• Thread starter praiano63
Praiano, I have a trouble with the gears and I want to reset them. How do you do that?
Move the top speed slider up and down, it will put back the stock ratios.
some awesome tunes already my man praiano but still no Catherham! can you be the first to do a GT6 tune?
Of course i'll do it, but it have some huge concurence...... like KTM ?!! I'll ,just don't know when.
Hello Mr Praiano,

Thank you for sharing your tunes. I was happy to see you tuned a Lambo GT as I love this car.

I have a question though, about the ballast position. Is it really at 50? Because I tried to put it at -50 and the car feels perfectly balanced, at 50 it oversteers a lot more. So I'm just wondering if it's a little mistake. And it would explain why some people have issues with this car.

Anyway, thanks to you I'm really enjoying the car now.
Yes, it's 44KG back, pos +50. 40%-60% repartition. This is the way i like to driv it, it's not so radical but you need smooth input and you can go very fast like this when you begin to understand how it work. No late braking, slow in fast out, place the car.... But if you feel good the other way and if it works, why not.

Have a good evening everybody, going to publish my gearbos method in a few.
Method updated
How to set your gearbox in GT6
I’ll try to stay as clear as possible.
This method fit to most of the cars in GT6.
The goal is to spread the gears at the best place ,where the max power is.
I’ll consider also that the car need to perform a good standing start, classic situation in an online race.
I’m going to take the Nurb Nordschleife for example with my:

BMW M3 CSL // 550PP // SPORT MEDIUM 499 HP at 8700 RPM

Nordschleife is the place where a good launch is very important.

So ,you have a car with a given power ,with a certain kind of tires.
The first thing to do is go back at the beginning of the straight , 4 km back, to check the top speed you need.

To this speed you’ll have to add 10 kmh in case of draft but in this case you'll see that there is some room till red zone.

How to set the max speed if the GT6 setting panel don’t show this top speed ??

Go on track to check it.

After the test you saw that you reach 320 kmh.

Back to our “ring” gearbox.
We will talk about % on the setting bar.

Do like this:
1- Move your final gear to the right , around 75% of the setting bar in this case 4.000.
2- Set the top speed slider to the minimum value, lower top speed available ,here 200 KMH.
3-Set the last gear ratio full right on the setting bar = 100%
4-Move again your final gear to an aproximative low value, between 0% and 20% is ok. Here we need 2.050 to reach the 320 KMH at 8700 RPM +-

Now check your top speed on the straight or enter the value on the excel sheet to see if your top speed is OK. Here just after the bridge end of straight.

OK, now you have set the last gear we have a 6th gear ratio at 100%, full right on the panel, and your final gear to reach the speed you need on this track.

For the other gears it’s very simple.
You need to perform a good standing start to jump in front of the race.
Go on track again, check your start.
-Wheels must not spin too much , you loose grip like this and stay behind.
-The car must not squat too ,falling engine RPM loosing power and staying planted on the starting line.
To set the perfect launch after test it, you set your 1st gear to 40% of the setting bar (39% exactly in this case 4.550).

The only thing you need to do now is to spread visually the 2,3,4,5th gears between the 1st and last 6th.
It will give:
1st = 40%
2d = 55%
3rd = 70%
4th = 85%
5th = 90%
6th = 100%
To do this visually is not easy because PD take out the graduations on the setting bar that we had in GT5.

So,to be exact in your ratios calculation, you can use our excel sheet to calculate it. My friend Sam did a good job ,just play with it together with your setting panel to enter the datas and you’ll understand it in a few minutes of practice.
Here is the link to google doc sheet
GT6 gearbox calculation sheet

Just follow the tips, enter the red value only.

To calculate by approximation the tires perimeter ,go on route 10 and check your exact speed in any gear at a given RPM.
Just have to enter a perimeter value in red till you match with the speed you’ve seen on track.
295 KMH in 5th gear at stabilized 9000 RPM in this case.

After a few times ,you'll be able to build a custom gearbox for any car any track in a few minutes. Easy.
Have a good drive.


New tune updated with a brand new tune sheet GT6. Made by my good friend Daisey:)👍

Fast sharp car for pilot but still easy to control for medium driver. Good to learn the fast line.

Click on the picture to access the setting sheet.

Enjoy your drive ><(((((°>°°°°°
Thank you for all the GT5 tunes, they really helped me out! I love that you're tuning many cars already in GT6! Every day I look forward to seeing what new tunes you've done! Keep up the good work.
Quick question Mr P. I liked this car lots in your first tune, is this new version any better or just an easier drive?
100% better in my opinion, i did it again because i wasn't totally happy with the first one. For my taste now , i spot on the right balance this time. I love it, a M3 CSL need a solid great tune always.
100% better in my opinion, i did it again because i wasn't totally happy with the first one. For my taste now , i spot on the right balance this time. I love it, a M3 CSL need a solid great tune always.
Thanks Praiano, I will give the new weapon a run now! Can I please make a gentle suggestion that would help me a great deal? I do not have the money for an iPad - like you, I have mouths to feed! So, after saving them, I print out your tunes, keep them in a folder and use them like that. So my printer does not run out of ink colour overnight with your blue background - I use black and white printing. I greatly admire the beautiful effort Daissey has put into the new sheet - but when I print it out in black and white the white writing is almost impossible to read - you see the problem? If you could just adjust the writing to black, it would be perfect. Thank you once more. :)
in regards to printing. i am using windows. here is how to change the background.

right click on the form and choose format picture. then recolor. then choose a lite shade which will aid you .

hope this helps.
in regards to printing. i am using windows. here is how to change the background.

right click on the form and choose format picture. then recolor. then choose a lite shade which will aid you .

hope this helps.
Thank you very much, will give it a shot.
Thanks Praiano, I will give the new weapon a run now! Can I please make a gentle suggestion that would help me a great deal? I do not have the money for an iPad - like you, I have mouths to feed! So, after saving them, I print out your tunes, keep them in a folder and use them like that. So my printer does not run out of ink colour overnight with your blue background - I use black and white printing. I greatly admire the beautiful effort Daissey has put into the new sheet - but when I print it out in black and white the white writing is almost impossible to read - you see the problem? If you could just adjust the writing to black, it would be perfect. Thank you once more. :)
I'll check with my friend Daisey who did the sheet, what he can do for you.

Just wanted to say it's not a Ferrari GTO from '04 that is in the tune list, should be '84 am I correct?

Anyway here she is, just bought it.
Thanks for the info, corrected.

I did an experience on my ferrari GTO84 with the rims Stock // Standard size // Rim +1 // Rim+2

1- Visually ,only the stock wheel present a larger rear tire.

Standard size // Rim +1 // Rim+2 have same width as front tire, smaller..

2- On track, my tune equiped with the RIM +2 is really horrible but OK with stock tires.
So i take out the mention "equiped with Rim+2" on the tune post.

After a while i've understood the mess i did with the panels.
I did the tune with stock tires first , then write it down on the tune sheet, the one i've published later.

Before the moment i've published my tune on GTP, i did another tune with the RIM +2 but i only mention to use the rims but i didn't change make the new sheet.
It's also a very good car, settings are of course different to compense the oversteer due to less grip on the rear tires.
Here is it for who want to test. Anyway, i'll never use other tires than stock on my cars since now.


The Ford GT don't have RIMS 1 or 2, this must be the reason why the custom wheels on this one are the same as stock.

Good evening alls.
Hey Praiano this is a great thread, thanks for sharing this information with the forum! But I'm a little confused on the gear tuning.

What I understood is this:
1. Figure out top speed for given track
2. Figure out peak HP at whatever RPM it is from the settings graph.
3. Go back on the track and figure out the speed at that RPM in 1st and your last gear.
But now I'm confused on how you get the % and numbers for the gear ratios. How did you know what to put for the final gear? How come you used 75%? Same for 1st and 6th gear, how did you know what % to use? Did you take Speed/RPM and use that as a percentage? It'd be great if you or somebody else could clarify this for me because I'd love to know how to properly tune my transmission! Thanks in advance
I fully agree with you there, the F50 is an insane icon that is missing in the game. Same as the Testarossa and F355. And Porsche of course like the Panamera and the Cayenne. And BMW misses an X6,X5,M6 and 7 series. And a 2000CS and 635i and more..

NFS2 is where i fell in love with the F50 and F355.... but for some reason they never were the idolised models :S
Thanks Praiano, I will give the new weapon a run now! Can I please make a gentle suggestion that would help me a great deal? I do not have the money for an iPad - like you, I have mouths to feed! So, after saving them, I print out your tunes, keep them in a folder and use them like that. So my printer does not run out of ink colour overnight with your blue background - I use black and white printing. I greatly admire the beautiful effort Daissey has put into the new sheet - but when I print it out in black and white the white writing is almost impossible to read - you see the problem? If you could just adjust the writing to black, it would be perfect. Thank you once more. :)

Hi Mercury,

Definately appreciate the feedback and although I believe it is better to not print at all, I also believe we can save expensive ink where we can. Price of ink in Australia is crazy thats for sure!!! I will be updating the theme hopefully by friday and getting the new sheet out by the weekend.

Cheers and thanks again :)

Hey Praiano :) I really enjoyed your Z4 GT3, but something's a bit off with the Huayra. It's very stable now, which is good, but it seems to suffer horrible understeer? I'm not sure if I'm driving it wrong or I've messed up somewhere. I just can't get around any of the corners at Grand Valley.
Hey Praiano this is a great thread, thanks for sharing this information with the forum! But I'm a little confused on the gear tuning.

What I understood is this:
1. Figure out top speed for given track
2. Figure out peak HP at whatever RPM it is from the settings graph.
3. Go back on the track and figure out the speed at that RPM in 1st and your last gear.
But now I'm confused on how you get the % and numbers for the gear ratios. How did you know what to put for the final gear? How come you used 75%? Same for 1st and 6th gear, how did you know what % to use? Did you take Speed/RPM and use that as a percentage? It'd be great if you or somebody else could clarify this for me because I'd love to know how to properly tune my transmission! Thanks in advance
It's writen :1- Move your final gear to the right , around 75% of the setting bar in this case 4.000.
This is up to you depending of the speed you need. Test it, more you set this final gear on the right first ,more you'll be able to increase your speed moving all the close ratios together on the other side (left).

The 6th when it's the last gear is always to the right 100%
The 1st gear will be determiated by your launch test. I know his position or by the graph visually , or entering the value % on excel sheet till i get the right ratio.

It's difficult for me to explain in english . Check the steps looking at the pics and try to do it a few times. You'll catch it very fast i'm sure.

Hey Praiano :) I really enjoyed your Z4 GT3, but something's a bit off with the Huayra. It's very stable now, which is good, but it seems to suffer horrible understeer? I'm not sure if I'm driving it wrong or I've messed up somewhere. I just can't get around any of the corners at Grand Valley.
This is the best i can do, i've raised the position of the ballast in front till the car OK, together with others exteme settings. Before this, it was not good at all. This tune is just a band aid for a broken car not well builded by PD. Because i can't believe a car like this drive so bad in the real life.
Hi Mercury,

Definately appreciate the feedback and although I believe it is better to not print at all, I also believe we can save expensive ink where we can. Price of ink in Australia is crazy thats for sure!!! I will be updating the theme hopefully by friday and getting the new sheet out by the weekend.

Cheers and thanks again :)

Thank you for being so considerate. 👍:)
This is the best i can do, i've raised the position of the ballast in front till the car OK, together with others exteme settings. Before this, it was not good at all. This tune is just a band aid for a broken car not well builded by PD. Because i can't believe a car like this drive so bad in the real life.

I think I was just driving it too fast. It doesn't feel or sound nearly as fast as it really is. It's definitely an improvement, though. Keep up the good work.
The new layout for your tunes is fantastic my friend credit to you and your good friend Daisey, keep up your hard work and dedication, your simply a inspiration to me and others on this forum, a very merry Christmas to you and your family and all the best for 2014
NFS2 is where i fell in love with the F50 and F355.... but for some reason they never were the idolised models :S

Oh man, that game was amazing. I played NFS II as the first one, then NFSU1 and NFSU2 were released. Those 2 games were such amazing. Tuning was never so extensive as those 2 games. I really want them to make NFSU3. Need for Speed has never been the same again since then. Each game they make are not getting any better, never saw tuning back in the newer ones. Although Carbon and Most Wanted were good, there was such a good storyline and they worked with a greenscreen. It all went wrong after Carbon.
@Daisey273 Hi Daisey! I salute the new sheet layout! 👍
I just can't see the final weight of the BMW M3 CSL. Or it is just me? :odd: :sly:

@praiano63 Hi Laurent! I'm not at the PS3 right now but, if I remember well it is Triple Plate Clutch there for the Ferrari GTO '84. 👍
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@Daisey273 Hi Daisey! I salute the new sheet layout! 👍
I just can't see the final weight of the BMW M3 CSL. Or it is just me? :odd: :sly:

@praiano63 Hi Laurent! I'm not at the PS3 right now but, if I remember well it is Triple Plate Clutch there for the Ferrari GTO '84. 👍
Hello , yes Sam, because there was no triple on the old tune sheet, when pass the first tunes back to the new one, it will be corrected before publishing.
I see the quality control never sleep....;) Goooood
Hello , yes Sam, because there was no triple on the old tune sheet, when pass the first tunes back to the new one, it will be corrected before publishing.
I see the quality control never sleep....;) Goooood
:lol: Actually it is Dan. :lol: ;)
Hey there, Praiano.
I loved your tuned on GT5, and starting to try out your GT6 tunes.
The first one was the lambo GT.
The second I turn the wheel, even the slightest bit, I get INSANE uncontrollable oversteer. Something's really wrong! Am I doing something wrong?