Project CARS 2, Forza 7, GT Sport - General Discussion

  • Thread starter crowhop
As in I have now completed this now I can drive that next class....
All those cars should be available in a solo mode, but progression in a career is the carreer. Without that carreer is just an unorganised string of slolochallenges.
Not that this is not fun, it just isn't a carreer as a carreer is trying to progress to be better.

But you can do all of this in PCARS 1 already. As soon as you choose a lower tier as starting point, all the other series are locked.
But you can do all of this in PCARS 1 already. As soon as you choose a lower tier as starting point, all the other series are locked.

Yes I know, but it's 'hidden' behind the not so handy menu's. Take dtm on ps2 for example you could clearly see if I complete this I can continue to that. Due to the calender lay out it just doesn't come accros the same way in pc1.

Again I realise it's there. But I also realise not everyone can see it because of the lay out they've chosen.
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For those people motivated by rewards, we have lots of trophies, achievement, accolades, congratulations speech and things like this.

We prefer to leave unlocked vehicles/tracks. Our opinion: "You bought the game, now go race what you want, where you want, how you want." We feel the rewards should be a genuine motivation, not a kind of demotivation or frustration/grind.
forza has the car list, the laser scanned track list (suzuka anybody?) , the best car modification -engine transplants included, best car customization, humongus online community,
aaand probably the best graphics-sound too.

imo all three should/could be worth our while
Forza has always had some really nice sounds, but SMS is still my top company dating back to their hands in Shift/2. They incorporate a lot of little details that really add to their games' immersion of being on a living track.

I still get lost playing PCars1 every once and a while listening to the cars whilst hot lapping.
For those people motivated by rewards, we have lots of trophies, achievement, accolades, congratulations speech and things like this.

We prefer to leave unlocked vehicles/tracks. Our opinion: "You bought the game, now go race what you want, where you want, how you want." We feel the rewards should be a genuine motivation, not a kind of demotivation or frustration/grind.

I like this idea personally. No information on the possibility of filling the online championship exclusively with AI? Or better yet on an offline custom championship?
Real racedrivers race for an reward as well. They race to be the best, to get into the podium. They are not there for simply doing lap after lap just for the sake of it. You think Alonso is getting his satisfaction? He isn't rewarded a lot of times is he? So he loses his motivation and goes somewhere where he gets this "reward".

I understand that probably with reward you mean unlocking stuff, getting trophies and such but even if PCARS2 doesn't include such a system it is very important the player gets rewarded for his/her efforts. Podium sequences are one for example. It was implemented in D4 and it is nicely done. It gives this extra sense of satisfaction. I simply wonder how PCARS2 will "reward" the players to keep motivated. There aren't many that only get their satifaction from turning lap after lap without ever something in return.

For me, the biggest reward is the DRIVER RATING SYSTEM where the pilot of Lightight Mad Studios will have their own rating system to help clean the drivers.
how you want."

But it's hard to do that without an owner mode.

I do fully support the way things are currently set up as far as the car availability goes and the career mode is fine in PC1. But at the same time there is always room for improvement and I think an optional owner mode would be a great addition that wouldn't take anything away from those who enjoy the current setup as is.
But it's hard to do that without an owner mode.

I do fully support the way things are currently set up as far as the car availability goes and the career mode is fine in PC1. But at the same time there is always room for improvement and I think an optional owner mode would be a great addition that wouldn't take anything away from those who enjoy the current setup as is.
I wouldn't disagree with an owner mode as long as it's done well. DiRT 4 is a good example of it working well. You have the option to create your team and earn money using that to buy cars. Or you become a driver for hire. I won't expect it to happen as that's not the philosophy for the game. Unless they wanted a new headline aspect to the game that is.
But it's hard to do that without an owner mode.

I do fully support the way things are currently set up as far as the car availability goes and the career mode is fine in PC1. But at the same time there is always room for improvement and I think an optional owner mode would be a great addition that wouldn't take anything away from those who enjoy the current setup as is.
I quite like this idea, and I don't think it'd be outside the realm of possibility.

As the driver, the game already allows you to tweak the car & strategize how you plan to position yourself for a win. I'm also guessing the AI is going to be fairly strong enough to give itself a good battle. Accounting for these qualities, an owner mode could allow you the same abilities as the driver, just working on them from outside the car and experimenting with how the AI handles your car (I may be mistaken, but didn't PCars 1 also allow you to let the AI take over for you at a pit stop?). Of course, they'd have to flesh the mode out a bit more beyond just the racing & I can see how some would rather not want that time spent by SMS, but the mode could be an after thought once the core game itself of letting the players experience various machines & race intense battles has been achieved.
The way I see it, the wanting rewards from your game disappears gradually with maturity and age. The older you get the busier you get, you still like games but you don't have the time to invest on long gaming sessions that games like GT and Forza require. You end up just wanting to get to the best of the experience quickly for a quick but enjoyable session. PCARS provides that.
I think that's a pretty weak excuse. :P I probably don't even spend as much time gaming as many adults spend watching TV, but I never watch TV so all of that time is available for gaming. Everyone gets to choose how to spend their time, but for any adult who wishes they could spend more time gaming, breaking the TV-watching habit would be my first suggestion.

What maturity has brought for me is reduced patience for the hurdles of online multiplayer, subjecting my gaming time to the grace of random strangers and the quality of network connectivity. Therefore singleplayer content is important to me, and that's gameplay content -- context, engagement -- not just assets like a pile of cars and tracks.

Often enough for me, the climb from the bottom is the best part of a game. When you have everything, you need nothing. Making the most of limited resources or abilities is an engaging challenge, and growing or expanding upon your resources/abilities is fulfilling. I regularly replay old games -- racing or other -- to repeat that part of the experience.
I think that's a pretty weak excuse. :P I probably don't even spend as much time gaming as many adults spend watching TV, but I never watch TV so all of that time is available for gaming. Everyone gets to choose how to spend their time, but for any adult who wishes they could spend more time gaming, breaking the TV-watching habit would be my first suggestion.

What maturity has brought for me is reduced patience for the hurdles of online multiplayer, subjecting my gaming time to the grace of random strangers and the quality of network connectivity. Therefore singleplayer content is important to me, and that's gameplay content -- context, engagement -- not just assets like a pile of cars and tracks.

Often enough for me, the climb from the bottom is the best part of a game. When you have everything, you need nothing. Making the most of limited resources or abilities is an engaging challenge, and growing or expanding upon your resources/abilities is fulfilling. I regularly replay old games -- racing or other -- to repeat that part of the experience.
This touches on a good point and highlights why Offline content and gameplay is important. Even with the dozens of "Career Mode" options available in the first game, if it weren't for the Online League I'm in, my band of brothers, I probably wouldn't be playing Project CARS much these days. For every one of us in the League, there are another 100 guys out there wishing to be able to play it like we do. Those people have to rely on the Offline Career Mode and Time Trials to entertain them because randomly finding good Online racing, consistently, is not possible.

That is one thing GT and Forza have going for them...loads of offline gameplay options with Offline content being added via Online "dlc" (weekly races, etc). The "missions" are almost bound to be stupid and a waste of time, most will be a grind and a bore, but at least there is something to do. There is a remarkable number of people who will do even the most menial, tedious tasks in a game just to have "completed" it. To date, GT and Forza have built games to cater to those people.
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This touches on a good point and highlights why Offline content and gameplay is important. Even with the dozens of "Career Mode" options available in the first game, if it weren't for the Online League I'm in, my band of brothers, I probably wouldn't be playing Project CARS much these days. For every one of us in the League, there are another 100 guys out there wishing to be able to play it like we do. Those people have to rely on the Offline Career Mode and Time Trials to entertain them because randomly finding good Online racing, consistently, is not possible.
I also dislike paying for online multiplayer, so I opt to stick to the free service except for special occasions to play a new game with friends. I'll play online sometimes when it's free or when I've already paid for it, but the cost on Playstation/Xbox isn't worth it for how much I tend to use it.

That is one thing GT and Forza have going for them...loads of offline gameplay options. The "missions" are almost bound to be stupid and a waste of time, most will be a grind and a bore, but at least there is something to do. There is a remarkable number of people who will do even the most menial, tedious tasks in a game just to have "completed" it. To date, GT and Forza have built games to cater to those people.
"Missions" and such things don't have to be stupid or a bore. Cone bowling or whatever in Forza, yeah, that was pointless, but I love the idea of a moon driving event. If it was more accurate than what GT did with it, that would be fascinating. The Driving Revolution mode in Enthusia was pretty creative and uniquely challenging. I don't care for the Smash Joyride events in Dirt 4, but the Time Attack ones are fun.
For those people motivated by rewards, we have lots of trophies, achievement, accolades, congratulations speech and things like this.

We prefer to leave unlocked vehicles/tracks. Our opinion: "You bought the game, now go race what you want, where you want, how you want." We feel the rewards should be a genuine motivation, not a kind of demotivation or frustration/grind.
This game is for me and people like me. I don't have a wheel, I don't have a dedicated space to play, I don't have endless time to play. What I do have, is an understanding family. :)

The reward I get, in about an hour or two, are challenging Solo races and replays after. The fantasy of driving cars and racing courses, something I used to do with slot cars and pretend driving on the couch and in the parks, when I was little, I can now enjoy at(almost) any time. That's the reward I get from all these car games. Kids don't have to sit at the side of the bed, holding their Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars, driving around pillows and waves in the sheets, like I did 40 years ago.

Bounding curbs, hearing the engine, shifting gears, seeing the tach, the environments. That's what it's all about for me. I can't thank game developers enough, except to buy the game. And this is a damn good game for me. Therapy, nirvana or bliss. I dunno, maybe all three. :sly:
Some very interesting comments here.

When I got PCars1 the first thing I did was dive into the career mode.
It was the most fun I've had in a racing game for ages. I'd come from GT where the races are always 'Start last and get to 1st in a couple of laps', so you had to drive like a maniac and literally bump the AI out of your way.

The PCars career choices were great for me. I selected 'Zero to Hero' and started in the karts. I had race length on 100% and I was pleasantly surprised at the length of the races. With penalties and damage on, I had to be careful while racing and this was really exciting and immersive.
As I made my way into the lower GT class and started unlocking invitational events I got more excited at what would come next.

Morning races, dusk races, varying weather all made me keep on going to see what was coming up.

I also got into online racing with a league from the beginning so I never went into public rooms, and that made online racing great.

Personally, I can't wait to see what the PCars2 career has in store for me.
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Some very interesting comments here.

When I got PCars1 the first thing I did was dive into the career mode.
It was the most fun I've had in a racing game for ages. I'd come from GT where the races are always 'Start last and get to 1st in a couple of laps', so you had to drive like a maniac and literally bump the AI out of your way.

The PCars career choices were great for me. I selected 'Zero to Hero' and started in the karts. I had race length on 100% and I was pleasantly surprised at the length of the races. With penalties and damage on, I had to be careful while racing and this was really exciting and immersive.
As I made my way into the lower GT class and started unlocking invitational events I got more excited at what would come next.

Morning races, dusk races, varying weather all made me keep on going to see what was coming up.

I also got into online racing with a league from the beginning so I never went into public rooms, and that made online racing great.

Personally, I can't wait to see what the PCars2 career has in store for me.
The length of the races, along with the complete race weekends, while competing against competent AI were probably the things that made me most giddy when I first got the game. Such a stark contrast from what we grew accustomed to in Gran Turismo. The fact that these basic, fundamental aspects of racing are still not implemented into mainstream racing games is baffling to me.
"Missions" and such things don't have to be stupid or a bore. Cone bowling or whatever in Forza, yeah, that was pointless, but I love the idea of a moon driving event. If it was more accurate than what GT did with it, that would be fascinating. The Driving Revolution mode in Enthusia was pretty creative and uniquely challenging. I don't care for the Smash Joyride events in Dirt 4, but the Time Attack ones are fun.
This is my opinion, of course, but for me GT and Forza are both "task based". IE, complete this race, win this car or game money. Rinse, repeat. Those missions can be a challenge, they can be difficult, but for me they were rarely if ever fun or rewarding. It was the constant cycle of doing something to get something to do something else. The "fun" became being able to buy and tune every car and race any race. But the races themselves weren't all that compelling or repeatable for me (with the exception being the 4 Hours of Nurburgring in GT5). I adore Project CARS for not being that type of game.
This is my opinion, of course, but for me GT and Forza are both "task based". IE, complete this race, win this car or game money. Rinse, repeat. Those missions can be a challenge, they can be difficult, but for me they were rarely if ever fun or rewarding. It was the constant cycle of doing something to get something to do something else. The "fun" became being able to buy and tune every car and race any race. But the races themselves weren't all that compelling or repeatable for me (with the exception being the 4 Hours of Nurburgring in GT5). I adore Project CARS for not being that type of game.
Some challenges I liked in Gran Turismo:

- the licence test in GT2, using the Toyota GT-ONE

- BTCC races in GT2

- Licence test using the McLaren F1 Long tail in GT4

- 2H45minute Prototype race at Sonoma in GT4(which I'll be able to replicate in PC2!)

GT was fun to earn Cr. and then buy the Advan RM, for my Civic 4-door. They've gone away from that level of detail. For a allows players to replicate any livery. However, PC1 liveries look so authentic, I don't miss a livery editor. These guys are just too creative. The replica JPS liveries are my favorite.

Outside if cars & tracks, there is practically no wanting for details in PC2.
When I got PCars1 the first thing I did was dive into the career mode...

...I selected 'Zero to Hero' and started in the karts. I had race length on 100% and I was pleasantly surprised at the length of the races. With penalties and damage on, I had to be careful while racing and this was really exciting and immersive.
As I made my way into the lower GT class and started unlocking invitational events I got more excited at what would come next.
I had a similar early experience with my PCARS career. Starting off in karts and working my way up through the early seasons was fun and engaging. Those things are lively to drive, and starting out at the bottom and trying to do well to earn contracts is the sort of thing I wanted. 👍

However, the distribution of tiers, the Historic Goals, and invitationals were not quite what I had expected. It turned out that "progressing" through PCARS1's career mode meant spending the majority of my time driving anything but what I actually wanted to drive (Road D/C2/C1, Gr.A or Gr.5, HTC or TC1/TC2, GT4/GT5); ironic given the sentiment, "You bought the game, now go race what you want, where you want, how you want."

I could have ignored the Historic Goals, but the only other "things to do" depend upon collecting victories for accolades and to unlock invitationals. If you're required to win pole position, that punishes the player for challenging themselves to a fair, full-length, and full-featured race. The worn trope of "victory or nothing" in racing games is as old as the genre itself!

You might as well play Solo mode, and in Solo I had a vastly more enjoyable experience driving the older/slower and more dynamic cars on the roster, earning hard-fought finishes wherever I placed against formidable AI, randomizing the grid or half-assing my qualification laps just to tangle with the other cars. I know some people think that's perfect by know, I guess it would be if we could create custom championships. :P
The only thing that I miss (That's not in Pcars1) is the ability to swap drivers online. I hope it will be added to Pcars2. Then it will compete directly with Iracing and Rfactor2, and leave Forza7 and GT Sport in the dust. (I want it on all platforms)
The only thing that I miss (That's not in Pcars1) is the ability to swap drivers online. I hope it will be added to Pcars2. Then it will compete directly with Iracing and Rfactor2, and leave Forza7 and GT Sport in the dust. (I want it on all platforms)
In a patch. We've heard about it where @The_American said you would be able to change drivers throughout the pitstop if a mistake is made.
Finally after a long wait we have got a release date! :bowdown: 👍. This fall will surely flooded with racing games and what a year to be alive :D.

Also, the new trailer is gorgeous as usual. Seems like cars a bit more polished and Scapes looking better than before. Can't wait for the final build.

Then we get into physics. This part from official website picked my interest :

View attachment 660193

Wonder if PD is really putting their real telemetry in final build as what we know they use GTS to calculate and gaining data from Walkenhorst M6 GT3 of last year N24. Would be nice if that is true.

SMS, what are your thoughts?
SMS have always said that race cars are easy to drive, so I'm guessing they would agree.
They've also worked with manufacturers to get proper telemetry, and have used works drivers in testing.
It goes like this:

Overall graphics - forza 7, GTsport
Car sounds- PC 2, forza 7
Overall sounds- PC 2
Overall Gameplay - PC 2, forza 7
Online - forza 7, possibly PC 2
Features- all 3
Customization- forza 7, GTsport
Little Details- PC 2
Vehicle roster - forza 7, and yes PC 2
Value for money - PC 2, forza 7
Tracks - PC 2
It goes like this:

Overall graphics - forza 7, GTsport
Car sounds- PC 2, forza 7
Overall sounds- PC 2
Overall Gameplay - PC 2, forza 7
Online - forza 7, possibly PC 2
Features- all 3
Customization- forza 7, GTsport
Little Details- PC 2
Vehicle roster - forza 7, and yes PC 2
Value for money - PC 2, forza 7
Tracks - PC 2
Although it is entirely personal preference, the only major disagreement I would have with this list is the online for Gran Turismo. I've always ranked it right up there with the best of them.
I find that article about GTS being easy to drive interesting. This is the exact opposite feeling I got after playing the beta. The cars were a nightmare just trying to keep them straight on corner exit, literally having to saw at the wheel even through high speed corner exits. The throttle sensitivity was way over the top as well. Not even 25% throttle applied and the gr.3 cars were fully sideways on the softest tires.
What sets the 3 games apart for me is the track roster. Pcars2 has twice as much tracks as FM7... Which has almost twice as much as GTS. Looking at what is known so far, I m seeing only 2 tracks that I find really interesting in FM7s track list and only one in GTS (Interlagos). Even though I thoroughly dislike some of pcars fictional tracks (namely, the highway tracks and most of the kart tracks), unless the remaining circuits to be announced in FM7 and GTS arent all amazeballs galore, I dont see them coming close to touching pcars2 on that extremely important front.
What sets the 3 games apart for me is the track roster. Pcars2 has twice as much tracks as FM7... Which has almost twice as much as GTS. Looking at what is known so far, I m seeing only 2 tracks that I find really interesting in FM7s track list and only one in GTS (Interlagos). Even though I thoroughly dislike some of pcars fictional tracks (namely, the highway tracks and most of the kart tracks), unless the remaining circuits to be announced in FM7 and GTS arent all amazeballs galore, I dont see them coming close to touching pcars2 on that extremely important front.

Well, for your information Ian Bell said that they got the license for interlagos and will bring it to the game scanned with a DLC.

I really like the kart tracks,most of them are real and one of the fictional is really the Spa Francorchamps kart track.

The two road point to point tracks are fun... The azure coast in snow? Uff will be nice with some lancer or RX cars.

For me no doubt that track list is lot superior to the GT Sport list that is mostly fictional tracks.

In track content and quality for me it's

1- pcars 2
2- forza 7
3- GT S