Post a pic of your real car

  • Thread starter Sparxxx
$5.30 a gallon! And how many gallons does it take, 30? :scared:

Not really sure man, like I said, in Canada fuel is measured in Liters, and it can take around 100.
Nice Ram, always loved them. đź‘Ť

But good luck with the gas finances! My uncle had one a long time ago and had to sell it after a few years because of it. :scared:

haha, no worries, I used it last year & remember how much it took :P
That's about 25 gallons, so to fill it up would be $132.50! I bet it's worth it though. :dopey:

Worth every cent..

Had a Ford Lightning pull up next to me at the lights today, but there was a cruiser right behind us đź‘Ž

Had a good pull on the highway with a 370Z though, I think I surprised him by the look he was giving me :drool:
If its just a weekender who cares about MPG, it all pays off in fun. If you used this as a daily driver, then I'd be asking you where you got the magic beans that sprout money trees.
Nice Ram! I bet it would be pretty insane to ride in if you're not already in the know. đź‘Ť

It's RWD, right? Does it spin the rear tires a ton with that little weight over it?
Cleaned her today :)

I approve! :D
Went to a concert in Toronto the other night... Walked to my car afterwards and kicked myself for not bringing the DSLR....
I made a time-lapse video today, mounted on my car. The first video I've ever made! ^_^

Be sure to watch it in HD though. Standard definition looks really rubbish.

Brilliant video! Makes me want to do something like that. :lol:

Despite having a car with a supposedly dying engine we took a trip down to Wales. And he made it. Both ways.

This sticker adds 43bhp, yo'!

More photos can be found in Bruiser's thread.
I made a time-lapse video today, mounted on my car. The first video I've ever made! ^_^

Be sure to watch it in HD though. Standard definition looks really rubbish.


Having a glass roof (and gullwing doors!) must be so cool, but doesn't it get hot?

Having a glass roof (and gullwing doors!) must be so cool, but doesn't it get hot?

Haha, thanks. đź‘Ť

Yeah, it can get very, very hot in there during the summer. Thankfully the car comes with a couple of sun blinds which slot-in under the roof section, which helps keep the interior shady. I took them off for that video so the car looked a bit better, but it felt like I was burning to death.

I once parked my car under the sun without the sunblinds for a few hours. When I came back, I found that the plastics on my cheapo in-dash satnav had melted and deformed. :lol:

@Katiegan: Thanks! You should try one with your Mondeo. Only, you lucky people in the UK have amazing roads to drive on, so It'll look much better.
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It's been so long since I've gone out on a drive on a nice scenic road. But I feel like contributing. Sadly this is all I've got right now; a signature I use on another forum, featuring my daily RSX (low-res phone shot) and the engine I'm working on for a project car.

That's debatable. :lol:

lol, Perhaps! Though the best driving experience I've ever had was in a Vauxhall Corsa rental car, whizzing through the Scottish mountains. The roads were amazing! By comparison, everything is flat and dead here. The only thing which gets your heart racing is when a Kangaroo jumps out infront of your car on a country highway.
lol, Perhaps! Though the best driving experience I've ever had was in a Vauxhall Corsa rental car, whizzing through the Scottish mountains. The roads were amazing! By comparison, everything is flat and dead here. The only thing which gets your heart racing is when a Kangaroo jumps out infront of your car on a country highway.

Driving in the Scottish mountains will give you a very rose tinted view of what most of our roads are like. :lol:

Down here in Suffolk they're either narrow, potholed and full of people driving in the middle of the road or very long, very straight and generally dull. :indiff:
^ Hey, I'm in Collins, too! Moving to Denver next month though, I can't wait to be closer to High Plains and Pikes Peak International Raceways. I accidentally woke up before noon today, so I just went up to the reservoir for photos:


Kinda sad seeing the remains of the High Park Fire up top there ^


Nice Ram! I bet it would be pretty insane to ride in if you're not already in the know. đź‘Ť

It's RWD, right? Does it spin the rear tires a ton with that little weight over it?

Yeah, RWD... It spins, but that isn't so much the problem. Big problem is the wheel hop. Thought about traction bars, but it's unnecessary.

& yes, insane it is. đź‘Ť
Just brought the SRT10 out of Hibernation .. These are old pics but I'll post one with a GTP note in a minute, I need to go out and take one.

6 Speed manual
K&N Intake
Aftermarket Exhaust
Soon to be racing cams & heads
It was the 444th Ram SRT10 (hence the 444 in the pics from today)

Today just before a good scrub, with the powder coated rims.
Made sure I washed it on the lawn across the street so I didn't kill the grass on my yard :P

Love the truck. I like Rams to begin with, SRT10 is just plain nasty. You did it right.
Dat Sable. I bet it must be soooo comfortable to drive.

No joke. I'd daily drive one of these so hard. I had a 2000 Pontiac Bonneville for my DD that I sold a couple months ago... Wish I didn't. Late 90s luxuries are best value in terms of comfort/$.
Hey, I'm in Collins, too! Moving to Denver next month though, I can't wait to be closer to High Plains and Pikes Peak International Raceways.

Being closer to the raceways would be the only reason to move to Denver. I hate that place anymore.

Kinda sad seeing the remains of the High Park Fire up top there.

Agreed. Went up to Horsetooth myself yesterday. Hate seeing it like that. đź‘Ž
I've been going out to the Golden area just about every week for a while now to hang out with a friend and grew to like that NW corner of Denver. Easier access to the more interesting parts of the Rockies doesn't hurt either.
dat body roll.

The body roll is ridiculous on my Town Car, as I discovered on Tuesday. I was driving on a road pretty slowly (25mph?) because I was taking my uncle with cerebral palsy to church and I didn't know where it was. I almost passed it and I pressed hard on the brakes and turned quickly and it felt like we were tipping over. The tires were rubbing on the wheel wells. It's like the suspension is made out of pillows, it's kind of ridiculous but it makes it so comfortable. I love going on roads with lots of dips in them and just bouncing up and down. :)