Post your experiences with Ricers! (starts on page 5)

And to add to the list of, exaggerations, my mate who is very prone to exaggerating (and is now 17 :rolleyes: ) claims he was in the car with his dad when he did 155mph... in a Ford Focus 1.8TDCi.

I knew a guy in high school who did the opposite, telling us how fast his dad's new beetle was, saying they were doing over 80mph on the freeway last night. I was confused about what his point was until I realized they thought 80mph was like a land speed record or something.
HEY, A GIRL! This is rare on the gtp forums!

@ ExigeExcel: I think that is past the point of exxagerating, that's just plain lies.
Oh but I don't dispute they were going fast, his dad is a bus driver hence he thinks he is invincible on the road, but 155mph just made me laugh.
Would that be the fastest spec Ford Focus 1.8 TDCI available that has a top speed of 121mph or one the slower models :lol:.
Thats kinda sad..... but what the heck do I know, the fastest I've ever gone is mabye... 100mph, I was scared to high hell.
Oh well...

I got a housemate who goes on and on about BMWs...

He said the previous M5 has a supercharged engine, the E46 M3 also has a supercharged engine..

I told him no, i can bet my life my money my soul they are not supercharged and he said 'but we OWN 2 of them! The white 1 makes a sound "pssst" when it goes..!It is supercharged!!'
I just couldn't be bothered anymore and just showed him the M3 on wiki..but the worst thing was, he was still giving excuses after seeing the facts. :grumpy:

Shole....and he said audi doesn't produce turbo cars!!! ahahahahahaha...WTF...
And Quattro is somekind of engine technology!!!! I give up!!!
Really? Once you go past 100 a few times its not that special anymore.

Yes but that was in a MINI Cooper with a front left tire with low pressure, and my uncle is kinda nuts.... :D

@TsLeng - Thats just retarded. Really retarded
Little details bother me. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it. I someone else is wrong, I'll try to correct them. I can't stand people who, when wrong, refuse to be corrected. I don't have any friends like that, and most of them know much more--though about specific types of cars--than I ever will. I know they know some stuff I don't, and vice versa. The aquiantances I have had that were big ricers I just gave up on because they were so positively annoying and frustrating.
Little details bother me. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it. I someone else is wrong, I'll try to correct them. I can't stand people who, when wrong, refuse to be corrected.
My sister is like this, and it bugs the crap out of me. And it's usually little things that take something like moving your hands to fix, and she wont do it.
=V8 Power=
Really? Once you go past 100 a few times its not that special anymore.

That very much depends on the car. Going 100MPH in a Corvette is kind of mundane, while 70-80MPH in a Triumph TR6 (with the top open) feels like you're taking your life in your hands pretty much every time. :scared:
HEY, A GIRL! This is rare on the gtp forums!

:lol: Indeed. It's rare round here too. Guys don't give me the time of day, unless I say something clever...

Little details bother me. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it. I someone else is wrong, I'll try to correct them. I can't stand people who, when wrong, refuse to be corrected.

I do have friends like that but hey, after you've given them a ton of undeniable facts, contradicting everything they say; I just let them stew in it, they know they're wrong. (usually)
Although sometimes it's just so stupid I want to throw something heavy at them.
I couldn't stand to be around these folk. Such people wre the reason mechanics are paid so well. Our Driver's Education system is a train wreck. Popular culture ignores major facts. Most people don't know what sort of engine they have...some I've talked to don't even know their car's Make and Model!

To be fair, though, there are some people who like loads of stereo and video, who like the overdone paint and body, but know a decent bit about their cars, and know that they're not gonna be the fastest. And they're fine with that. And I'M fine with that. It's annoying when people go, "I'm gonna beat you because I just upraded my stereo."

And why does it ALWAYS have to be on the street? always with these people, it has to be on a public thouroughfare or private parking lot, (Tresspassing, anyone?) and not on a Race course. the church parking lot...sheesh. what a venue. what do you get up to? 30 MPH? I bet it's not even 1/4 mile long. the longest drag would be around 300ft of full accelleration.

I like to say, "Pay my track fees for a REAL dragstrip, and I'll think about it."
Here's the problem with being smart. Because I seem to be right so much, it becomes a blow to my ego to be wrong. That is why I either don't say anything or argue (if it is a subject I think I am knowledgeable & unfallible in). I argue until I win, or the other person comes up with proof, in an effort to keep my ego. Sounds like a similar problem you uys are having with ricers. Fortunalty for others, I guess, I'll stop and accept that I am wrong when adequate proof is brought to the table.
Fortunalty for others, I guess, I'll stop and accept that I am wrong when adequate proof is brought to the table.
That's the problem with ricers. They will stop arguing, but not because they have been proven wrong. They will say something like, "Yeah, whatever, but *insert insult here*." Just so they kind of have the "final say" in the matter.
Skyliner? :confused:


Skyliner?? :confused:


Skyliner??? :confused:


The word has lost all meaning....

I lost it there. Just lost it.
I don't think it's ricers.
Or rednecks.
It's car people.
Yes, car people. stubborn, thick-headed car guys, that always think they're right, and always think the cars they like are best.
I couldn't tell you how many people I've talked to that claim "Mustang GT's have always been faster than any Firebird's, in every year", or, "Supra's run 11's stock", or a modified Camaro could never beat a Ferrari, you're stupid", or, "I can feel the power from my exhaust" I could go on, but I'll digress.

The point is, talking to "car guys" whether young, old, or middle-aged, they are generally idiots. Somehow, the magic of "car knowledge", evades most every enthusiast in the world, and the knowledgable are very few and far between.
It's so bad, that I intentionally avoid talking about cars, with most everybody I meet, just because the stupidity is so relentless, and never backs down, and you can never prove them wrong, because they "saw it".
Screw it, I'd rather not talk about cars, then try to educate morons constantly, because no matter what you show them, or do, or say, they'll never change their mind. The Mustang guy will always live in the world where mustangs are the fastest production vehicles ever, the Honda guy, will always believe that lightweight overcomes all. It's not going to change, and I'm not fighting it.
I'll simply make my car better, and no matter the excuses they make, I'll stay two steps ahead, and just give them that cocky smile that says, "you suck, and I creamed you".

jim prowler
I like to say, "Pay my track fees for a REAL dragstrip, and I'll think about it."
Sorry man, but if you can't afford the 10-20$ to show the stuff you talk about, that's not the "ricers" fault.
Sorry man, but if you can't afford the 10-20$ to show the stuff you talk about, that's not the "ricers" fault.

No, just to get on their nerves a bit more. They know what they're doing is illegal, they just won't admit that that's not cool. Besides, I know my car can't beat theirs. (Chevrolet Nova Sedan '88 (AE82), 4A-LC, 90 HP, 3 spd. auto, probably worn, so it's even slower)

By the way...experience with a "car guy" yesterday...Is there such a thing as a 3-cyl, Rear-engine, Front drive Subaru with dual front wheels? I'm fairly sure I'm getting B.S.'d there.
Well there was the fwd/awd front engine 3-cyl Justy and the rwd, rear engine 2-cyl 360.

Maybe he was mixing the two?
Edit: Meh, I didn't like my post. Forget it. Let's get back to the subject at hand, rather then skyliners.
Well, I still can't get over that video (posted at GTP) about some comedian talking about spoilers on the front of FF cars.

There's kids at school who are really very dumb when it comes to cars. One thinks you don't need to slow don't when drifting. When I tried to prove him wrong he said "well not when they're going 200mph!"
Oh yeah sorry, yeah I think you could do it at 190 or so though. :rolleyes:
And I hate how they think bodykits improve you're car. Ricer is exactly like a disease. I hate it, they would love to add a bunch of stuff to their car, then they'd get mad when it makes they're car slower. If you want a faster car, add power (or weight) mods to you're car. Green is not fast (which is kind of funny because a lot of people say red is the fastest color for cars, and red and green are oppositte on the color wheel. Plus the green is so ugly in comparison IMO) I don't even want to bother talking about it anymore. They're not going to listen. What's strange is a lot of them like LA rush, but never mention NFS. Maybe they used to, but caught on to the fact that people know how lame NFS really is. But in reality, civics, Mitsu Eclipses and others aren't much worse than other cars, it's just ricers give them a bad name.
I'd guess he got his words minced describing a Justy...but the dual front wheels still get me...

I'm half inclined to agree with Wolf, 'cept I know that does have a good bit of intelligence with other cars. Mostly American.
It's car people.
Yes, car people. stubborn, thick-headed car guys, that always think they're right, and always think the cars they like are best.
The point is, talking to "car guys" whether young, old, or middle-aged, they are generally idiots.
The Mustang guy will always live in the world where mustangs are the fastest production vehicles ever, the Honda guy, will always believe that lightweight overcomes all.
These are the exact qualities of ricers.:odd:
Wow. I mean, seriously, I knew all of that since ... hmm, 3 years old?

And I knew about Skylines' and their engines since I got Gran Turismo... maybe 7 years old?

I don't know about the thingy with the turbos with the intake + exhaust turbines though.:guilty:

But I'm sure I will within a year.

What a retard.
Oh, yeah: example of my friend's ricer friend in Woodside Queens

"oh, yeah you know my dream car, its a 1991 toyota supra turbo. man my dad has that car itll go 200 mph stock! man, put on the nas, and 4 turbos, and that ****'ll fly!!! Man im not even kidding itll go 300 mph!!!

"i think you mean kp/h

"naw, man its mph im serious!1!!

wtf... he also claims to have gotten into a gunfight with cops involved
Oh, yeah: example of my friend's ricer friend in Woodside Queens

"oh, yeah you know my dream car, its a 1991 toyota supra turbo. man my dad has that car itll go 200 mph stock! man, put on the nas, and 4 turbos, and that ****'ll fly!!! Man im not even kidding itll go 300 mph!!!

"i think you mean kp/h

"naw, man its mph im serious!1!!

wtf... he also claims to have gotten into a gunfight with cops involved
You need new friends.

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