Went into Arcade mode to compare the two different Prius models. Ran the '02 in 24:30-something, consumed only .056 gallons of gas. I must say, the climb up to Hohe Acht was excruciating! (Perhaps not as much as the Daimler Patent Wagen. . .
) Then ran the '03, and found that it will not discharge the battery as far without a forced engine start. I passed the '02's consumption just a bit after Bergwerk, so I gave it up on the '03.
Then I tried another comparison, running the ring at highway speeds, not racing, not looking for max mileage. I wondered how they would do if I just tried to hold around 60 to 70 miles per hour, as I would do driving around my local county highways (those that are paved, at least).
The '03 was up first, because that's the one I was already in. Lap time was 12:03 and change, consumption was .395 gallons. Then the '02: lap time 12:05, indicating reasonable consistency with the speed, and the consumption was .392 gallons. A difference of about 11 cc's. Count around 100 drops of water out of an eyedropper. Not a significant difference after a nearly 14-mile drive, I would say. Works out to almost 35 miles per gallon, not quite what I would have hoped for from all this techno-babble going on in the car.
On the other hand, my .056-gallon run, which took almost exactly twice as long, works out to almost 235 miles per gallon! Of course, that doesn't count the energy it would take to recharge the depleted battery.
My conclusion is that yes, the Prius can be made to do one lap in an ultra-fuel-efficient manner, if you ignore watt-hours and count gasoline as your only fuel. That's kind of like taking an electric car, dropping a gasoline engine into it, and saying "Hey, look how efficient! It doesn't drain the battery near as much now!"
Overall, it isn't that much better than a normal car, based on my "real-world" simulated test in my living room.