Post a pic of your pet(s)!!

  • Thread starter BlackZ28

EDIT: For some reason his eyes look so glossy in this pic. Not entirely sure but they certainly don't look like that normally. Hopefully it was just the flash.
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Okay, I'm seriously a dog person and not much into cats at all. (Slightly allergic, also had a bad experience as a child getting scratched...)

But this thread has made them grow on me soo much. They're just soo cute.

Anyways, I'm never getting a cat of my own. I promise.

*Googles nearby shelters*
I left four cats behind after my divorce and miss them terribly.

Amazing how this world works out. My ex-wife contacted me this morning to give me the sad news that one of the four cats had to be put to sleep due to rapid deterioration this weekend.

Sleep well, Jasmine.

Amazing how this world works out. My ex-wife contacted me this morning to give me the sad news that one of the four cats had to be put to sleep due to rapid deterioration this weekend.

Sleep well, Jasmine.

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I have yet to experience losing any of my furry best friends so I can only imagine how that must feel, but I'm sorry for the loss. I hope the new fur-ball helps alleviate that somewhat.
@ImaRobot @Boston77 thank you guys. I hadn't seen her since January when I last visited the ex to get the remainder of my stuff, so I had a feeling of guilt as well as sadness. Coming home to Del Boy definitely softened the blow, he's just so lively!

I see your long boi and raise you one long boi

@ImaRobot @Boston77 thank you guys. I hadn't seen her since January when I last visited the ex to get the remainder of my stuff, so I had a feeling of guilt as well as sadness. Coming home to Del Boy definitely softened the blow, he's just so lively!
I miss me some young kitties. They're always so goofy, yet entertaining.
Way back in post 1085 I introduced Mocha, then in 1455 I introduced Chipsie, and finally in post 1685 I introduced Figaro. Mocha and Chipsie are still with me, but Figaro escaped a week after Hurricane Michael, by clawing out a window screen, and I haven't seen him since. :(

Mocha is getting on in years. I have no idea how old she is, as she was an adult rescue when she came to us in November 2004. She's gotten, um... rotund... and a bit lazy. I've seen her play with a couple of the toys just a few seconds at a time, but she's definitely not very active. I bring stuff for her in an effort to get her more active, and I try to play with her, but all she's interested in is naps, scratches, and belly rubs. She's not a lap kitty, but she'll sit by me on the couch, and she sleeps next to me on the bed, and if my arm or hand is close by, she'll reach out and put a paw on my hand, or even rest her head on it as a pillow, trapping me there for who knows how long. (It's against the law to move a cat!!!)

Chipsie came home to me in 2014, also an adult rescue. She became very attached to me, but is also not a lap kitty; she just has to be in the same room with me. She does greet me at the door when I get home from work, and she'll follow me around demanding attention for several minutes. I can pick her up and put her on my shoulder, and she'll tolerate it for about 30 seconds, then look for a way down. on the other hand, when I'm trying to eat, she's all over me looking for ear-scratches. She's not after my food, she's after my attention!

Figaro escaped 9 months ago, and I still miss him! I spent weeks walking around the neighborhood with pictures, posting at the shelters, etc. He's chipped and the chip is registered, so he hasn't been scanned anywhere. Figaro was the lap kitty I'd been looking for for so long, always jumping up and sitting on me for a quick nap after spending some time killing every imaginary enemy in the house. Even at two years old he was the smallest of the three, but between them in weight, although that's just because Mocha is a FAT little slut; he'd have outweighed a "normal" build Mocha, just like he outweighed Chipsie.

Mocha sheds. I can brush her, and the brush is clogged in just a couple of strokes. I can do that for 20 minutes and it's still clogged after just a couple of strokes. neither of the other cats sprays so much fur around the place, even as fluffy as Chipsie is, she doesn't shed like Mocha.

Anyway, a couple of new pictures...

Mocha, as a ROUND kitty!

Her touchie-feelie needs



And now Chipsie...

She's not sitting on a cushion, that's her own tail


My foot is a size 11, or for EU folks, a 44

Between these two, Mocha pretty much defers to Chipsie. She won't go to the food dish if Chipsie is there, even though it's a double dish and plenty of room. She seems to think the toys belong to Chipsie and not her, and she watches Chipsie but does not join in. She'll investigate the stuff if Chipsie's not around, but she jumps away nervously pretty quickly.

When Figaro was around, he was pretty much the dominant kitty, and the most active. Both of these cats sleep with me, but Chipsie wouldn't if Figaro was on the bed. Mocha eventually would, but it took her a while after Figaro arrived. I never saw Figaro and Chipsie close together in any kind of interaction. Mocha wold allow him to approach her, though, tolerant for just a couple of minutes, but it usually turned into a hissing fit when Figaro wanted to play. She was just too lazy to get up and leave, I think!

I'd gotten Figaro a bow-tie collar, because after all, he's a tuxedo kitty!

Mocha sez, You better not!!!

Daddy-lap! Dis a good place!

One week exactly after the hurricane, I was still living in the office since my house was damaged so badly. The power was still out so the windows were open. Figaro had been around screened windows for ages, and there was never an issue. For some reason, though, on that day, he decided to investigate something outside and tore a hole in the screen. I was out at customer sites doing recovery work for their computer networks and he was gone when I got back. It actually took me some time to accept that he'd gone out, as both other cats were still in the room, and it was common for them to find hidey-holes behind furniture that would take me a while to discover. When I found the hole in the screen, I went out rattling his favorite bell-ball toy, which never failed to get him to come running, but he never came back. All I can hope is that some family picked him up and have taken good care of him.
Just rescued a pair of little murder machines.
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Apparently they were left abandoned in an old chimney in my mom's neighbor's back yard. The mother hasn't been seen in some time and the weather has made their hiding spot dangerous. With 7 fur friends already, we are likely going to feed and house them while we work something out for the pair at one of the rescues we deal with.

Edit: and the little dickens's have been rehome. It's amazing how much easier it is to find a home for a kitten than it is a cat.
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It's amazing how much easier it is to find a home for a kitten than it is a cat.

Yep. My Chipsie was rescued with kittens, all the kittens were taken just about as soon as they could be, and the rescuer was stuck with her but could not keep her. She had a dog, and it was becoming more and more troublesome to keep them separated, and she was headed to a shelter when I saw the plea on FB from a friend of the rescuer, who was on my friends list.
We have a glaring of six. We have issues when we try to bring in adult cats, so we have to rehome all we find. It usually takes a month or so of work to find them homes. Kittens have never stayed longer than a week. I don't think we have ever had a kitten come back to us either.
Truthfully, if we weren't in the middle of the long process of getting our home up to snuff to sell and move, they very likely would have stayed with us.
We have a glaring of six.
Ah, but is it a glaring or a clowder?


We have issues when we try to bring in adult cats, so we have to rehome all we find. It usually takes a month or so of work to find them homes. Kittens have never stayed longer than a week. I don't think we have ever had a kitten come back to us either.
Truthfully, if we weren't in the middle of the long process of getting our home up to snuff to sell and move, they very likely would have stayed with us.
Either way, I think it's fantastic that you make the effort that you do.

Idk about clowder... but, I've been around enough cats long enough to know, glaring is far more apropos. If looks could kill cats would rule the world.
As for helping the little tykes. Well, cats, especially black cats, are both some of the most destructive, and also among the most maligned against animals. We take a two fold responsibility with them, rescuing those we can, or TNR those we can't. As much as my wife might want to, we know we cant save them all.
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I had a bit of a heart attack yesterday evening, pulling up to the trailer I'm in while the house is under repair, and there's a tuxedo cat wandering around the trailer. I stopped the car in the middle of the parking lot and grabbed my camera with the 300mm lens, and tried to see if it would come to me. From the distance I would swear it was my long-lost Figaro!

Turns out it wasn't, but I never got close enough to tell, and it wasn't until I put the pictures up on screen that I knew it wasn't him. Still, you can see why I was checking him out!


Figaro here has that white stripe on his nose, not there on the other cat. Turns out the white on the front feet of mystery cat went higher up the leg, too.

Oh, well. Excitable hopes crushed.
Excitable hopes crushed.

Not to get your hopes up but I’m sure you know that cats can go off wandering for months and then reappear one day as if nothing had changed.

I can recall at least 3 of my cats in my life time that have been MIA for several months only to pop up out of the blue at the back door looking for some grub.
We just got them a cat tree and so far they like it!
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My s/o and I recently moved to a new apartment closer to my work.

Nugget (F) is grey and white and Patton (M) is orange and white. They are both one year old and have had a blast at our new apartment. We were worried they would miss the only home they have known, but that has not been the case!

Our new apartment has a screened in porch. These are the very important results.


Patton's new favorite thing is to hang out on my desk while I game on the weekends and it is too precious.


Amanda quickly went to work on painting our apartment. We flipped the mattress on its side to move the bed frame. Nugget wasn't letting this stop her from sleeping on the bed.


Patton followed suit.