I find it annoying how I have to go to Gamestop (a place I don't quite care for mind you) to get the best stuff when it comes to preordering GT6 here in the states. Basically to get everything the UK version gets, I would have to get it from both Gamestop and Amazon. Not that I would do that, as 1 mil in game credits will be easy enough to get as it is, but the principal of the matter is what has me a little irritated.
Now I have got nothing against the UK getting the awesome version with all the goodies, as I know you guys sure do get the short end of the stick when it comes to preorders and special editions, but it is funny how the one time I really want the "best" version of a game I actually have to take my money to Gamestop. And damn, a special edition steelbook? Games like this deserve those and I really, really hope somehow in the next few months, word comes out that the US will get their steelbook too. One can dream right?