Premium Remote Racing - Finished. Thank You Everyone!

  • Thread starter ch1potle
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Sounds good mate. Make sure before you send that you are satisfied with the results. Everybody thus far seems quite satisfied with the results vs the cost.

I'm sure it will be great! Is it 3 days per ticket?
Yes or 2 tickets for a week.

Ok I will send another level 1 in a couple of days! Also I'm not 100% sure how rr works so if you need to take a restricted number of drivers can you focus on my lower level drivers?
Ok I will send another level 1 in a couple of days! Also I'm not 100% sure how rr works so if you need to take a restricted number of drivers can you focus on my lower level drivers?

All of your drivers are in a pool with everyone else's and they are selected randomly at the start of each race. You will always have 1-2 drivers available for other things, but it will not always be the same 1-2.
Nice!! 18 days from 0 to level 39. Not too shabby :)

Well not quite,I think it was from whenever I could have 5 drivers to 39 but still a great job.:)

Edit: Black Pearl Airtrek sent.👍
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They need to put someone in charge of the OCD that actually plays the game...

They've got to know that we await that thing and jump on it like starved hyenas on meat. They knew about the online glitch because of what was posted here. I have to believe that someone from PD is at least paying some attention to this place. Rally cars? Again? To quote Chris Carter from his spot on Mike & Mike in the Morning, "C'mon, man." Save those last 6 spots for the zombies that only want race cars and the obligatory FGT, and give us the rest as collectibles.

As an aside, I have been on an F1 kick lately. The FGT properly tuned puts both Ferraris to shame (Yeah, I know, the FGT is a Senna era monster and the Ferraris are from the last 5 years since HP reduction. Hilarious part is that the reduced HP is enough to make the cars more controllable. When you add in the increased downforce and better steering, the Ferraris are a mess of oversteer. Take the downforce and steering from those cars and drop a 900HP engine in there and you've got something that would set records without killing anyone.
They've got to know that we await that thing and jump on it like starved hyenas on meat. They knew about the online glitch because of what was posted here. I have to believe that someone from PD is at least paying some attention to this place. Rally cars? Again? To quote Chris Carter from his spot on Mike & Mike in the Morning, "C'mon, man." Save those last 6 spots for the zombies that only want race cars and the obligatory FGT, and give us the rest as collectibles.

As an aside, I have been on an F1 kick lately. The FGT properly tuned puts both Ferraris to shame (Yeah, I know, the FGT is a Senna era monster and the Ferraris are from the last 5 years since HP reduction. Hilarious part is that the reduced HP is enough to make the cars more controllable. When you add in the increased downforce and better steering, the Ferraris are a mess of oversteer. Take the downforce and steering from those cars and drop a 900HP engine in there and you've got something that would set records without killing anyone.

That is rather bold. Don't get me wrong, I love the FGT and it is probably my single most used car in the game, but the F2007 is such the nice driving car (kisses fingers). I would just really love to be able to use it more though. I don't really play the game so much anymore but when I do I really enjoy time with the Ferrari. The X2010 (and 2011) are for Bob and Bob alone. I really do not enjoy driving it.
Try driving it drunk.:lol: it gives me quite a rush.:D and also I'm glad they gave me a PD F1 that I didn't have already.
I just got a 1000 ticket, I'll be duplicating it to send to you. Can only send one a day so I'll start doing that. Good business.
That is rather bold. Don't get me wrong, I love the FGT and it is probably my single most used car in the game, but the F2007 is such the nice driving car (kisses fingers). I would just really love to be able to use it more though. I don't really play the game so much anymore but when I do I really enjoy time with the Ferrari. The X2010 (and 2011) are for Bob and Bob alone. I really do not enjoy driving it.

I almost fell asleep driving the F2007. And a 20mph difference on the front stretch at Monza is a deal breaker. I can get the FGT to 232. F2007, barely over 200mph. I switched last night to the F2007 after turning about a dozen 1:21:xxx laps at Monza in the FGT and I was oversteering out of every corner. I had to correct back to the left or right to set up for every corner. No doubt, it handles much better, but..BOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING.
I just got a 1000 ticket, I'll be duplicating it to send to you. Can only send one a day so I'll start doing that. Good business.

Thank you very much starboob. You don't mind if I call you by your PSN name, starboob, do you? Has a nice ring to it. 👍

I almost fell asleep driving the F2007. And a 20mph difference on the front stretch at Monza is a deal breaker. I can get the FGT to 232. F2007, barely over 200mph. I switched last night to the F2007 after turning about a dozen 1:21:xxx laps at Monza in the FGT and I was oversteering out of every corner. I had to correct back to the left or right to set up for every corner. No doubt, it handles much better, but..BOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING.

I must agree the FGT is overall a better performing car but for whatever reason I fall asleep in it. Another car I truly enjoy driving is the R92CP. Love that car.

EDIT: On topic - received car thank you :D
I love driving the 787B I enjoyed completing the 650PP race at SSR5 in a detuned one with 494 hp killed them easily although there were no Ford GT's in the race.
I love driving the 787B I enjoyed completing the 650PP race at SSR5 in a detuned one with 494 hp killed them easily although there were no Ford GT's in the race.

I might give that car a try since I have only silvered it so far :grumpy:
I have 2 Level 1 tickets though 👍
Yeah,I've used the Zonda LM for previous races but kept coming second to those damn Ford GT's and the one time I bring the big gun out they dissapear.:lol:
hi mate :) i will start sending to you on sunday again, all races for alt account as discussed until further notice 👍 i am sure i have a few cars that you need but am i correct in saying that any low lvl tickets are acceptable without announcing? :nervous:
only 1 send per week i am afraid for the forseeable future :grumpy: but 3 days racing's better than none right!! :dopey:
if its a car i send on sunday i will post here well in advance so you can mark as pending.

cheers for now mate :cheers:
hi mate :) i will start sending to you on sunday again, all races for alt account as discussed until further notice 👍 i am sure i have a few cars that you need but am i correct in saying that any low lvl tickets are acceptable without announcing? :nervous:
only 1 send per week i am afraid for the forseeable future :grumpy: but 3 days racing's better than none right!! :dopey:
if its a car i send on sunday i will post here well in advance so you can mark as pending.

cheers for now mate :cheers:

You are correct my friend, I am always happy to receive low level tickets :)
Hey mate. The rr looks great. You will definitely be getting another level 1 in a few days!
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