Privacy: Laws, practises, opinions at large

Google admits vacuming unsecured Wi-Fi data - Link to article
via Mercury News
For the past four years, Google has been reaching into unprotected Wi-Fi networks in homes and businesses in more than 30 countries and retaining data about people's online activities, a practice that the company said Friday was inadvertent and has been stopped.

Google said it had accumulated about 600 gigabytes of data — roughly equivalent to 300 million printed pages — transmitted over public Wi-Fi networks.

"The engineering team at Google works hard to earn your trust — and we are acutely aware that we failed badly here," Alan Eustace, Google's senior vice president for engineering and research, wrote in a posting to Google's office blog Friday afternoon.

Google said the data collection was the result of a piece of computer code written by a single engineer in an experimental Wi-Fi program in 2006 that was inadvertently used for the Street View program. The company collects data on Wi-Fi networks for the principal purpose of providing locational information to geographic services such as Google Maps.

Google said it would delete the data as quickly as possible, and promised to enlist an independent "third party" — perhaps a government agency or other independent group — to review the circumstances behind the breach. But the admission provoked concerns from some privacy advocates.

"Here they are just out and out snooping in neighborhoods and spying on people," said John Simpson of Consumer Watchdog, a frequent Google critic who questioned whether Google violated wiretapping laws.

"With a database of MAC addresses, you can tie communications back to a certain location and in the process make anonymity on the Web harder and harder to achieve," said Chris Hoofnagle, a privacy expert at the UC Berkeley law school.

Well now. First that Google Buzz debacle, then numerous Facebook headlines (some as late as this past week - the results of a quick "privacy" search on tumblr reveals about half Facebook-related results), and now this.

All the while, lobbying groups are petitioning governments worldwide to monitor torrent traffic for copyright infringement - whose privacy is whose?
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Google admits vacuming unsecured Wi-Fi data - Link to article

Well now. First that Google Buzz debacle, then numerous Facebook headlines (some as late as this past week - the results of a quick "privacy" search on tumblr reveals about half Facebook-related results), and now this.

All the while, lobbying groups are petitioning governments worldwide to monitor torrent traffic for copyright infringement - whose privacy is whose?

Stories like this need to be noticed by more people before the slippery slope gets steeper.
At least they admitted that they screwed up. That practice went against their typical view of open private internet.
At least they admitted that they screwed up. That practice went against their typical view of open private internet.

That and people should, you know, start securing their networks considering Wi-Fi is hardly a new thing at this point.

But I agree, Google was in error here and they have admitted to it. Sounds like they weren't even entirely aware of it, which I could see being the case given how much data their company does handle.
A couple of interesting little Facebook tools

Privacy Scanner
This one is a privacy "bookmarklet". Basically, you take the "Scan for privacy" icon on the website's page, and drop it into your bookmark bar as you would a normal URL you wish to bookmark.

Then, visit your homepage on Facebook. Once there, simply click on the bookmarklet and it will scan your profile for any "privacy leaks", or information that you otherwise haven't made private.


Status Finder
This one does quite the opposite. It's called "Openbook", and it's a search engine of status updates that match certain keywords you've entered. I put in "rectal exam" and was flooded with a list of results pertaining entirely to actual public (non-private) status updates which mention "rectal exam".
International Privacy Index:

Click Image for interactive map


1 Greece 3.1
2 Canada 2.9
2 Romania 2.9
2 Hungary 2.9
5 Argentina 2.8
5 Slovenia 2.8
5 Portugal 2.8
5 Luxembourg 2.8
5 Germany 2.8
5 Italy 2.8
5 Estonia 2.8
12 Iceland 2.7
40 USA 1.5
43 UK 1.3

Quite an interesting little piece.
Canada is second best? I suppose publicity-shy celebrities would love Canada then.

EDIT: I just noticed that privacy is better protected in Ireland than in Britain! :D
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Justin, move to the UK already. You sound like you'd fit right in.

This is America. The land of the free. that made me laugh sooo hard, you can't say **** on tv or here, when janet show off her boobs, everyone goes crazy. You are not free. they give you an illusion of being free with sugar (fast food) and games (cars). And blaming the rest of the world is just lame. Sure like every country, all countries voted laws that are stupid. But that are politicians and those are people and people no matter where they come from or where they live can be stupid. Sorry but it is america that wanted to look in all transaction made worldwide with the swift codes!! Thank god our parlement denied that. And i'm not stating here that we are more free than others. Freedom is more and more an illusion given by the gouverments and we the people need to watch out to not become subjects to the goverment and companies

Life has risks, and we have certainly progressed in minimizing them, but if you continue to restrict people in order to protect them, you will just crush individuality and, ultimately, human nature.
That is sooo true, we are people which have normally an accaptable level of education, and so we don't need to be taken by the hand by the gouverment for every step in life. but ... follow above

Of course, this goes with the mindset I see more and more, where people think the government should regulate more. I know people that think smoking should be illegal for almost all intents because it is just harmful to the person. Or drinking. Or junk food, etc. Of course, we could just let Utah run the Union if we wanted that.
We need the gouverment to have laws for at least a lot of things if we the people are beginng to behave like little pigs. Exemple: Sure smoking is a personnal thing and should not be regulated. But smoking in a restaurant is a different thing. But now banning categoricly cigarrettes from all restaurants is not the right way either, with no way of subrogation.

I think that some regulations/ laws are good. but often the gouverment is corrupted in either way. their are lobbiests, rating aganecy, arms dealer for 3rd world countries, these should all be banned on a mirror(in a different reality; superman ?) and shot into space. It's not normal that a rating agancy which has an economical purpose can choose over the destiny of hole countries and companies. Because it has an economical purpose it has interest what an certain event plays out on a/or b which they can maniplute. It's like the agancies for the legalisation of medicamentation. 80% of the income those agencies have come from pharma-companies. Wonder Wonder?!?!

On privacy matter, i think also we are being watched more thanwe know and like. And that by gouverments and companies.
Did you know that googles saves your researches even if you don't have an account from google (started march 2009)
Google problem like above with wi-fi collection 8and they took also some private info onf the networks (mac, ip , ips,...)
Did you know that google's Os smartphones (before os2.1) you needed an google account. So they had the right to collect all data including gps. And nowadays everyone has always his smartphone on him and always turned on. (i love technology, but i hate social networks and cell phone, not for what they are but what people made out of them: replacment for normal social interaction)
Did you know that your beloved ps3 and xbox has an quite important data flow during night when it is on stand-by?

So that some gouverment try to regulate what a company can know about you is very important. (Having worked in a marketing ets, i know what is collect aside from the legal side and it's scary). Customers fidelity cards are a good think you think?? Think about it a moment which data you give some people.

As for the body scanners, i have no problem with showing my mister roundtree (2.5 men) but the problem is that everybody needs to pass through (general supection (is that said right) which is illegal for a gouverment). And my biggest problem with Bodyscanners is healty concerns. The same way as it is with laser cop speedometers. we need to take unnessesaryradition and waves all day that can't be good. (a researcher on that theme will agree on that, because on gentetics level, you even can see the irradiation from tshernobil on new born around the whole world today (in the gens). That's the concern i got. Show Dick Bush to the people is no problem they are used to it.

But heay, nowadays companies don't really need to collect anymore. With the whole word putting their life live on the internet like myface and that with no right futhermore (facebook is owner of the ip of all photos posted on their site. Nice to know, maybe you see yourself soon in a porn / dating ad!)

It's not too late, but with all the technologies nowaday, we all need to stay sharp and shoud out loud if something strange happens. Like what happens with google's streetview here in europe (it's getting sued all 3 weeks). Would it not be normal that everyhouse is blak on beginning and google ask the people whether ornot they want their house shown. i bet 90% would deny the request. and the post with the photos are taken on public propriety is true, but goole earth (as bing's) show places that are not accessible from pubic spots and even unseeable. that is more questionning to me.
NB I will revoque google street view.

Sorry for the lenght guys, when wou gone wou gone

thank you those who read through.
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We need the gouverment to have laws for at least a lot of things if we the people are beginng to behave like little pigs. Exemple: Sure smoking is a personnal thing and should not be regulated. But smoking in a restaurant is a different thing. But now banning categoricly cigarrettes from all restaurants is not the right way either, with no way of subrogation.


I did read that first part about the smoking thing. Before I begin, I don't smoke, have never smoked, and will never smoke ever. That being said, the Government can 🤬 off for that one. If a restaurant wants to allow smoking in their own building, that should be their right. If you don't like smoking in a restaurant, don't go in. That's how free market economies work.

What? Honestly, I am not sure what you are trying to say, or what point you are trying to make? I read most of what you typed, and I can't follow any actual point to it at all... Are you pro strong government and regulations, or anti?

And a lot of the information you posted is some what dated, such as the Facebook policy that was adjusted due to all the outrage over it, etc.