Pre order of GT5 @ Game in sweden (handmade box?)

  • Thread starter m00ndancer


I was in a GAME store here in Sweden this afternoon and saw a box with GT5 logo on. The box said that it was possible to pre order GT5, nothing unusual with that. What did however caught my eye was the date on the back 13/4 2009 as release date. I'll try to get a photo of it tomorrow when I go and shop some more Christmas gifts. This might just be a handmade box to get people to pre order it.
It's funny but there's been virtually no PS3 christmas advertising campaign here in the UK (a few LBP and that's it), have Sony saved their money in favour of a huge GT5 push in 2009
It's funny but there's been virtually no PS3 christmas advertising campaign here in the UK (a few LBP and that's it), have Sony saved their money in favour of a huge GT5 push in 2009

If they have, they are the smartest games company ever...seeing as nearly everyone decides to not release anything remotely decent around summer, they always aim for just before Christmas or Spring/Autumn. Theres always a huge market for people with money around summer and I often wonder why games companies aren't making more of an effort around this time - I mean, I know why they didn't originally, but because they have avoided it all these years, its become a gaping hole in the release calendar.
I realise April isn't really summer, but GT5 would take care of summer ;)
Gamefaqs has GT5P Platinum edition as already released on the 19th of December. Has anybody seen this because I haven't.
I was in a GAME store here in Sweden this afternoon and saw a box with GT5 logo on. The box said that it was possible to pre order GT5, nothing unusual with that. What did however caught my eye was the date on the back 13/4 2009 as release date. I'll try to get a photo of it tomorrow when I go and shop some more Christmas gifts. This might just be a handmade box to get people to pre order it.

if this could be possible, it'll be Japanese version only...
It has to be for something like that or why would they release it in march 2009.

think about it, the highest ps3 sales/profit will be from fall 2008 to spring 2009... the release of GT5 would be the best for Sony in that timeline... if it isnt then sony is losing potential higher profit sales then it would in fall 2009
Update: Sticker with releasedate removed. Asked salesperson: "sometime 2009"
And it was hand made...
It wouldn't surprise me if Sony is pushing PD to have GT5 released as soon as possible (next Spring), with the bad economy and all. And if that is true (I love a big guessing game) than PD has put all their focus on the full game and no longer on Prologue, hence the puny spec III update and no spec IV on the horizon. PD have stated earlier that Prologue eventually would be (through updates) as mature as GT5 (gameplay wise) and that the difference between the two would only be in the number of tracks and cars and game layout (timetrails, events, races etc.). If PD has indeed the intent to release the full game next Spring, than we might get all the tracks and cars (these are supposed to be completed, except for some off-track details), but we might at first not get features like private rooms and damage. Those we might get through updates as we would get other updates like more tracks and more cars and ....
So, my guess is that GT5 will be released next Spring with a lot of cars and tracks and for the rest will be not much more than (or as much as - I'm quite pleased with it as it is now) Prologue as we have it today. :ouch:
It wouldn't surprise me if Sony is pushing PD to have GT5 released as soon as possible (next Spring), with the bad economy and all. And if that is true (I love a big guessing game) than PD has put all their focus on the full game and no longer on Prologue, hence the puny spec III update and no spec IV on the horizon. PD have stated earlier that Prologue eventually would be (through updates) as mature as GT5 (gameplay wise) and that the difference between the two would only be in the number of tracks and cars and game layout (timetrails, events, races etc.). If PD has indeed the intent to release the full game next Spring, than we might get all the tracks and cars (these are supposed to be completed, except for some off-track details), but we might at first not get features like private rooms and damage. Those we might get through updates as we would get other updates like more tracks and more cars and ....
So, my guess is that GT5 will be released next Spring with a lot of cars and tracks and for the rest will be not much more than (or as much as - I'm quite pleased with it as it is now) Prologue as we have it today. :ouch:


KY says that all the cars are now finished and they working on the crowds and enviroments which must mean its close to being finished

"Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi has also said both Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo PSP were "moving forward", adding that GT5 cars had reached the "target level" of detail, and that their efforts would now be concentrated on environments and crowds."

I was in a GAME store here in Sweden this afternoon and saw a box with GT5 logo on. The box said that it was possible to pre order GT5, nothing unusual with that. What did however caught my eye was the date on the back 13/4 2009 as release date. I'll try to get a photo of it tomorrow when I go and shop some more Christmas gifts. This might just be a handmade box to get people to pre order it. have had GT5 pre-orders on their website for a while now, they claim it's going to be released on 29/3/09. I wouldn't bank on any shops knowing the date until Sony actually release a date on thier website.

KY says that all the cars are now finished and they working on the crowds and enviroments which must mean its close to being finished
No he didn't. He said exactley what you quoted.
"Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi has also said both Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo PSP were "moving forward", adding that GT5 cars had reached the "target level" of detail, and that their efforts would now be concentrated on environments and crowds."

He said that GT5 cars had reached a target level of detail, he didn't say anything about the volume of content being complete or reaching any set targets for GT5. What he means is that in terms of graphics the detail of the cars has hit thier targets and now they're trying to increase detail in the environments and crowds. The comment doesn't mention volume targets, it's about graphical targets.
No he didn't. He said exactley what you quoted.
"Polyphony Digital boss Kazunori Yamauchi has also said both Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo PSP were "moving forward", adding that GT5 cars had reached the "target level" of detail, and that their efforts would now be concentrated on environments and crowds."

He said that GT5 cars had reached a target level of detail, he didn't say anything about the volume of content being complete or reaching any set targets for GT5. What he means is that in terms of graphics the detail of the cars has hit thier targets and now they're trying to increase detail in the environments and crowds. The comment doesn't mention volume targets, it's about graphical targets.

oops, but to reach the target level of detail on the cars surley must have finished putting the cars into the game.
if this could be possible, it'll be Japanese version only...

You might want to edit that, I think it's considered an offensive term. I thought there was a sticky saying it but I could be wrong.


Game stores put made up dates or expected dates on things all the time, I remember seeing Little Big Planet stuff ever before a release date was announced. I wouldn't think to much of it to be honest. Until PD gives us an official date everything else is just speculation.
oops, but to reach the target level of detail on the cars surley must have finished putting the cars into the game.

Put it this way: Kaz is basically saying they've finished improving the graphical detail up from the GT5P standards to GT5 standards. I think he's referring to their graphics engine, lighting models, etc. Which means now they can focus on just creating the content, at least the model content anyway, I rather hope they've taken a bit more time on the designing the core game menus and race event programming, because really it could do with expanding more from what GT4 had. Especially sorting out all the different routes of navigation around the menus, because tuning different cars has always taken quite a bit more effort than it should.
Iam a huge fan of GT ever since i was 8 back in 2000 ;).
In a way well I have a feeling that the release could be sometime around then, seriously I doubt that they have only finished perfecting the games engine because you have to remember the "Next gen" Gran turismo project began way back at the end of 2003 when Gt4 was in its very late development stages maybe even beta testing in house as PD was aiming for a 03 launch for GT4 that means this game has been in development for 5 years now I personally would think as great as this game is and I know it will be the best. 5 years is a very long time for a game to be developed in, at this current time I would bet that 85% of the cars are actually modeled and 80% of the tracks are done.
A game may take long to make but you have to remember 5-6 years is most probably the pinacle of any games development duration besides duke nukem it will forever remain an inhouse game already at version 10.1.1 ;)
GAME store here in Norway also does have the same for GT5 and Killzone2 - I've asked why the date and pre order - it was just simply to know how much to order in when it's released - to know the popularity of a game and then order in 100 copies or 1000.

but who knows.... maybe they know something and aren't able to tell.
mh i don´t think we will get it till 2010... they haven´t release an big fall update for gt5p since now so how will they release a full game? lol... never ever... my opinion...
I very much doubt that you will ever receive the update you are looking for and im happy it will give us a much nicer experience in the real game because there are more new things.
Gamefaqs has GT5P Platinum edition as already released on the 19th of December. Has anybody seen this because I haven't.

I've seen the GT5P Platinum Edition available in a HMV store in the UK already - at 5 GB pounds less than the original version (20 rather than 25).
You might want to edit that, I think it's considered an offensive term. I thought there was a sticky saying it but I could be wrong.

I also remember to read that. It seems that native english speakers use "Japanese" as a depreciative (or even ofensive, I can't recall) form of reffering to japanese people. That doesn't happen in other languages (not in mine, that's for sure), so Ravelron - if he is italian - probably doesn't know it.

The fact is, non-english (native) speakers reading GTPlanet learn many things about the english language that school doesn't teach you :dopey:
really don't get that, know rules are rules but its exactly the same as someone referring to me as a Brit... whats wrong with that?

Anyway I still hope that the poor spec 3 update was because of them spending all their time on the full game... makes sense though I wont hold my breath :)
really don't get that, know rules are rules but its exactly the same as someone referring to me as a Brit... whats wrong with that?

Calling someone a Brit has no racial undertones in it, calling someone a "Japanese" however does have racial implications. Look up the history of the word, especially during WWII era America and get back to me.
Calling someone a Brit has no racial undertones in it, calling someone a "Japanese" however does have racial implications. Look up the history of the word, especially during WWII era America and get back to me.

Same hear in Australia it is considered to have racial implications.