Post Your Best Time Trial Times/Videos

  • Thread starter backpian1
It's crazy how much time we are finding when pushing each other like this. I feel like this thread is about to be just our videos every other page. :sly:

Yes being pushed only makes you faster, do you use chase cam on a wheel ?

Do you speedguys run with any assists on ?
I drive with everything off.

Depends on the car, on the Zonda r i use a little TC and ABS. Some cars just ABS, there's still much to learn yet tho.
Yes being pushed only makes you faster, do you use chase cam on a wheel ?

Depends on the car, on the Zonda r i use a little TC and ABS. Some cars just ABS, there's still much to learn yet tho.
Yea chase cam for me. It's what I've always used in racing games so I'm used to it.
My leaderboard time shows a green P, C, W, I and a red +. What does this mean?

From left to right: Driving model Pro (when it asked you how experienced you are when you started the game), Custom setup, Wheel, In-car camera, I'm still unsure on what exactly the + means however if you hover your mouse over any of these letters it will give you more information such as exact assists used if you mouse over the +.
How do the assists code on that leaderboard read? Similar to yourself, I have been using real assists and have set a fastest time, but would like to check what assists it really used.

My leaderboard time shows a green P, C, W, I and a red +. What does this mean?

Also, is there a resource that can tell us what assists the real car is supposed to have, so that we can adjust accordingly?


From left to right: Driving model Pro (when it asked you how experienced you are when you started the game), Custom setup, Wheel, In-car camera, I'm still unsure on what exactly the + means however if you hover your mouse over any of these letters it will give you more information such as exact assists used if you mouse over the +.

Basically what Lukas said, hover the cursor over the 5th symbol and a list of driving aids pops up.
Thanks for the explanation guys. I was viewing the site on my phone earlier and wasn't able to see the message, but it appears on the PC. As you had thought Penso, with "real" assists checked, the car (G40 Junior) had ABS, Stability and Traction Control enabled. I had suspected this and ran some laps with all assists disabled and was able to lap with the same pace, but had to be more mindful not to push too hard in certain situations (downshifts, aggressive weight transfer, etc).

With that in mind, I really would like to know with certainty what assists are fitted to the real life vehicles so that I can follow accordingly.
How do you get an 8 minute video on pc? Do you record in real time or is there a way to save the replay. All mine are only 2 minutes long, I probably missed a setting or something.[/QUOTE]

I Record it live with a program called Banicam. Then after the run I run the raw file trough Sony Vegas to reduce the file size and add in the leaderboards. I am guessing that time trail does not have long replays for some reason.
Impressive guys, make mine look like amateur hour. :(
Added your video's to the media page of AdrenaTune, keep up the great work... or maybe let some of us little guys enjoy the glory of the first page as long as you can, either way ;)
World Record time with the RuF CTR3 on Nurburgring. (6:52:832) I messed up BAD at the end but still got the world record:P
Now I manually put whatever aids the vehicle comes with as active in the gameplay menu just to be sure.
I mapped the ASM and TCS to buttons on my wheel and ABS to my keyboard then in the gameplay section set it to either real or all. That way I can toggle the stuff on or off on the fly if I want/need to. I haven't paid a lot of attention but I did notice that when it was set to real I did not have the option for ASM or TCS on some cars. Just nothing happens when I hit the button where of course on others all of those are available. I generally keep ABS off all the time and like to drive without ASM or TCS but will turn those on sometimes, more likely in some cars than others and generally cars where those would be available anyway. Sometimes I will forget that they are on and end up running with them on when I don't want them.

I have also been using the driving line for the most part as I am still learning several of these tracks.
Finally figure out how to get decent quality from Windows Movie Maker. Was tuning the McLaren 12C GT3 and missed out on the top time at Brands Hatch GP and forgot to have Shadowplay running anyway to record it:ouch: so I went to Brands Hatch Indy to see what was happening there. A bit sloppy but still the best one so far:
9th place on the leaderboard. Tune is up for this car in my garage. Link below:


A few laps in the sms Time Trial. Was overdriving the car had a lot of fun drifting to a provisional P1 but there at least 3 seconds to find with Setup and less drifting. Still amazing fun driving the car that way
Lap at Hockenheim National in the M-B 190E DTM. Currently 9th overall and 2nd overall with no Aids. Tune up in my garage.

Lap at Hockenheim National in the M-B 190E DTM. Currently 9th overall and 2nd overall with no Aids. Tune up in my garage.


Thats why i dont take the the Timetrials any serious and just do them in default setup with any intention in going fast. The track extension and cutting is the worst **** ever also that you can setup the car. I hope they fix this in the near future no way in comparing driver skills that way.
Until then breaking i will just slowly try to go on top of the leaderboards on tracks were you canr cut like hell
Also keep in mind that you can count on no aids. When you have set them to real it shows all aids on on the leaderboard even if the car has none. I guess most of the top cutter and cheater have them to real

Someonething like that:
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Also keep in mind that you can count on no aids. When you have set them to real it shows all aids on on the leaderboard even if the car has none. I guess most of the top cutter and cheater have them to real

Someonething like that:
Nice lap:tup:👍 Can you clarify this?: Also keep in mind that you can count on no aids. When you have set them to real it shows all aids on on the leaderboard even if the car has none.

When I first started playing I was setting aids to "real" but when I checked the leaderboards I found I had traction control and stability control on karts:ouch: So now I set all the aids individually according to the real life car just to be sure. Are you saying that if you set them to real, you don't get them when driving but they show up on the leaderboards even if you didn't use them?