Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28
Wookie and Solo.
That's awesome! We have two skinny pigs named Han and Chewie. The brown potato beside them is named Leia.
This is great!

My sister's cat and dog do this all the time. They've been doing it since he was a puppy. It's hilarious:lol:

Wookie is two, and we got Solo in Feb just as company for Wookie. We took her with us when we went to look at kittens, and the two of them kind of chose each other!
Wookie is two, and we got Solo in Feb just as company for Wookie. We took her with us when we went to look at kittens, and the two of them kind of chose each other!
That's awesome. They must be soul mates lol.

My sisters cat Pouncer was about 4 years old when her dog Train was born. He was birthed at home from her other dog Lady.

Lady was a rescue and we noticed she was pregnant shortly after we got her. She was sick when we got her, so we didn't know how well the pups would be. Two of the three did not make it, but Train did and Pouncer has been his buddy pretty much since birth. :)
This should just be the Pets thread so we can talk about pets as well as posting pics.

I read recently that somewhere, might have been a US state, has prohibited the sale of dogs unless they are rescues. I like that idea.
Last night, Chino (pic in earlier post) came home smelling like motor oil, disoriented. I checked his mouth and he was bleeding, so I put him in the car and rushed to the nearest hospital thinking they’d have a good emergency doctor available. It’s soo close that I got there while being on the phone with them, only for them to tell me it’ll take an hour for the whole thing to be arranged.

So I drove to the other nearest vet, and they refused to let me bypass the patients with appointments. I had to basically fight till the doctor came out to see the cat who probably could have died if it had took longer.

There should be a proper pet ER in every city, just like a human ER.
There should be a proper pet ER in every city, just like a human ER.
Something that came into my mind recently. I literally have no idea where I can take my little ones if there happens to be an emergency, so I think it's about time I look that up and stick it to the fridge just in case.
There should be a proper pet ER in every city, just like a human ER.

I’m lucky that there’s one only 10 minutes from my home so that when my cat was recently injured in a fight I was able to take her down there at 6am and get her patched up. It wasn’t cheap though. :ouch:
I’m lucky that there’s one only 10 minutes from my home so that when my cat was recently injured in a fight I was able to take her down there at 6am and get her patched up. It wasn’t cheap though. :ouch:

All my cats are stray cats, they don’t live inside with me, just in the yard. Everyday an intruder kitty (usually big male ones) tries to take over the “territory”, and all my cats go to war. Vet bills are out of control.
All my cats are stray cats, they don’t live inside with me, just in the yard. Everyday an intruder kitty (usually big male ones) tries to take over the “territory”, and all my cats go to war. Vet bills are out of control.

A recent visit was the result of my lodger cat Dolly getting a chunk bitten out of her by an aggressive visitor Tom cat called William. I caught him a week or two later and took his balls in payment. He’s now as soft and gentle as they come and is welcome anytime. In fact he was waiting for me when I got home from work just now.
I've recently taught my dog to get on specific pieces of furniture around the house. My parents aren't all for it, but I think it's awesome. :lol:

We also have a secret handshake we do everytime I leave the house:

Left paw, sit pretty, right paw, stay sitting pretty, lick my face, sit, lay down, I scratch his head. Done.
A recent visit was the result of my lodger cat Dolly getting a chunk bitten out of her by an aggressive visitor Tom cat called William. I caught him a week or two later and took his balls in payment. He’s now as soft and gentle as they come and is welcome anytime. In fact he was waiting for me when I got home from work just now.

I really shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did when I read that!

I thought I was a total 🤬 for putting a hose on a tomcat that comes by ours and upsets the 3 that we have.

Hose v scissors. You win.
I really shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did when I read that!

I thought I was a total 🤬 for putting a hose on a tomcat that comes by ours and upsets the 3 that we have.

Hose v scissors. You win.

William is as pleasant as can be now that he’s not full of testosterone. He’s now allowed in the house and is currently sitting in my cat room with the others.

Lesson to be learnt: don’t **** with my girls.

Obviously the vet took his balls, not me personally, but now he knows who’s the top cat in this neighbourhood (me).

Is it bad that I named the Tomcat that terrorizes my cats... Tom?

Not at all. I think that’s a very common name for a Tom.