Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
@ Mint
Do all the animals get along? Or do your dogs want to eat the cat yet run away from the Gliders or something? :P

Every once in a while the dogs chase the cat, but it's only Sheba and Lucy, and they're just playing around. They usually just run at him, he escapes and they just give up. But even in the off chance they corner him they just walk away.

And I know my sister had the Sugar Gliders climbing on the dogs and they got along really well, she might have pictures of that, I'll have to check with her later. And so far my cat just kind of ignores them.

Last time we had a problem was during Christmas dinner. With that many people around and that much food Sheba and Lucy started seriously fighting, but even with a ton of food and people around they get along now.
my house bunny broke his fist(, Hi5'd with Todd)

Him here

Been to the vet today, not much they can do.
X-Ray difficult to see the leg straight without anesthesia
Anesthesia can be dangerous for those little bunnies.

And the tight bandage, he resists to much to put it on without hurting him even more.

So now he's gonna sit out a broken fist. Got some painkillers and antibiotics but that's it.
Poor little guy.

I'm thinking to make him a rail for his arm and fist, which is more easily mountable, like a lonh glove but open like a shoe, quickly put it on and bandage.

Max, Lucy, Sheba from left to right.

Awwwhh thats adorable LOL!!!

Heres some of Mr.T


By slickrick30 at 2011-09-06
Too bad mine is dead.... *such a downer*
My Basset Hound dog died 1.1 years ago (the day after my birthday) and I mourn him.

Story goes like this:
Me eating le Lemon Pie with grandma (who is visiting from Argentina)... I hear a moan, (I disregard it).... me eating le pie... I hear another moan (I notice it, and wait for another moan to confirm it)... I hear the final moan... So I get up, off from my chair, walk to my front door, going outside, open the backyard door, and first thing I see is my dog lying on the grass with his belly twice the normal size... (now due to me knowing what bloat looks like (because he had it before, and almost died from that) and me being the great knowledgeable person I am...) I immediately start to panic (damnit....) and call my mother and my father (who are conveniently 50 kilometers away at some beach lake)... I notice that it's almost rush hour time (now, my dad/mom have to get back home to take my dog to hospital... but it's rush hour!), I am so screwed... I wait 1:30 hours for my family to get back... but my dog was in extremely bad shape by now (he couldn't move, his heart was extremely weak by now!) and couldn't move. The only reason he was still alive, was probably because he honoured me in a way as to not die in front of his master.
He finally dies in Animal Hospital,shock-resuscitation had failed twice... :(
^Losing a pet is never easy.

I lost one of my dog's, Smokey, a couple years ago. The latch on the gate was lose because when the wood got cold it warped a little and it wouldn't latch right. The gate must have been blown open in the wind, because we were all inside when we heard the yelping.....She was hit by a car and died on the way to the animal hospital.
The person that hit her was moving slowly, it was just a family with their little girl out looking at Christmas lights.

That was a few days before Christmas, too.
We were all hit pretty hard by it, but it took my mom and sister weeks to finally be able to walk in the door without crying. And longer still to see a picture of her without breaking down.

Me, my sister, and my parents each chose some pictures of her for this:

We've got it hanging in our foyer.
And the thing to the left is this: Rainbow Bridge.

And from then on, all of our latches are very heavily built, and we've gone to "super-beefy" hinges for each gate.
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Photo taken Saturday, September 17, 2011 in South Texas....temperature = +/-99°F. (Sorry about the picture quality.)


Hummingbird in foreground and Jackson our Sheltie, and Chewy, my daughter's Yorkie in background. (Note: the hummingbird is not actually our pet:))

Jackson loves to go swimming, weekends only, and I spend the next day or so collecting all of the hair that he's shed in the pool and vacuuming the grass and leaves that both have brought into the pool. Even though it creates a bit of extra work, these two guys are well worth it. Too bad swimming season will end before too long, even down here in South Texas.
Jenson and Kimi (still young) - my two chocolate labs on the edge of a German anti-aircraft gun emplacement near where I live. Yes, that is Jenson Button and Kimi Raikkonen - McLaren fan you see. :sly:

Some of you have prob seen my dogs already on here but they just recently had a puppy together.




Pup is currently 4 weeks old and is just learning how to walk.

**Your heart is now melting**
Aww that is by far the cutest rat I´ve ever seen. :lol: JK.

My heart is a puddle on the floor now.
Lol, thanks guys, I prob should have mentioned its a girl but anyways.

My mrs was adament on naming her Lolita even after my multiple attempts to explain to her that the word has taken on new meaning since the 1950's movie or whatever it came from.

also, it may look super cute & whatnot but that does come at a price.......she has a very distinct unpleasent smell that comes & go's from time to time.
Not so much a pet as raw, hard cash. ;) I don't actually like cats but my wife does and insists on having them have a litter now and again. This is the usual result:

Pure evil! :lol:
^ I'm not sure what's more dangerous - a drunk dog packing heat or all those electric plugs lying around! :lol:

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