Post your experiences with Ricers! (starts on page 5)

Perfect Balance

A couple days ago, while sitting in my Automotive Technology class, my friend got into a sort of argument with a guy in my class. This is a great example of the ricers in todays world.
I think a couple of you will enjoy reading it, so I thought I would post it up.
I will use "Dude" as the other guy, "Friend" as my friend, and "Me" = self explanatory.

Dude: *watching D1 cars on the internet*

Friend: *Playing dumb* "WOW, how do they do that!?"

Dude: "Oh, they pull the handbrake."

Friend: "The whole time?"

Dude: "yea."

Friend: *Not playing dumb anymore* "If they pull the handbrake, then why are the wheels still spinning?"

Dude: "They press the gas."

Friend: "The car is RWD, if they press the handbrake, the wheel stops, so how can they press the gas at the same time?"

Dude: "They just do, it works."

Friend: *Finds a video of an in-car drift session, the driver never pulls the handbrake.* "Look, no handbrake."

Dude: "Well, I don't know, but my friend does it, and he's the drift king of Harrisonburg."

Friend: "What car does your friend have?"

Dude: "Twin Turbo Eclipse."

Friend: "That car is FWD, it's not the same."

Dude: "So? It doesn't make a difference, you still drift the same!"

Friend: "No you don't, I've been learning about drifting for 5 years, I know what I'm talking about."

Dude: "You wanna race or something?"

Friend: "What's that going to prove? And I don't drag race anyways.(referring to the ricer sprints between traffic lights)

Dude: "What, you don't street race?"

Friend: "No, street racing is stupid."

Dude: *To his friend* "He doesn't even street race and he thinks he knows how to drive." *chuckles*

Friend: "Where do you street race anyways?"

Dude: "In my church parking lot."

Friend: "So you drag race from one end to the other?"

Dude: "Yea, but we still drift!"

Friend: "You drift while drag racing?"

Dude: "Yes, my friend does it and he's the best!"

Me: *I looked up a picture of a turbocharged Eclipse engine* "Is this what the engine looks like?"

Dude: "Yea, just like that."

Me: "That's a single turbo."

Dude: *Points to exhuast turbine, then intake turbine.* "One, two, see?"

Me: "That's the exhuast turbine, and that's the intake turbine, two turbines, but it's only one turbo."

Dude: "Whatever man, you guys don't know anything."

Friend: "Dude, I know what drifting is and how to drift, I go to autocrosses and tracks, I know how to drive and how things work."

Dude: "Well, lets go race then!"

Friend: "No, street racing is stupid."

Dude: "Well, then don't say anything until you beat my friend!"

Then yesterday, he is watching another guy in my class look at pictures of Tiburons on the internet, and then says "Oh man, that car is fast, it's one of the best drift cars!"

Then later, he puts up the 2F2F Skyline as his wallpaper. My friend asks him what the car is, again playing dumb. He goes "It's a Nissan Skyliner, that car is fast, it has a V8 with nos!":ouch:

I just though this would be a good example of the knowledge ricers have about cars, which is close to none. And the annoying thing is, when you talk to someone who has a good knowledge of cars, and they get something wrong, you just show them proof of their mistake, and they accept it and learn something new, while ricers insist that they are correct, and street racing is the best way to answer questions or solve problems.

This guy still believes that his friend, with his twin turbo eclipse, is still the "drift king" of Harrisonburg, despite all the proof we present to him that says otherwise.
Well,I can say that I almost fell down that hole of ricer know-nothing, But I found drifting, did some research -->Keiichi Tsuchiya---> circuit racing---> set ups , and I'm trying to learn as much as I can now. But anyways, great story.
That "Dude" is one of the saddest excuses for a ricer:dunce: . I was falling off my chair with laughter at his lack of brain cells
That reminds me of a story....

...MistaX and I were on TDU, when my friend, who supposedly had a 1000hp Toyota Supra. I stupidly played along, until he screwed up, saying something along these lines....

"My Supra has a Twin-Turbo Engine running at 14 psi each."


MistaX immediatley proceeds to flame him about how a Twin Turbo Supra is VERY hard to make. He asked for the Turbo... um... thing.

The guy said "Its a GT something...."

MistaX then proceeded to ABSOLUTLEY RIP HIM TO SHREADS. Go ask him, he'll tell you.
I then said jokingly "Its kinda hard to control a 1000 hp car in the snow right?"

and this idiot says "No, not really, Its really good, and it doesn't have ABS!"

So, unless he removed the ABS, or he is just stupid. (Its the latter)

I get a message saying that he has "Automatic Brake System", which is what ABS stands for for him..... God thats sad.

Also, MistaX told me this, so you would need a Single turbo running at 40psi right? The idiot said, "No! That'll blow the engine!" He never rebuilt the engine on his nonexistent Supra, which has a JDM engine, neons and 19 inchers. :lol:
I can never help but laugh whenever I see any of the following on a rice rocket:
Body kit that is all scraped up on the bottom
Body parts that extend way wider than the wheels.
Body parts that don't fit at all / shake
2 racing wheels & 2 steel wheels
Drum brakes in the rear and cross-drilled disks up front
A custom front bumper without any other body add-ons
...And you folks wonder why my levels of respect are so low for the "knowledgeable" folks in the Import Scene...
Skyliner? :confused:


Skyliner?? :confused:


Skyliner??? :confused:


The word has lost all meaning....

I think your friend could have done a little bit better in establishing credibility and completely pwning the kid (changing up the word choice a bit), but it's a very funny story nonetheless. :lol:
I think your friend could have done a little bit better in establishing credibility and completely pwning the kid (changing up the word choice a bit), but it's a very funny story nonetheless. :lol:
We have pwned the kid before, providing loads or proof to prove him wrong, but that was other little things that I didn't mention, it's just that ricers will never back down from their word, no matter what. They base all their knowledge on their past experiences, so no matter what you say or show them, they always come back with the, "Well, I did it before." or "My friend can do it!" or a similar statement.

I guy I know claimed a twin turbo 3000gt could go 220mph if the (nonexistent, I think) speed limiter was removed, and no matter what we said, he insisted that "He was there, and he saw it, so who are we to tell him otherwise."

EDIT: We also had to keep the words as simple as possible, since he doesn't speak good english, and says stuff like, "Don't bring all that technical **** in here, it doesn't make you any smarter." when we used words that required an average amount of intelligence to understand.
My friends and I have messed around with many of people like this, even turned one around into a genuine car enthusist.

MistaX immediatley proceeds to flame him about how a Twin Turbo Supra is VERY hard to make. He asked for the Turbo... um... thing.

Twin Turbo Supra is very hard to make?.... it comes standard twin turbo (assuming A70-A80 Supra's). What has MistaJB been telling you?

...And you folks wonder why my levels of respect are so low for the "knowledgeable" folks in the Import Scene...

You must be talking to the wrong people, Domestic/Muscle car groups have them too.
For future reference, the intake side of a turbocharger is a compressor, not a turbine

Indeed, but the story is still top-notch. It's true, I've seen it, and it's always funny. Nice one, PB. :lol:
...You must be talking to the wrong people, Domestic/Muscle car groups have them too.
True also, but "ricers" are more common in the import scene, because of the young people that frequent it. Domestic cars aren't as popular with youngsters, especially where I live.

But I've still seen plenty of idiot rednecks, so you're definitely right!

EDIT: Oops, I got DPed! :lol:
Very good read indeed, It's sad how pathetically stupid some people are.

*Wishing he had ricers in his school so as to poke more fun*
My friends and I have messed around with many of people like this, even turned one around into a genuine car enthusist.
Same here, a kid at my school is now learning a lot about cars too, when before all he knew was the names of all the muscle cars.(His dad is a muscle car enthusiast)
oh my god.. thats sad! drifting while drag racing with a twin turbo fwd car that only has one turbo???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! man i wanna talk to this guy..
Thankfully I don't think we get people like this in my part of the world.
I mean, really... Skyliner with V8 and nos...
He's alright. Yeah, seriously. At least he knows what a Turbo is (Partially), what a handbrake does (Partially, again) and... Alright. I admit it, he's a moron. But here's why I prefer those guys: You're (mostly) right against them. In my area, nobody's interested in cars. So you can't be right if you can't talk about it. People won't even know what a clutch is (90% of Israeli cars are Automatics).
Really? We have too many, although I should be thankful- the cities seem worse (I'm UK) >Some< of them are a good laugh though.
But don't even get me started :lol:

Friend of mine- not talked to in ages. He used to be more knowledgeable than me but alas, he has slipped into a ricer.
He very often told me all about how he can beat all his mates in his Saxo (his mates were driving Imprezas and various BMWs apparenty).
Well, my boyfriend and I decided to have some fun and told him that my friend owned a Porsche 911 GT3 RSR.
He believed me of course but was convinced his dad could beat it in his 'all new Audi A4' Waaay.

Should've seen his face when I 'revealed all'
These stories are just cringe worthy.

And to add to the list of, exaggerations, my mate who is very prone to exaggerating (and is now 17 :rolleyes: ) claims he was in the car with his dad when he did 155mph... in a Ford Focus 1.8TDCi.

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