post screenshot of ur NFSU cars here <<<<

  • Thread starter 2ez2KiLL
what do you guys think about this eclipse looks nearly but not exactly the same?


  • chob(f&f eclipse front).jpg
    chob(f&f eclipse front).jpg
    58.4 KB · Views: 167
Yeah, but with certain vinyls, you can't change the colours. So far, the only ones I know of that you cannot change the colour are unique vinyls, and Manufacture vinyls
Oh well I don't have a digital camera, yet!

Damn you Santa I wanted one!:irked:

But anyways to color decals you just need to push square after you stick em on.
Yes, have the vinyl layer selected.
Then, click "vinyl colour'.
Then you'll be prompted with a screen to spray the vinyl in the colour of your choice.
My Car, wish I could get online, but everytime i try to download the patch it screws up.


  • 00.jpg
    53 KB · Views: 181
i have an Eclipse That looks pretty much like the rreal one in F&F but i doesent have a black hood

i even have the MI vinal on the hood and the side vinal is really close if not the same

i think i looks pretty cool but i dont have a digi cam so i cant post it
Onlineness rocks.

My favourite car:

It can go well in drifting online.
is anyone else having problems downloading the nfsu patch 1.3? it says patch patch...patch
Originally posted by nismo180sx
my 240sx

Hmm... Have the same car, I have a ways to go... Anyone got any working cheats for ps2 yet?? I just wanna see what I can do to the car before I return the game. It's actually getting old doing the races just to unlock crap.


My gfcard stinks so I manipulated this in PS.

Anyway, why is the miata so good? you don't have to change car until like 50% of the game with that car.. EA sucks hard!