Prize cars

Which game had the best prize car system?

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This is just a discussion on prize cars and which prize car systems you prefer.
IMO GT4's prize car system was the best, since it's one car per event, so there are very few purchasable prize cars or prize cars that are one in more than one place. GT1 and 2's are close seconds. GT3 and GT5's are complete disasters, GT3 because most prize cars are one in more than one event, and that stupid carousel, GT5 because most of them are purchasable and many don't fit the event.
I say GT4, but I'm not voting because this is all you ever seem to complain about, Meech. I mean honestly, does it ever cross your mind to just accept the game? Not trying to be an ass but I've seen these so many times before.
I like GT2's the best. It was nice receiving a car just for doing one race as opposed to only getting it once you complete the whole event. And this could be repeated as much as you want.
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GT4 for sure. You also could reset the cup so you could win the car again (and sell it if you wished).
GT4's was nice for money-mining with that one Special event on Costa di Amalfi. That coastal track that gave the 250k car.

But then again, in exchange for not giving us the ability to rewin cars, GT5 does have better cash payouts. That same 250k can be gotten in a little under 10 minutes doing the American Championship up at level 23.

I prefer the GT5 method, but the only problem is that there's just too few events. We're talking a total of 54 events total, and you only unlock them every 5 levels. If they had more events - just something that added plenty of variety, that would be nice.

Heck, having the seasonal events give a related car prize once you complete them all would be nice (EX: Beating all 5 Lamborghini events would reward you with the NOMAD Diablo race car).
I'm not sure if it is the same with gt4, but in gt3 the prize cars for endurance races were done wheel-of-fortune style. Usually one of the four was an f1 car :sly:
GT3 was nice because you could receive one of four different cars for an event.

The problem with that is when you wanted one specific one. Especially when you consider that most of those specific ones were only available after an Endurance Race, which means if you missed, you had to do it AGAIN. While it does give an excuse to repeat an event, it's a badly forced one.
I hate it when I receive cars like the useless Dome-Dome concept with only 200 horsepower and a good second hand one costs half a million!! AAAAARGH! Also I love my Lancia strotos but I think for 5 mill I would much prefer the FGT.
I like GT2's the best. It was nice receiving a car just for doing one race as opposed to only getting it once you complete the whole event. And this could be repeated as much as you want.

This is the reason why I voted for GT2 as well. The prize car system in GT4 is all well and good, but I just like receiving a prize car after winning each race.