Post your FORZA 3 PICS here

  • Thread starter African Kat
A few I took last night. Didn't realize how awesome crashes look with the right angles.


Cronos, What setting gets the reflections to "POP"? Im sure the fact Im not using an HD TV for this is hurting my results but I still cant find the realistic look. Still looks like a cartoon.
Cronos, What setting gets the reflections to "POP"? Im sure the fact Im not using an HD TV for this is hurting my results but I still cant find the realistic look. Still looks like a cartoon.

Try picking a metallic paint job, look for a good light source and raise the exposure up a bit and zoom in more. Settings are very different for each photo. Sometimes I could have no contrast other times its at least a third up on the slider.

All the colours and grey tones look pretty much the same from my HDTV to the final photo so I reckon thats most important instead of guessing. A few clicks on a slider can change it quite a lot.
Audi R15 @ Road Atlanta

I'd like to use one of these for this weeks photo comp, so, thoughts, comments, critism? or keep shooting?
Oreca @ Petit Le Mans

please remember to click on each thumbnail as my pictures are usually 1000 x XXX as opposed to the normal 700 x XXX or smaller.

I just searched Gran Turismo on the storefront. At least half a doven people have uploaded it for free download.
Hit a wall a few times and it will look like it's real life counterpart.:lol: (Honestly, who would give Nick Hogan keys to a Viper?)

Nice pics.
Traded my Forza 3 away so no more pics coming from me. Keep the pics coming though, I enjoy what you guys come up with.