- 747
- Georgia
- mlbguy4life
anybody done any practice yet?
when you finish your rig, post a pic, id like to see it.Not yet. Im in the process of finishing and painting the new rig so I wont have time until around the 10th or so
okIf it's every Tuesday. I should be able to make it. Unless something dramatic happens.I will confirm in the coming days if I could join.
good point...i will think of something, but that is a good idea.If i may suggest, dont just add someone to the roster just because they say they want to join. Be more in depth with the joining process, whether it be checking their history on this site, or maybe verifying their racecraft first hand, something. Alot of the roster from the other leagues were simply impulse posts, from which nothing was seen or heard from again, effectivly filling up spots with them not showing up.
sorry for the delay, but ill run some laps tonight if you want...anyone interested in running some laps tonight?
I've been way focused on snail, so tonight will be my 1st laps. Ran the car for 4-5 weeks on spa there and I'm fairly versed in Sarthe, so I'm not worried.I'll be there. What are ppl getting for lap times? My best so far is 4:21.123
Good race tonight guys, had fun...
Ill get the results posted up tomorrow