got anything for the subaru sti RM 05? if not i can send you one
The muscle cars met up last night (night for me), just to check out the compitition and I must say I'm feeling a little confident. There is however another srt8 in the group and it seems tuned nicely. We were only playing around for now untill the races on saturday. I think I have the better car for now, Thankx loads for the help..
Oh I stole your tune for the Rx7 spirit, I dont like the look of it with the big aero kit so I left mine stock, still has downforce 8. racing tyres the suspention works fine with 15 - 10 but sport is 15 - 8 ... Its a very good car for what it is, fast and light. Thinkig of making a drift car version.
Hi, good to hear this, it's possible to make the car more adapted for each race with a quick fine tune.
Use any tune you want the way you want, don't need to stole anything, they are made for this .. shared ,adapted,modified..... this is their function Have a good day.
Yes I know all your tunes are here for anyone to have (very nice of you). When I say I stole it, Its just a way of saying I used your tune and adapted it a little. Like most of the tunes you have put on here. I actually look on here when I get a new car to see if you have a tune for it first. I like to use your tunes as a base tune and make it my own from there. Its better than starting from stock and much quicker too.
I took the tune from the srt8 and made that my own too. Less dampers and a bit more or less ride hight (depending on track). I also change the gears a lot. I like the way you spread the gears and it works well but on some cars you can make it beter if you have the time. Everyone drives difrently and its always good to have a go and try to tune a car to suit the user.
No matter what you say I still think you are a 'Machine' and I dont think enough people give you the credit you desirve..
Thanx a lot..
Transmission how to process:
1- Select default
2- Select top speed at = 290 km/h
3- Select final gear at 4.285 (stock) set for max speed Nurburgring straight, higher Final gear to low max speed.
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 2.524
2: 1.881
3: 1.456
4: 1.165
5: 0.962
6: 0.819
It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 290 km/h
Tracks: All around / adapt with final gear to each track
power 305 hp
weight 910 kg
perf. Points: 491 pp
LSD Rear 12/36/16
Ride Height -20/-10
Spring Rate 7.0/9.4
Extension 8/1
Compression 7/2
Anti-roll bars 3/7
Camber 1.6/2.0
Toe -0.18/+0.16
Brake Balance 5/2
Tires: Sport soft tires.
What are the downfore settings? Thankyou in advance.
What are the downfore settings? Thankyou in advance.
I can check the car but not now, i have some before it and i want to review some older tune too. More job in real life ,so no prevision. But i'll do it, it's a very good car. There is 5 tunes of this car, did you try alls?? Have a good night
I didn't know about that site, thanks for the link! 👍
This is the base for everybody who look for a GT5 tune. Great job of our friend "Adrenaline".
Need to be updated, my last 8 or 10 tunes are not there yet.
Great site ......
Ours too. We both release cars too fast for Adrenaline to keep up.👍
This week it's ok. On the list.
many thanks, m ine is painted yellow with green wheels, i call him Pele'
The setup CHEVROLET CORVETTE Z06 (C6) '06 may be the same for the RM version or change much?
many thanks, m ine is painted yellow with green wheels, i call him Pele'
Hello everybody. I'll put my car "PEUGEOT 205 TURBO 16 '85" on share later after the job, +- 6 hours. For who don't have the car or want to make a quick test. You have to drive it, i never feel this with a car on GT ,try it at Tsukuba sport soft tires, first time i slide with a perfect control like this. And it make the car faster than the normal way, looking for grip and driving line, just point the car out the corner drifting and you go out of it like a bullit. Can make also the experience with comfort soft on TGTT ,it's like real Gymkhana car around the cone.
Need to make the experience, no words to describe better than this.
Good day to you Sir. I'm on tonight. If PSN holds up, I'll give it a quick blast. I've been thinking about trying to make a gymkhana car. I was thinking about going soft on the springs and hard on the dampers, much like my little rally Peugeot 206. But I see you've gone hard springs and dampers.
I'm a big fan of Peugeots...
Hi Praiano, Do you mind if I use one of your tunes as an example of how to use my Tune Library? I want to show how a tune can be copied into the spreadsheet and saved. I could use one of mine but I don't want it to seem like too much self promotion. thanks.
lamborghini1536hi my friend
today i read, that your computer crashed and you lost your excel files with your setups
i already collected your tunes in an excel-file
it won't win a crown for beautiful design but it includes nearly every of your published tunings
check it out - maybe my files can help you a little
click on the file -> download - ready
there are different Versions (xls-xlsx / sorted-not sorted) but all include the same data
Richard / lamborghini1536
Good afternoon my friend, like i always say ,feel free you or anybody else to use my tunes for anything that can help the GT community. This is what they are made for.
Look what lamborghini1536 send to me last time, all my tunes are on the link and you can download in excel.
Use the way you want, it'll be a pleasure.
Have a nice day.
Your Gymkhana 205 turbo is brilliant fun.
I just spent 25 minutes spinning and sliding round the TGTT.
Great tune Praiano.
Tuned to the max.
Fantastic ring machine, under the 5'50" to 6'00" easy. Good any track ,and very safe for a such powerfull car.
Transmission how to process:
1- Select .reset to default
2- Select final gear at 3769 (stock)
3- Select top speed at 400 km/h=249 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 2.838
2: 2.017
3: 1.506
4: 1.169
5: 0.940
6: 0.782
It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 376 km/h.=234 mph
Tracks: All around / adapt with final gear to each track (if necessary) and do fine tune (if necessary)
power 956 hp
weight 1070 kg
perf. points 693 pp
Downforce 40/65
LSD Rear 08/08/12
Ride Height -30/-25
Spring Rate 14.3/15.8
Extension 10/8
Compression 9/9
Anti-roll bars 1/1
Camber 1.8/2.0
Toe -0.05/+0.07
Brake Balance 7/6
tires: R3 / R3
praiano63Yes my friend, this is the effect, 1/2hour of fun trying to understand why the car have this easy ,sane and fun reactions. If you touch any settings including LSD, you don't have this anymore. It's a straight edge of the tune where the car stand.
Have fun everybody.