Possible Damage & Weather preview @ E3 for GT5P

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excited about "improved crash physics." not too stoked on "easier controllability for s - r tires." theyre making it easier?
Well th grip is way less than in real life as it is now.. I mean If i drive the Mine's Skyline with R3 tires in the middle of third gear and step on it the tires car is going sideways!
the thing that is frustrating me...

how many years since GT4? Like WHAT have they been doing?

things like Online Lobby system etc can SURELY be made in a modular fashion without having to wait for a finished game engine

Surely they have seen PGR3? nice simple, easy to use.. technology available to do this.. 2 years ago...

Crash damage/weather dont bother me.

game breaking areas such as AI that STILL stucks which is absolutely terrible, and id say in effect ruins single player mode entirely...not great when the online seemingly looks so bad at the moment also...

and I am a GT fanboy, i aslways pre order, for GT4 i booked time off work...i also have the NTSC GT4 etc so im not just chatting about hese things.
PD is developing on a completely new console, making a completely new game. We had GTHD and GT Prologue which is about to be updated again for free.

PD is creating a SIMULATION, not just a racing game.

GT5 will probably be the only GT game on the PS3. Instead of a GT6 we will just recieve updates through the network.
PD is developing on a completely new console, making a completely new game. We had GTHD and GT Prologue which is about to be updated again for free.

PD is creating a SIMULATION, not just a racing game.

GT5 will probably be the only GT game on the PS3. Instead of a GT6 we will just recieve updates through the network.

Then we'll be set until PS4 and GT6.
Imagine that. Oh man, wowa wiwa :dopey: