 917 comes to life after 30 years

  • Thread starter danjama
United Kingdom
I'm sorry if these have been posted, but I thought some might appreciate. A friend linked these at another forums. Enjoy. It's pretty amazing, especially vid 3.

it sat in a museum for thirty years, and nobody bothered to try turning it over? bro-ther.
The 917 is the one car I want in GT5 more than anything else.

I'd love to see the 917K, the 917LH, and even the Pink Pig.

Great videos - what a thrill it must be to stand near that thing running, let alone drive it!
Bah, its fine! It hasn't even been driven in thirty years, it couldn't be dirty. :lol:

hate to tell you, any vehicle that sits for more than a year, even under protection, is going to need every drop of fluid replaced.
Bah, its fine! It hasn't even been driven in thirty years, it couldn't be dirty. :lol:

Yeah, all the oil just has been dripping down to the sump, leaving the parts with very thing layer of oil to protect them, hence the abundant amount of smoke.

hate to tell you, any vehicle that sits for more than a year, even under protection, is going to need every drop of fluid replaced.

That, and the fact that it's a boxer engine, meaning that the pistons have been resting against cylinder walls for thirty years, which is plenty of time for stuff to get stuck. That engine will not last long if proper maintenance isn't done.