Please explain your interpretation of this burden on the middle class.
It's a government burden (on all classes, I'm not particularly interested in the middle class over say, the poor or rich). To have a job, your government requires medicare, social security, and income tax to be collected. That means that for you to work for the same standard of living as someone in another country, you may require your employer to pay MUCH more. Add to that the cost of compliance with regulation such as OSHA or ADA, and concern about lawsuits from employees over wrongful termination, discrimination, or sexual harassment, and you begin to understand the financial picture that companies face when they hire someone. Your salary may be the least of their concerns!
This is the burden that our government and legal system place on hiring someone in the US... and it's not a burden shouldered by our businesses, it's a burden shouldered by employees. Your salary is lower, or you are less competitive with people overseas, as a result of these regulations.
Now some of that burden may be a good thing, and we may want to keep it, but we need to understand that certain jobs will go to workers overseas as a result - and that to shoulder that burden we need to make ourselves more valuable.
You say that shipping jobs overseas relieves some of this 'burden' on the middle class
Nothing relieves this burden on any class except reductions in taxes and regulations.
You aren't replacing the jobs... and the money you just took out of the American economy either doesn't get replaced, or it has to return from somewhere else.
By definition, the money saved on unskilled jobs makes the product cheaper and more competitive, enabling greater revenues from US customers as well as abroad - which will result in more money spent innovating. It's the innovation that you want to be a part of.
I have a friend who's family lost two sources of income at Fruit of the Loom factories because their jobs were shipped overseas. They took over $25k annually in losses from that business decision. Their jobs were not replaced as a result of those business practices, and they still make less money today because their qualifications previously were based on seniority within that factory. The bottom line is that they still make less now because their jobs were shipped overseas years ago, yet their costs have also risen.
They lost their jobs because of the burden our government places on hiring them. The people who lose their jobs will not benefit directly. But that doesn't mean it's bad for the country. Those people need to educate themselves and get jobs that can't so easily be outsourced.
Outsourcing the factory worker's job saves the company enough money to hire an engineer. That's how we become a more efficient economy. More demand for engineers means higher salaries and eventually more supply of engineers.
Your talk of more efficient, more intelligent job creation is simply not a reflection of reality. It's a nice theory.
It's economics. It's law. Your example is not unsurprising or in any way contrary to what I'm saying.
They don't ship the jobs overseas because the people there are more qualified, more intelligent, have more skills, etc. They do it to save on labor costs, period.
Correct. I never indicated otherwise.
And while we're on higher education. These jobs are being taken away from the middle class, so you say the middle class needs to step up their education and become more valuable to companies, etc. Yet there are many actions in place currently that are working to price the middle class out of higher education.
I don't care specifically about the middle class (or any class). I wish that you would widen your focus from a specific set of people that you'd like to benefit and look at the nation as a whole.
There are many things contributing to the rising cost of higher education, but it is still attainable to those who want it.