I also have the same problem. So far, it happened few times. From my experience, it happened after I turn the wheel or hit a wall while turning the wheel then press "start" and "try again". It only happens about 3-4 times, so it seems minor to me.
However, this other problem that happened today is unacceptable.
This is my story. I bought gt4p from ncsx. I ordered a japanese one because i read some japanese. they sent me the chinese one. I played it for a few days with the controller then I realized that the new wheel was out. So I got the wheel. Before I got the wheel, I got gold licenses all the way to the middle of the third set (I think it's blue, not sure). Then I decide that I would return the game and get the japanese version just in case they have special bonus if I use the safe for gt4.
Anyways. So I got the japanese one today. I played it, with the wheel. I could not get gold in the first few license. It should not be that hard since I already did it once. So this is what I've found out.
GT force pro only do about 98% accelaration and brake!!!
I'm calling logitech tomorrow.
Can someone check if the same thing happen to yours?
The easiest way to check is to do the purple license that has ai car then look at the replay and compare the green accelaration bar with the ai car. Maybe you can check with the arcade mode too but i'm not sure if other ai cars in arcade actually drive with full accelaration.