Not the most special shot and I'm not much of a picture-guy. But there's a story I'll share. So I had a rare hour to myself today so thought I'd do some 'testing'

Trying to find fun combos that I can jump to whenever I get play time (which ain't much with wife + 3 kids)
Fired up Dubai (International layout, one of my favorite, lots of brake zone battles, good flow not too technical) and set it to 22 LMP1/GT3 mixed AI @ 60/60 Strength/Aggression which felt realistic to me and matched my speed. I'm that blue/orange liveried Porsche 911 GT3 R in the pic. Set it for 45 mins (LMP1's did 30 laps iirc) with 10x Time accel and a 15:00 start time. Started off nice and sunny, then a dramatic purple-y/orange sunset and finally a proper dark nighttime finish (they run 24h races here). I'm using a custom tune/setup, default was bit too tight/push-y for me (that's why we labelled it "Stable" i guess

there's a LOOSE one too, maybe shoulda started with that ). Dialed in the fuel (60L left me with 1.5L for the manual cooldown lap), went more aggressive with the diff, took off some aero, balanced out the brake/radiator ducts (hint: 100% radiator at Dubai). I've been playing mainly with XB1 gamepad, works fine out-of-the-box for me but this time I wanted to really get into it so I plugged in the G27.
So I'm in this Cadi/BMW/Mercedes/Porsche/Audi/Acura train for like half the race at least (NSX is behind the hill in the shot). It was really just wonderful seeing all these different makes in this train. I know it's not unique to pC2 but damn we got like 11 GT3 models? (Jake, confirm plz). And we're like within maybe 3 seconds of each other first 15 laps or so. I'm catching them in the corners they're exiting a bit better than me. I get side-by-side on the exit and overtake but then out-brake myself and the AI professionally takes the spot back. Then like lap 10 or something the LMP1s hit the radar and blue flags start waving. I'm giving them the inside and they're for the most part passing me cleanly, we're all keeping our pace up. Couple times I see the LMP1 AI catch the GT3 opponent ahead of me in a bad spot so I take the opportunity to follow-through. It's all working lovely, only thing better are well organized league races in my experience. Couple knocks and bumps, nothing drastic, nothing race-ending. Hearing the P1's fly-by, even those fantasy Marek's and Ryno's. (I lowered the player engine audio a little and kept AI/opponent audio at 100, this helps me hear them better).
The replay on this track is mega, for my GTX1060-3GB it's at 60fps (v-synched) the whole time. The shots, follow-through, angles, blur, Depth-of-Field..very smooth and realistic. I helped the guy that worked on all these replays (even did some myself, watch the Road America replay when you get the game). He studied the replays of the real races on Youtube, really tried to match as best as we could the cameras used in real life. Getting the all the action and brakezone battles. I have the whole thing saved, will watch it all later.
This jpeg was taken right out of the game I don't even have Photoshop installed, didn't do anything except shrink it down for forum-friendliness. Again not much of a picture but a great story behind it. You guys are in for a treat...11 days?
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