Thx StrayShadow^^ Awesome Kodje 👍
Thx StrayShadow
Nice edit work on the cobra and the prius shots Momo, like this style
Good work as usual Nicolas.
The 3rd pic is quite nice, doesn't look like an Standard car if you keep it zoomed out
The second picture is absolutely stunning.~Pictures~
Nice shot Terronium! I mean... Prophet.smskeeter, not appropriate mate. I left the link as I didn't want to remove the image entirely, but profanity is just as unwelcome in pictures as it is in text.
*Insert awesome pictures here*
Terronium-12smskeeter, not appropriate mate. I left the link as I didn't want to remove the image entirely, but profanity is just as unwelcome in pictures as it is in text.
The second picture is absolutely stunning.👍