Prisoners right to vote

  • Thread starter DGB454
Originally posted by Mike Rotch
I wasnt aware that I was supposed to feel pity for someone who has raped a woman or killed someone for their car. One makes their bed, and then sleeps in it.

I like the Arab justice system (to a degree). Stealing = cut off hand. Rape = lashes. Murder = death sentence. Thats the way it should be.

yea...that's the way it should be :D...i thot rape had a worse punishment. o well.

but yea, those same conditions apply to people who were thrown in prison for less severe offenses as well - money laundering, drug dealing, getting in a fight for whatever reason, being muslim, etc, etc.
Originally posted by Mike Rotch
I wasnt aware that I was supposed to feel pity for someone who has raped a woman or killed someone for their car. One makes their bed, and then sleeps in it.

Nobody asked you to feel pity for anyone. Mile said that people were tortured in prison thousands of years ago, and I said that being locked in a cage is torture.
I got arrested about eleven years ago on my way home from work for driving on expired plates and having a warrant out on me for not showing up in traffic court. I got pulled over and they took me in. I slept in a local police station cell on a sheet-metal bed with no pillow and a crappy blanket, which I used as a pillow, so I froze. The next morning they took me to the county courthouse and locked me up in holding cell with about twenty other people who had been arrested the night before. Many of them were still drunk. Many of them stunk, bad. The toilet was a hole in the floor in the corner, where a couple of the drunk guys puked. The door to the cell was plexiglass with a small gap at the bottom. Ventilation was terrible and it smelled so bad. I stood in that cell for six hours (only place to sit was the floor and that wasn't going to happen). Eventually it was my turn to go before the bond judge. When he saw I'd never been arrested before he rolled his eyes and told me to go home. I took a bus back to my car, ate a hotdog, and went directly back to work.

From that 19 hour experience I can say that prison is most certainly torture, but a psychologocal kind. You feel very low, worthless. I knew after that, but only in a hypothetical sense, of course, that if I was ever sentenced to a prison term I'd kill myself. I can't see why anyone would choose life in prison over the death penalty. I'd much rather get strapped in for the big sleep than live out my days in a hell-hole like a prison. And I can see why so many released inmates come out more screwed up than when they went in.
No, the point of prison is to rehabilitate

Nope. The point of prison is more than rehabilitation. Otherwise there would be no such thing as a life sentence without parole. Or the death sentence.

The point of prison is incarceration. Whether or not a judge feels that a person being incarcerated can be rehabilitated with affect sentencing only. But prison is also for those who cannot be rehabilitated.
they committed a crime, but that doesnt mean you should deprive a person of his rights....

Um hello???!!!

You can't have rights in a civil society if you can't respect others' rights.

should you take away his right to a fair trial...

Innocent until proven guilty??? Jesus Christ.
Can you prove that it wasn't the sole reason it was invented?

Logical flaw. You have to establish evidence to introduce new facts. In this case the fact being introduced is the reasoning behind the creation of prison.

Your theory for why prison was invented is entirely made up in your own mind and seems to ignore our entire legal system.
I've always had a problem with murderers ever having freedom again. It doesn't seem fair that one who permanantly took away a life and caused a lifetime of suffering for the victim's survivors would ever be permitted to have rights again. Some crimes are worse, especially those where the damage done cannot be corrected or reversed.

What kind of murderer? The crime of passion murderer husband who catches his wife with another man? The negligent murderer who accidently killed someone.

If my wife served me some food that she knew I was allergic too but forgot or something and it killed me, I would hate to have her go to prison (let alone never be free again).

My point is that some murders are different from others. Some of them deserve the death sentence, others I think deserve another shot at life 20 years later.
I was speaking of premeditated murder. Crimes of passion? Hm. So they didn't really mean it. That's why we're taught to control our anger from kindergarden on. I don't think murderous rage is any more excusable than the premeditated type. I also do not buy insanity pleas in most cases I've heard of.
Originally posted by danoff
Innocent until proven guilty??? Jesus Christ.

not if ur one case, a judge sentenced revoked a man's bail and put him in prison for 11 years after saying "this will teach you muslims a lesson." that's a story of the life of a friend of a family friend...the man did do something but the maximum sentence for that is supposed to be like a year or 2 - not 11
Originally posted by emad
not if ur one case, a judge sentenced revoked a man's bail and put him in prison for 11 years after saying "this will teach you muslims a lesson." that's a story of the life of a friend of a family friend...the man did do something but the maximum sentence for that is supposed to be like a year or 2 - not 11

What country did this occur in?
Originally posted by danoff
Jesus Christ.


Originally posted by milefile
What country did this occur in?

usa, lawyers will turn the guy down now because of what the judge said. he's already broke so even if he finds a lawyer, he's still screwed
You do realize the term "maximum sentence" means exactly that - The maximum sentence that it is possible to give someone. Even if the judge wanted to sentence someone longer than that, it's not possible.

So, therefore, I call BS on that.
Originally posted by Ghost C
So wait, they were imprisoned for their beliefs, but if they changed them, they were let go...Correct? Would that not be a form of twisted and unusual rehabilitation?

I rest my case.

if you count being thown to the Lions or having to fight each other till one or both were dead..then yes, they were let go....
Originally posted by emad
usa, lawyers will turn the guy down now because of what the judge said. he's already broke so even if he finds a lawyer, he's still screwed
That's hard to buy because judges don't arbitrarily set prison terms. They have to follow rules.