Pre-release GT5:Prologue Thread Firmware 2.17 mandatory for GT5:P? (and Pictures)

  • Thread starter amar212
yeah danish review site gave it 8.2......but how many demos get reviewed? and as a demo 8s are a damn fine score! it's let down by it's size and list of features.......of course it is, its a demo! LOL

I am quitw astonished at 8's 6-7 would have been my guese but I honestly didn't think they would review it as a full game!
At the end of the day it is a game, not a demo. It has over 70 cars, it has 11 tracks/variations, dunno how many events but must be a fair few, full online mode, full support by almost all wheels and so on. To me its no suprise it was reviewed as a game because, well it is one. The eurogamer review, didnt make any mention of the Ferrari F2007 or F40 or anything of the new cars.
We all know it's a cut down version of the full game the title says Prolouge, and although I agree it's got a huge amount of features, it is still only part of the full game and with a price to match this, I wonder if they took this into consideration when reviewing it as a full game?
See that is where you are wrong, PD has not stated anywhere that GT5 Prologue is a cut down, demo or trial version of any GT game to come. I know for a fact that GT5 Prologue, that is coming to the US and European markets, is a full game, and is likely to feature more than the known number of tracks and cars. Hence the co-operation with Sony, releasing the new bundle of PS3 + GT5: Prologue.:)

The eurogamer review, didnt make any mention of the Ferrari F2007 or F40 or anything of the new cars.

I believe that this is due to the fact that the game is not finished yet, new items are being sent through to SCEE every day. Therefore some of these reviews maybe out of date, almost as soon as they were written.:indiff:

I am not trying to pick a fight; I am merely stating what I know to be true:tup:
Its a game, pure and simple, its not a cut down GT5 cos GT5 isnt out yet and we dont know what content GT5 will have.
No I know you weren’t picking a fight, lmao nether am I.

SCEE them self’s are not even sure if there will be a GT5 at all. I heard that Kazunori Yamauchi is so enthusiastic that he is taking too long to finish the game, each time wanting to perfect something or add another car. An example of that was the F2007, which came out of nowhere.

Not sure about the name, I should think it is probably something to do with marketing, and branding, maybe being used as a metaphor meaning the next step forward in car games.
The Prologue demo on the PSN store was truly a demo (even that had more content than most demo's!).

Full Prologue is NOT a demo, its an introduction to the next full GT, as they take so long to put these damn games together it gives you a taste of whats to come and its got quite a lot of content and a price to reflect that...

I always wonder though why other dev's don't do this prologue thing, you don't see Forza prologue or PGR prologue, is this because they release the full thing faster or is PD just more clever at screwing loyal fans? :sly:

You may considerer GT5 Prologue (Pal/US) just half a game - or in the words of some even a demo - when compared to GT2, GT3 or GT4 (although in the case of the third installment the distance in depth to GT5P doesn't seem that huge now);
If you compare it to 99% of other games out there though and can only say that it's a GAME full stop.
And for nearly half the price!


I guess PD just spoiled their fans throughout this last decade; Everybody just expects EVERYTHING, and then some, of a game if it's made by Polyphony...
The Prologue demo on the PSN store was truly a demo (even that had more content than most demo's!).

Full Prologue is NOT a demo, its an introduction to the next full GT................ it gives you a taste of whats to come and its got quite a lot of content and a price to reflect that... this because they release the full thing faster or is PD just more clever at screwing loyal fans? :sly:


Is this not what a demo is? Yes I completly agree that it's huge and that it could in fact be seen as a full game (if a little light for a full game) but it is a taste of whats to come in the full game GT5.........A demonstration of the full game GT5?
GT4 prologue
GT5 prologue demo
GT5 pologue
GT 3D ?
Is this not what a demo is?

Man, you're taking semantycs very serious :D

So, your question is "What is Prologue if not a demo"?

Answer:"It's a dream come true for all GT fans, and nobody really cares is it a demo, a full game or beta-test for online service - which in all both 3 cases we have to pay for while some mourn we should get it for free - because all of us are more than happy that we can pay for it in order to get, and majority of us would even pay a full price - not just this bargain price-tag - in order to get it".

If the scientific semantycs concludes at the end that Prologue is by all cases truly a "demo" - so whatever :D

Who cares really?
Man, you're taking semantycs very serious :D

So, your question is "What is Prologue if not a demo"?

Answer:"It's a dream come true for all GT fans, and nobody really cares is it a demo, a full game or beta-test for online service - which in all both 3 cases we have to pay for while some mourn we should get it for free - because all of us are more than happy that we can pay for it in order to get, and majority of us would even pay a full price - not just this bargain price-tag - in order to get it".

If the scientific semantycs concludes at the end that Prologue is by all cases truly a "demo" - so whatever :D

Who cares really?

I'm just finding it funny that the word 'Demo" is seen as a derogitory term, when truth is it's only a word as you say. I'm not making GT5p out to be any less of a game by describeing it as "A huge demo" I don't see it as a full game, thats would mean it's compareable to GT5 in size and features. Anyway I'll concede and call it a Prologue from now on, dose this mean I can get out of my trench now and take this tin hat off? LOL
Oh and keep up the great article on GT5p and thanks for the awnser on the tyres.
I would, but i'm more experienced with analogue sticks, and in the stores i'm guessing they're using wheels, even with a wheel, I think I would get a pretty good shot.
The second paragraph

Amongst the thousands of questions asked, let’s tackle a few to start: first, this is indeed the Scuderia Ferrari F2007; second, that is the actual Ferrari red as sanctioned by the Ferrari team; and last but not least, the Ferrari F2007 will be available at all Gran Turismo Ferrari dealerships for 2 million game credits.