Prison Rape

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
Prison is synonymous with gay rape these days. We've all heard of the "federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison", and jokes about dropping the soap. It's gotten so that people assume that everyone in prison was either raped or raped someone else.

I have two questions to this.

1) Is it true? Is rape really that common in prison? If so, why is it tolerated. Why do we continue to put prisoners together in a cell if this occurs so often.

2) If it is true, is this acceptable? Should the punishment for doing drugs, or selling drugs to willing buyers really be anal rape? Should the punishment for paying a willing prostitute be anal rape? Is it a proper punishment for a theif to be raped by his cell mate? Doesn't this fall under cruel/unusual punishment?

Why is this topic not addressed more carefully. People get up in arms about the food quality in prison, but the rape problem? Eh no biggie. Either it isn't a constitutional issue because it doesn't actually happen, or it should be a major issue with our prison system.
Soap-on-a-rope ;)

If this sort of thing does happen as much as Hollywood makes out i guess it's not only cell-mates who experience it, there will be plenty of other situations in prison where it could happen. Having a room for each prisoner would be too expensive.

Its a bit of a bugger really.
its not rape, they enjoy it secretly. Anyway the amount of people that get raped in prisons is alot lower than the media will have you to belive, and it doesnt happen in every prison.
Depends. If you are found to have been convicted of child molesting, you might as well grab your ankles and stock up on the KY.

Right, wrong, cruel, justified, acceptable,'s probably all those things. They have their own social system in there.
Don't they get, like, prostate stimulation from anal rape?

Oh, wait... rape.

Right, wrong, cruel, justified, acceptable,'s probably all those things. They have their own social system in there.

They're in prison, not another country. The whole thing is within our control. If it happens often it's because we turn a blind eye and permit it.
They're in prison, not another country. The whole thing is within our control. If it happens often it's because we turn a blind eye and permit it.


Word of advise, don't molest children, and don't do anything to get you thrown into prison.

There, problem solved (if it is a problem). :)
Word of advise, don't molest children, and don't do anything to get you thrown into prison.

There, problem solved (if it is a problem). :)

:) It isn't a problem for me. But I feel bad for the druggie that gets throw into prison for doing coke and then gets anally/orally raped for, in my mind, never having committed a crime in the first place. I even feel bad for the petty theif who has committed a crime, but a minor one - yet his punishment is severe.
Prison is synonymous with gay rape these days. We've all heard of the "federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison", and jokes about dropping the soap. It's gotten so that people assume that everyone in prison was either raped or raped someone else.

I have two questions to this.

1) Is it true? Is rape really that common in prison? If so, why is it tolerated. Why do we continue to put prisoners together in a cell if this occurs so often.

2) If it is true, is this acceptable? Should the punishment for doing drugs, or selling drugs to willing buyers really be anal rape? Should the punishment for paying a willing prostitute be anal rape? Is it a proper punishment for a theif to be raped by his cell mate? Doesn't this fall under cruel/unusual punishment?

Why is this topic not addressed more carefully. People get up in arms about the food quality in prison, but the rape problem? Eh no biggie. Either it isn't a constitutional issue because it doesn't actually happen, or it should be a major issue with our prison system.

I can say only one thing

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew :crazy: :yuck:
They do that because they don't want you to come back, so be a good upstanding citizen when you get out.
They do that because they don't want you to come back, so be a good upstanding citizen when you get out.

You will be a good upSTANDING citizen because your butt will be too sore to sit down .
:) It isn't a problem for me. But I feel bad for the druggie that gets throw into prison for doing coke and then gets anally/orally raped for, in my mind, never having committed a crime in the first place. I even feel bad for the petty theif who has committed a crime, but a minor one - yet his punishment is severe.

if your so scarred of getting ass raped, then dont break the law. Jail isnt meant to be pleasant
I took a deviant sociology course and the professor used to be a prison guard. The way he made it out to be was that it would happen as a power play but as a sexual relief there were plenty of willing participants for that.

It apparently wasn't as bad as media makes it out to be. The only people I hear of it being an issue with regularly are molesters and rapists. Sometimes it would be a gnag thing but they were more into the blood in/blood out thing.

I think that because it does happen some it is something that has become a joke and so we play it up as funny all the time and then in order to make prison seem horrible we see it as a terrible thing in media.

A woman I work with is engaged to a guy who got out of prison about a year ago (don't ask, long story) and in all the stories of how he shouldn't be in there because it was so horrible never once was rape mentioned. Seeing as how she is the type to never shut up I am sure she would mention that too. The worst he ever got was a bruised rib from a beating.
I've read that people use other inmates as girlfriend replacements.

You'd be pretty sickened if you were just in for parking tickets.
if your so scarred of getting ass raped, then dont break the law. Jail isnt meant to be pleasant

Jail also isn't meant to be periodic rape.

think that because it does happen some it is something that has become a joke and so we play it up as funny all the time

I tend to agree. I tend to think that if this were a real issue it would have been brought up. I have to assume that it doesn't happen nearly as often as the media suggests.
You have to wonder - if you lose your right to liberty, do you lose any other rights too? How about if you commit a crime serious enough to lose your right to live? Do you lose the right not to be cornholed as soon as you enter the gaol, or do you still have the full set until your body stops twitching?
I was a Prison Nurse for a year. My sister-in-law has been for many years.

Sodomy does occur in prisons. It is a fact of doing life.

However, there are special sections/cell houses where prisoners are more or less "protected" from that sort of thing. PC (Protective Custody) is for snitches, mentals, molesters. AD Seg (Administrative Segragation) is the jail in the prison. You have almost no freedom, but you have your own (very small) cell with no one to bust you in the boots.

Actually, I'd be more afraid of being beaten to death or "shanked" personally.
I was listening to some inmates talking about getting a hold of Scott Peterson.
They didn't want to rape him they wanted to shank him with a #2 pencil, and "break it off inside of him".

As far as further protection, you have to remember that at any given time the ratio of prisoners to corrections officers is like 50 to 1. In Ad-Seg at Lansing Correctional Facility in Kansas, there are 4 officers to watch over about 100 cells. Yes, there are cameras, and only a small number allowed out at a time.
But on the Max yard at any given time there are 50 or more inmates and 2-3 CO's.
If you think, I'm going to stop 10-15 inmates from sodomizing another convict at the risk of my life as a $12-17/hour corrections officer, you must be out of your mind. I'll sound the alarm and get the rest of the CO force and "Shakedown" on the yard/in the shower room. But I wouldn't dream of wading in alone.
Prison rape isn't as common as the media/Hollywood likes to play on, but it does happen. Generally, it is a terrible thing, that most people do not deserve. If someone is in for robbing a liquor store, or someone who is in for drug use, they do not deserve to be violated like that. However, I'm a firm believer in the punishment fitting the crime, so if someone rapes another person or molests a child, and goes to prison, they should have done onto them as they have done to others. And they should know to expect anything that may be coming to them, and should take it like a man.
3-Wheel Drive
I'm a firm believer in the punishment fitting the crime, so if someone rapes another person or molests a child, and goes to prison, they should have done onto them as they have done to others.

Of course, there is the pesky constitution to get around...

I was a Prison Nurse for a year. My sister-in-law has been for many years.

Sodomy does occur in prisons. It is a fact of doing life.

However, there are special sections/cell houses where prisoners are more or less "protected" from that sort of thing. PC (Protective Custody) is for snitches, mentals, molesters. AD Seg (Administrative Segragation) is the jail in the prison. You have almost no freedom, but you have your own (very small) cell with no one to bust you in the boots.

Actually, I'd be more afraid of being beaten to death or "shanked" personally.
I was listening to some inmates talking about getting a hold of Scott Peterson.
They didn't want to rape him they wanted to shank him with a #2 pencil, and "break it off inside of him".

As far as further protection, you have to remember that at any given time the ratio of prisoners to corrections officers is like 50 to 1. In Ad-Seg at Lansing Correctional Facility in Kansas, there are 4 officers to watch over about 100 cells. Yes, there are cameras, and only a small number allowed out at a time.
But on the Max yard at any given time there are 50 or more inmates and 2-3 CO's.
If you think, I'm going to stop 10-15 inmates from sodomizing another convict at the risk of my life as a $12-17/hour corrections officer, you must be out of your mind. I'll sound the alarm and get the rest of the CO force and "Shakedown" on the yard/in the shower room. But I wouldn't dream of wading in alone.

Makes you wonder why they don't organize the whole thing a bit better. Restrict the ability of inmates to interact, isolate and separate all of them. Criminals still have rights, even the ones on death row (though they don't have the right to life). Obviously none of them have a full suite of rights, but that doesn't mean that anything goes. I think the violence that goes on in prisons is something that needs a bit more attention.
if your in jail for ticket offences you wont get raped purely for the fact that you will be in a low security jail, with minor crime criminals.
if your in jail for ticket offences you wont get raped purely for the fact that you will be in a low security jail, with minor crime criminals.

I don't think the security level of the prison makes any difference. Maximum security, open prison, either way you're shafted.
Makes you wonder why they don't organize the whole thing a bit better. Restrict the ability of inmates to interact, isolate and separate all of them.
This might eliminate the products of the system issue as well. If they aren't able to learn new criminal skills from other inmates then when they get out they are still only limited to what they know, which the cops are now aware of and can look for, or to finding a legitimate job.
Actually, I'd be more afraid of being beaten to death or "shanked" personally.
I was listening to some inmates talking about getting a hold of Scott Peterson.
They didn't want to rape him they wanted to shank him with a #2 pencil, and "break it off inside of him".

Thats exactly what I saw on a recent documentary on San Quentin.
I don't think the security level of the prison makes any difference. Maximum security, open prison, either way you're shafted.
There's different levels of security at each type of prison; way at the top of the scale, you have your "super maximum security" prisons and then at the bottom, your "country clubs". At that bottom end of the scale, there's conjugal visits, phone calls, request weekend off if you appear in front of a judge...and you could pretty much leave and nobody would care or shoot at you in that moment. But a warrant would be issued, so you'd have to do more time, in a stricter prison, when you get captured or caught breaking the law.

There's jails desighned to hold prisoners for only a year, for a few months, etc, so the prisoners are usually divided apart. I doubt too much hanky panky occurs in those type of places. But for the hardened criminals, those that have to go away for 5+ years, they get tougher prisons, and they're more likely to encounter detainees that will do whatever they please for power.
This isn't surprising. You can say they're in jail for bad crimes, but what for? These guys still get TV, play sports, excercise, and other crap. Prisons these days don't seem as tough as they used to be.

The rape probably happens because if you snitch, you just provoke your "pimp" to do it again. The guards probably don't care too much either, and just "let it slip".
Criminals still have rights, even the ones on death row (though they don't have the right to life). Obviously none of them have a full suite of rights, but that doesn't mean that anything goes. I think the violence that goes on in prisons is something that needs a bit more attention.

But who accords them those rights? The Society upon which they chose to turn their back when they ceased to play by its rules? I don't really feel inclined to support "rights" for prisoners, because our normal civil rights are built upon the foundation of normal civil behaviour. This affords you some freedoms and denies you others. You should not be able to pick and choose which ones you want to adopt.

I don't believe that a criminal should be able to cry foul when mistreated in prison, because they have (circumventing the issue of miscarriage of justice) relinquished their eligibility for societal protection.

And I certainly wouldn't be in favour of increasing investment in the prison system to try to defend whatever rights we choose to give prisoners. They have it entirely too easy as it is, and it upsets me deeply that my tax revenues go to pay for these ill-behaved layabouts.
I don't think the security level of the prison makes any difference. Maximum security, open prison, either way you're shafted.

The chances of getting ass buggered in open prison jails are next to none.