We are too! Moomoo is a very social cat and I know he’s not satisfied with just my attentionAhhhhhh. Look at that handsome young man. What a cutie.
Very happy for the robot household.
My vet told me to start my dog on Cosequin, and it made a huge difference for him. He was hurting bad, walking sideways, dragging one leg, but after a few weeks of the chews, he's able to jump in the car by himself when we go for a ride. (He LOVES "go-for-a-ride!")
Googled, there is a feline version of Cosequin.
I'm sure its a large task, but I'm extremely jelly of what you do lol.The two boys, Arlo and Lou after crushing a bowl of food. They go into nap mode so fast thats literally how far away from the bowls they make it before they give up and crash.
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Having grown up with cats(and many animals in general) I completely understand the attachment, as well as re-homing them. My oldest one currently wasn't even supposed to be mine at first, but when it came down to handing him off I just wasn't too sure about it and out of the 6 cats in the litter, he had basically adopted me first. I ended up keeping him the day that people were first starting to come down to see them. 3 years later and hes been the best partner so far, and for sure the prettiest cat I've owned, also one of the weirdest!The worst of it honestly is handing them off to the new family. While its nice to see them go to the ol "forever home" its hard to to grow attached before then. Working with an agency also means that often we don't know the people they are going to, so the quality of people and home is always something that sits in the back of your mind. I mean, we have rehomed some cats to people we knew who were well meaning but ended up regretting the decision as they were perhaps not so good with animals as one would hope. Thats something you just don't know about until its to late. We have in fact cut off friends due to their lack of responsible pet ownership after we rehomed to them.
Edit: oh, and, getting up two to three times through the night to feed them. That also really sucks.
So it’s been a little over a month and things are going great!
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