Previous race times for a track

  • Thread starter cfiore99
United States
United States
Is there a way for me to view my previous race times for say Le Mans 30 minutes so I can compare the different cars I try it with?
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Nope. Sounds like they just decided to nah on stats outside the few in your player profile.

If you really want to pursue this, there are telemetry apps out - not sure if any are “plug and play” or if you need to have some programming background see
Is there a way for me to view my previous race times for say Le Mans 30 minutes so I can compare the different cars I try it with?
Just take a screen shot of the final result. It will give you overall race time and fastest lap plus what car you did it with. Save the file to a PC and name it by car and/or date. Then if you are really keen input info into a spreadsheet.

Edit: If like me you often wait at the start finish line on lap 7 for the countdown to finish it will skew the times BUT variable weather also skews the times so <shrug> whatever.
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