a 1932 ford. this one came in every body style you can imagine, from this sexy roadster (wich was the most stock-looking pic I could find of a 32) to a coupe, sedan, pick up, sedan delivery, and on and on... and it had the very first mass produced V8 engine, the flathead, wich opened the dors to hot rodding as we know it... and thats why I like it because, well, besides its really beautifull, its the quintessential hot rod. This is the car that defines hot rodding.
few classics have been through so many itterations and few have been as influential in the automotive world as this car. the "deuce" is simply the main hot rod.
some "variations":
this pic... I love it. full size too.
a coupe. same as the last big pic, and with a hemi.
a highboy (fenderless) roadster, very traditional:
the afore-mentioned Flathead engine:
a Roadster pick up:
a touring sedan:
and the list goes on and on... sorry for the poor quality pics, it was a quick post.
my other fave would be the Ferrari Daytona and the lambo countach. love those lines and the wilderness of the last one.